Example sentences of "and by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1633 , one of the leading Arminians , William Laud , who had been the king 's chief religious adviser since the beginning of the reign , was appointed to succeed Abbot as Archbishop of Canterbury , and by the mid-1630s most of the other bishops ' thrones were also occupied by Arminians .
2 Commanche Run responded courageously to pressure from his jockey , and by the final furlong he and Baynoun , running equally gamely , had the race between them .
3 On the morning of the 28th the Emperor arrived at the tiny railway station accompanied by the Empress and by the 14-year-old Prince Imperial , who , like his father , was wearing military uniform , since he was destined also to go to Metz .
4 It would seem obvious that Inday was killed by the intransigence of Western banks , like Barclays ; by the harsh conditions imposed by the IMF ; by the malevolent impact of Del Monte ; and by the economic policies of successive Philippine governments .
5 International conferences could provide the vehicle for international co-operation and co-ordination , but apart from the few international conferences organized by the British Library and by the International Association of Technological University Libraries ( IATUL ) there have not been many more than a dozen , and none of these has focused on the need for international co-ordination ; although they have kindled a certain amount of international co.operation .
6 Before going on to the detailed issues , let me begin by discussing some general aspects of what we mean by a crossroads and by the international position of an economy .
7 Great strain was placed on top management by the process of centralisation , implied by nationalisation , and by the luxuriant growth of committees to develop new policies .
8 In this , the companies were aided and abetted both by the dislocating and isolating processes that impinged on the people who came to their villages and by the key agents in both pits and communities ( the buttymen and the Spencer group ) who contrived a particular mixture of deference , self-interest and non-political association in the locally-constructed significant reality of the working people .
9 This right to speak ill of the dead is justified in the interests of historians and biographers , and by the practical difficulties of subjecting deceased persons to cross-examination .
10 His son 's incarceration at the Belle Grove Asylum cost £200 per year and by the 1780s he was having to dispose of properties in London and Middlesex in order to pay for his European journeys .
11 Copper ores needed a considerable labour force to break and sort the ores , and by the 1780s the ratio of female and juvenile labour to adult males had reached 2 : 5 .
12 By the 1870s London was drawing on Berkshire and Wiltshire for its milk , by the 1880s on Somerset , and by the 1900s on Devon and Cornwall .
13 Whether it was even much of an improvement is open to question ; like many committees it was cumbersome and slow-moving and by the 1750s it had become notably disorderly and inefficient .
14 The molluscs were ultimately derived from a soft-bodied creature somewhat like the living flatworms , but the acquisition of hard parts happened very early on , low in the Cambrian of before , and by the Ordovician the important living classes were well established .
15 Our shopping and baking habits , our home record-keeping and correspondence , local and worldwide , our legal , medical and insurance affairs , our most intimate communications , could all be encompassed by our home data bank with its living connections to systems in the outside world ; and by the two-way nature of those links and the ingenuity of the ‘ hacker ’ or by pure mischance all our secrets could be opened to the world .
16 Later scientists thought that a succession of ‘ heat waves ’ arising from radioactive decay in subsurface materials , and by the gravitational collapse of the solid lithosphere , was responsible for sweating out most of the water vapour .
17 He acknowledged the interest the Zone idea had raised in Southeast Asia , indicated by the fact that ‘ representatives of the most diverse social groups advance many ideas concerning the organisational forms of translating the idea of neutrality into practice ’ , and by the regular meetings of a special ASEAN committee to formulate recommendations that could form the basis of a plan for neutralising Southeast Asia .
18 To assist him he is supported by leading and junior counsel , the Treasury solicitor or senior lawyers from his office , and by the Chief Inspector of Accidents .
19 One hundred pieces , including some older ones , have been chosen by the director of the Fukushima Prefectural Museum , Mr Mitsuhiko Hasebe and by the chief researcher of the Tokyo National Museum , Mr Kazunobu Nakanodo .
20 Mr Smith is also backed by two members of the Shadow Cabinet , Sedgefield MP Tony Blair and South Shields MP David Clark , and by the Chief Whip , Derek Foster ( Bishop Auckland ) .
21 It is the oxygen link which is broken by the enzymes in the stomachs of animals , such as sheep and cows , which can digest cellulose and by the various fungi or rots which attack wood .
22 The wartime routine was enlivened by a series of afternoon musical concerts for secondary school pupils at the Davenport Theatre ; by potato-picking at harvest time ; by Christmas work at the General Post Office ; by firewatching duties with the ARP , both at School and at Stockport High School ( the latter venue being very popular , a girls ' school and not to be confused with its short-lived 19th century boys ' predecessor ) ; and by the various fund-raising " War Weeks " : " War Weapons Week " in 1941 raised £5,729 ; " School Warships " in 1942 £5,900 ; " Wings for Victory " in 1943 £10,571 ; " Salute the Soldier " in 1944 £10,785 ; and " Thanksgiving Week " in 1945 raised £14,100 , and also won the boys an extra half-holiday .
23 Members of the European Parliament receive warning of matters that are to be discussed by the Commission and by the various pillars and councils that have been established by the treaty .
24 And while the hierarchy of the Roman Church dictated the texts which were to become the canonical New Testament , the monasteries in Egypt embraced a much more diverse body of teaching , exemplified by the Gospel of Thomas and by the other texts found at Nag Hammadi .
25 However , the inclusion of an explanation or justification of a clause may increase the chances of the clause being regarded as reasonable , both by the court and by the other party to the contract .
26 But afterward that Royall and princelie pleasure being not so much esteemed by the late King Edward the Sixt ( by reason of his minoritie ) and by the two succeeding Queenes ( by reason of their sexe ) , the lesse care of the due execucon of the forest lawes consequentlie ensued , and the keeping of the Courts of Swainmote and justice Seate i.e. , the Forest Eyre became almost totallie neglected and disused ; whereof the inhabitants of the said fforest … taking advantage , did by degrees , especiallie towards the end of the raigne of the late Queene Elizabethe , encroach upon the said fforest lawes by commoning with sheepe .
27 The idea of compulsory producer organisations is supported by individual farmers and by the two industry bodies representing producers in the Highlands and Islands and on Shetland .
28 And by the first days of May , the entire Russian line in the area was in flight .
29 On the contrary he was assured , by Mr Bloch in person and by the first of the letters dated 19 October 1984 that Twogates were not in any way challenging his right to remain in occupation of the premises … under the provisions of his existing underlease .
30 Labour won the election of October 1964 by a whisker , though the event itself was overshadowed internationally by the fall of Khrushchev in the USSR and by the first Chinese nuclear test .
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