Example sentences of "and at [adj] point " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Goodness of fit ’ is measured by matching the spectral characteristics of each segment to the templates in the graph , and at each point marking the template with the highest acoustic match probability .
2 When Ramsey came to read the book himself , later in life , he was astonished , and at one point burst out laughing , to discover what irrational expressions he could use .
3 And at one point , showing how the books were formed into the New Testament by the early Church , the report expressed the belief that God gave the early Church its three gifts of ordering of the New Testament , creeds like the apostles ' creed , and the ministry of bishops in their succession from the apostles .
4 And at one point in the conversation they touched on the kind of people who ought to become bishops .
5 She has a tendency to hug herself tightly when grappling with a question , and at one point , when I asked her how she saw herself in the future , grown up and faced with decisions about her own children , she panicked for an instant and had to be consoled by the female interpreter .
6 He did n't want to exacerbate what he saw as an existing weakness of his own in that respect , and although he was not censorious of other people , I think he was genuinely quite frightened of it , and at one point in the Arts Lab , when there was quite a lot of speed pills , amphetamines , going around amongst the young people there , he did speak out very strongly one evening against it , saying that he personally did not want anything like that around anything he was closely involved with because he felt that it was not a good thing for people to be speeding and it created the sort of vibes that might end up causing problems .
7 ‘ It kept coming through the sun roof and at one point I heard the roof caving in , ’ he said from his hospital bed .
8 They heard firing from time to time and at one point were challenged .
9 One of those walks stretches alongside the estuary , and at one point it is possible to look back to the solidity and placidity of the harbour and out , across Doom Bar , to an unpredictable sea .
10 Finding a permanent bassist proved difficult and at one point Gedge almost wrapped up the group completely .
11 Small stones , sticking to the rim , became dislodged and at one point were tumbling down the curve as quickly as the wheel was rising , giving the appearance of effervescence .
12 I have seen carp humping the surface over the top of this ledge and even leaping clear of the water on occasions , and at one point along the bottom of the shelf a dense mudcloud was invariably evident .
13 It 's not that Binbrook was such an important station to warrant all this staff , but as the size of the RAF contracted more and more , Waafs were posted there from the closing satellite stations and at one point there were twelve of us .
14 But as the pressure increased the princess cracked and at one point is said to have told her solicitor : ‘ I ca n't stand anymore . ’
15 He had a sense of inadequacy and at one point almost applied to colleges in order to get some qualifications .
16 Constanze , then four or five months pregnant , was also in a wretched state , and at one point Mozart feared for her life .
17 The difficulties of constructing the road ( and even more so the railway ) are plain to see : much had to be cut out of the living rock , netted to arrest stonefalls , and at one point both pass through a tunnel .
18 The great depression of the 1930s during which unemployment never fell below nine per cent and at one point exceeded twenty-two per cent , meant that a large section of the population was dependent on insurance and assistance benefits .
19 Diana was continually sick and at one point Mr Pinker and his fellow doctors considered performing an emergency caesarian operation .
20 We were in a sort of back room , and at one point we gave a particularly loud whoop at a particularly long word and a waiter looked in to see if we were calling for anything and then went away .
21 I took sips of my wine and carried on with the supper , and at one point I went across to the bookcase and idly picked up a petal that was lying there .
22 During the first big fight with RoboCop — which involved a stuntman , of course , and at one point a tiny puppet of RoboCop — the action is so fast and furious that details hardly register .
23 The loamy bat-dung crawled with poisonous six-inch millipedes , and at one point we automatically prostrated ourselves amongst them as a horde of disturbed bats swept towards us to escape .
24 It had employer approval as a means of supplying efficient seamen and appeared to be run by boarding house keepers in the employer interest , though it conducted at least one successful strike and at one point attempted to extend its influence by sending a delegate to Southampton .
25 I have never lived any nearer than a mile from a public bus and at one point it would be maybe two and a half miles from that bus , so my children , well my children are grown up now , but my children got nowhere or did nothing if I did n't drive nobody delivers the shopping nobody goes
26 She made me coffee , gave me hugs , and at one point I fell asleep , and was at peace for a while , and woke up sprawled on the floor , my head on her lap , one gentle hand stroking my head .
27 Thornton was also an important lender to the British government , and at one point reputedly the largest holder of consols .
28 Within the convent he faced a group of unruly , ill-disciplined monks ; his tenants at Sandwich were ousted from their houses , and at one point the citizens of Canterbury rose in revolt and threatened to blockade the monks .
29 Both men were making angry gestures and at one point Fernand brandished the crowbar under Gebrec 's nose before flinging it to the ground in a melodramatic gesture of apparent capitulation .
30 He watched closely as she selected every garment , and at one point he took a dress from her , replacing it with another .
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