Example sentences of "and not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Too often finance texts see such finance analyses as separate activities related more to individual project appraisal and not integrated into broader strategic analysis .
2 Insiders are in a privileged position ; they are under a moral duty to act responsibly , and not to profit from information which they receive but do not own .
3 Pound had noticed those qualities when , in 1915 , he had written to Henry Ware Eliot in order to explain why his son should remain in London and not return to America — his course , he said , would be smoother than Pound 's own .
4 It concludes that the loading of chlorine in the atmosphere will peak at 4.1 parts per billion by volume ( ppbv ) at the turn of the century , and not return to " safe " levels of 2 ppvb until 2060 .
5 Sometimes Finch would leave Yolande in the morning for the studio and not return for several days .
6 Eventually , when the howling had subsided and the jackals had sloped off to the forest , the dogs would come back in , or they 'd wander off into the frosty night and not return until morning .
7 Inhabitants of Pripyat , the town nearest to the reactor , were told nothing for 36 hours , and not tested for signs of radiation sickness until much later .
8 Then she would find her pride and not indulge in this kind of behaviour when it had no future .
9 Type such notes on one side of the paper and limit them to three or four sheets which can be laid out in front of you and not moved during the programme .
10 A British mercenary killed in Yugoslavia may have been murdered by a fellow soldier , and NOT killed in crossfire as first thought .
11 She must have some complaint , Alida decided , to stay in this house two and a half , three hours , and not ask for the bathroom , it is unnatural .
12 And not to lean on him too heavily .
13 In Tirgu Mures an institution for Hungarians most Hungarian professors have been retired , and not replaced by younger Hungarians .
14 This point accepted , you must still accelerate the clubhead through impact and not quit on the shot .
15 it 's just bringing downm the barriers and not hiding behind the uniform .
16 Odd-Knut , not willing to spend our money and not inspired by his attitude , declined .
17 They could n't take your man and your job and your home and not answer for it !
18 Also , the needles on the needlebed ( plus their latches ) must be in good condition with the sinker posts in an upright position and not bent at a drunken angle !
19 ‘ It was simply dropped as a hot potato and not referred to .
20 The river needs to be deep enough for the otters to swim and catch fish , the dog otter eating two or three pounds of fish every day , it needs to have thick covering of vegetation along the banks and above all , the water must be clean , fresh and not polluted in any way .
21 All these developments , in Darwin 's comprehensive species propagation argumentation , are reinforced and not rejected in further developments , consummated in mid-September , 1838 , in his Notebook D conjectures about sexual and asexual generation , more particularly about sexual buds ( or ova ) and asexual buds .
22 Before we 'd fall out over stupid things and not speak to each other for a day .
23 One man in particular er again I wo n't mention his name but anybody that went to Road School 'll know who I , I mean when I say that if you did anything wrong he 'd call you out and ask you something and if you , if you like pupils used to be a bit shy and , and not speak to him he 'd slap you across the face .
24 He should believe in her character , and not object to a past action she could not avoid .
25 You should have gone in and not waited for me . ’
26 She was 27 at the time and not residing with her parents .
27 The Histories were begun in the mid-570s and not completed until shortly before Gregory 's death ; the four books on the miracles of St Martin were started slightly earlier and the last of them was still being extended in 593 .
28 Hamer USA told me when I spoke to them that this is a custom option and not featured on the standard Sunburst models .
29 Well I , I 'm having some difficulty in keeping my remarks addressed to question A and not drifting into question B because obviously Leeds City Council and perhaps speaking for the rest of West Yorkshire 's concerned about regeneration effects .
30 Doubling in Dostoevsky , which goes back to the very beginning , to Mr Devushkin living and not living in the kitchen , which has its post-Siberian developments in the underground man 's now-you-see-me-now-you-don't ‘ flashing ’ of his consciousness , in Raskolnikov 's and Svidrigailov 's different ways of being among but not with us and Porfiry 's torture tune of ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — doubling takes on a new form in The Possessed , closer to the I/We/They/Everybody/Nobody shifts of The House of the Dead than anything else before it or to come .
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