Example sentences of "and by [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But the Hodgkin Quadrangle has added a handsome and valuable array of buildings to the college stock , and this report ends by expressing gratitude to those who have helped raise money for it , and by looking forward to the celebrations to mark its completion in the late spring of 1991 .
2 By going global before its rivals and by investing heavily in managerial expertise , IBM launched itself as the world 's biggest computer company .
3 This was borne out on the Wednesday when insurgent soldiers pressed the Soviet to issue an order — Order No. 1 — which severely circumscribed the authority of officers both by sanctioning the election of soldiers ' committees with control over weapons and by laying down that officers ' orders were to be subject to the Soviet 's approval .
4 To sum up , Henry VII had restored royal revenues to a thoroughly adequate level by exploiting traditional sources and by building up the Crown estates .
5 By bribery — all men are corruptible — and by removing permanently any so-called idealists who stand in our way .
6 In a sense , an ideal hypertext environment would emulate the way in which the human mind examines and researches information , not in a step-by-step , linear fashion , but moving in different directions and by jumping backward and forward within the information resource .
7 We get rid of flies with fly-spray and by hanging up fly-paper .
8 They had won , as they will always have to , against the odds , but they did it by capitalising on their best players , by utilising every ounce of available experience and by trying as hard as they knew how .
9 The soil is very fruitful ; there are corn , cattle and horseflesh in abundance ; and by sending away to Hampshire all the inhabitants not required in the fields one could have held out there several months .
10 The goods always cost more than the mere monetary price ; and it is the object of the system to externalise these costs , by passing them on to the poor or to the impaired resource-base of the earth , and by inviting even the rich to live in collusive dissociation from the costs they , too , must pay .
11 But she did keep abreast of fashion eddies , for example by subscribing to the fashion trends and information service , Infovogue , and by reading as many magazines as she could discover .
12 We have simplified the competitive situation to a considerable extent , and by choosing largely family-owned businesses have managed to avoid questions of ownership .
13 We did it by being competent , ultra competitive , flexible and by taking fast , but informed management decisions and action .
14 ‘ The old mere needed deepening and by taking away more than 400 wagon loads of mud the average depth has gone from two to five feet , ’ he said .
15 It has demonstrated its concern in three main ways : by aiding parents in their job of child-rearing through the provision of services such as maternity and child welfare , schooling , etc. ; by taking care directly of children who have no parents ; and by taking over the care of children whose parents are not providing properly for their physical and emotional well-being .
16 Before 1962 he had attempted to modify it through at least five distinct initiatives : by sponsoring a political confederation of Western European states ; by proposing a restructuring of NATO ; by fostering a special relationship with the Federal Republic of Germany ; by decolonizing and establishing new connections with Third World nations ; and by pushing ahead with the development of France 's nuclear weapons programme .
17 It is generally supposed that while Paisley , Beattie , Foster , and such people wish to maintain the evangelical ethos , the younger generation of Peter Robinson , Jim Wells , Jim Allister , and others recruited through the Queen 's University branch of the DUP want to create a mass popular party by playing down the evangelical elements in the party platform and by pursuing more respectable methods of political action .
18 The evidence to date is that DHAs and independent sector employers are taking Derek Dean 's predictions seriously , and are preparing to defuse the demographic time bomb by revamping their image to attract the attention of potential returners , and by setting up re-entry schemes which will help to instil confidence in staff who feel nervous about coping with new and demanding roles .
19 Basically the policy protected farmers by guaranteeing a price for their products and by setting up barriers against imports .
20 The Singapore government retaliated by instructing Singapore companies to delist in Malaysia and by setting up its over-the-counter market in Malaysian shares .
21 Unfortunately for Froggy the outsider romped in , the unexpected bonus of nearly £100 led to ‘ just one drink ’ to celebrate , and by throwing out time that night all the money had gone and Froggy was legless .
22 He said the yard 's remaining 1,800 jobs and more than 4,000 in companies which supply Swan Hunter were very much in danger and called on the Government to guarantee the remaining jobs by allowing the yard to complete the three frigates and by bringing forward future MoD orders .
23 He does this by making the labour process , and the shift from Fordism to neo-Fordism , more central to his analysis and by bringing in social and political forces at every stage .
24 In 1604 James I of England published his famous Counterlaste to Tobacco in which he made what was probably the earliest statement on the effects of smoling on gastric secretion : ‘ … and by causing over quick digestion , fill the stomach full of crudites . ’
25 In addition , the research involves an appraisal of current inner-city policies by analysing the prevailing assumptions and presuppositions about street life in such policies ( particularly as regards youth provision ) , and by drawing out implications for policy from the research findings on street life as such .
26 In the UK the only practical , and politically acceptable , way of creating such ‘ wilderness areas , , would be by freehold purchase ( e.g. by NCC or NT ) involving buying out any existing tenancies or rights and by fencing out the whole unit .
27 In the UK the only practical , and politically acceptable , way of creating such ‘ wilderness areas ’ would be by freehold purchase ( e.g. by NCC or NT ) involving buying out any existing tenancies or rights and by fencing out the whole unit .
28 And by using either lean-burn combustion systems ( where fuel burns in an excess of air ) or an exhaust catalyst , very low emissions of toxic gases are possible .
29 Like other oil companies , Shell is under pressure to trim costs and by cutting back its contribution to the exploration drilling costs it will have saved £3 million .
30 Thus the existence of coalition served to divide the collective leadership by separating those who had power and influence from those who did not , by separating the senior men from their junior colleagues and by cutting off those under the Prime Minister 's influence from the rest .
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