Example sentences of "and of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was a medium of the grand form and of the surface , whether polychrome or monochrome ; it was not a positive medium of the middle forms , like oak , or even usually of the assertive instrument , as bronze can be .
2 There are tales about the double-decker buses that have fallen in ( actually they have not yet , but the holes are big enough ) and of the sewage flowing through the basement of the Midland Hotel .
3 This means , as Rodolphe Gasché observes , that ‘ the mimicry of totality and of the pretension to systematicity is an inseparable element of deconstruction , one of the very conditions of finding its foothold within the logic being deconstructed ’ .
4 Althusser 's entire , and necessary , critique of the ‘ Hegelian ’ concept of history and of the notion of an expressive totality , etc. , aims at showing that there is not one single history , a general history , but rather histories different in their type , rhythm , mode of inscription — intervallic , differentiated histories .
5 The Times , however , begged to differ : ‘ Knowing what we do of human nature , and of the licence claimed by young gentlemen in past times , we are inclined to take a somewhat less gloomy view of it . ’
6 Manufacturing managers are aware of the need to motivate the workforce and of the profusion of management theories , from Taylor 's scientific management to Demming 's 2 fourteen points .
7 and of the fatness of the earth ,
8 This result could have been anticipated on the basis of aspirin 's non-selective inhibition of the synthesis of both pro-aggregatory and anti-aggregatory prostaglandins , and of the ineffectiveness of heparin for the inhibition of clot-associated thrombin .
9 Making use of eqn ( 4.79 ) and of the vector derivative relation
10 You know that erm and of the famine in Ethiopia , and they reckon it 's gon na kill even more than the one ninety eighty four did .
11 Thus , the efficiency of workers may be a function of the degree of supervision and of the salary differential ( promotion being assumed to be a reward for efficiency ) .
12 The advantages of using this measure are that it is independent of the subfield , and of the year of citation .
13 You are as familiar as I am with the processes of monetisation of debt and of the part which the money market in the City plays in the operation of that mechanism .
14 Also enclosed is a copy of the part of the script which involves you , and of the part of the schedule relating to 16 June , the day you are involved .
15 It emphasised that there were men , in both France and England , who understood the role of the sea in war and of the part which it might play in determining the outcome of future English expeditions to France .
16 A highly articulate , impassioned speaker , Harris told both audiences of his work with the street children and of the life and death of Nahaman Carmona .
17 What is important is to tell your readers that the Safety Authority is quite independent of the influence of Eurotunnel and of the Government when it comes to the advice we give on safety standards of the tunnel and its railway system .
18 Another dismissed Cabinet minister , Mr Biffen is a frequent critic of Mrs Thatcher 's tone and of the government 's preference for tax cuts over greater spending on the social services .
19 Few Zambians other than Mr Vibetti questioned the use of government finance to subsidize a communications medium whose main output was then mostly imported and often in conflict with the values both of its audience and of the government that financed it .
20 It might be helpful if I were to outline briefly the history of the STUCC and of the Government 's thinking on this matter .
21 Is not that the true measure of the Act and of the Government 's lack of commitment to the environment ?
22 I believe that he should be more independent of the Department and of the Government of the day .
23 If we judge the commitment to offshore safety by the amount of money that is spent on it , it would be a strong indictment of the level of concern of this House and of the Government .
24 Prime Minister Mahathir on Dec. 28 , 1989 , advised UMNO ( Baru ) that Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Ghafar Baba should succeed him as leader of the party and of the government .
25 He stated that there would be no new taxes or loans to fund the shortfall and that the cost would be met through the sale of state corporations and of the government 's shareholdings in the major commercial banks .
26 We even , it seems , get promoted earlier , as the nature of work and of the work structure change .
27 The amount of trust we feel justified in placing on the work done for us is a measure of both the moral status of the occupation and of the work performance we can expect .
28 The museum will be holding exhibitions of Rembrandt 's work throughout the year and of the work of Pieter Lastman , Rembrandt 's art tutor .
29 The problem of the physical and sexual abuse of children , which has become a dominant theme of family studies and of the work of the social services in the 1970s and 1980s , is increasingly seen as one that replicates itself across generations .
30 ‘ They all had it in for Jonathan and they did what they could to harm him , but they were glad enough of his money , of his custom in their shops and of the work he provided . ’
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