Example sentences of "and a [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 It is powered by a fuel-injected , 3.0-litre V6 engine which , if Nissan 's figures are correct , give it a top speed of 156mph and a 0-60mph time of 5.6 seconds .
2 She does this with every class in the school and each class has a fixed day and a fixed time .
3 A fixed part of the Order Paper and a fixed time was first set aside for questions in 1869 .
4 I I 've learnt the Pitman school but to a basic level and a long time ago and a lot of it is now forgotten . .
5 And a long time till dawn .
6 Come over here and join us by all means — but not too many of you , so we 'll vet you as you come in ; and not make getting in pleasant or easy ; and just please stick to your own districts , and keep your own religion and dance away to tambourines , or bow to the East , or whatever you like to do to remind you of home — or home as it used to be a hundred years ago but certainly is n't now — and are n't we clever , and kind , and good , the way we give you your roots back ? , and with any luck your children will grow up well-behaved and pleasant ; ours certainly are n't ; because your children come of a society which , being somewhere else and a long time ago , is probably better than ours .
7 Well-planned and executed night attacks on machinery and factories took place over wide districts and a long time span by men who , having set governmental authority at defiance , disappeared back into the community by day .
8 And a long time , in n it ?
9 Earlier in this chapter the three key elements of rational approaches were identified as : relating expenditure of funds to fulfilling organisational objectives , a zero-based approach to choice and decision making and a multi-year time horizon for budgetary decision making .
10 I do n't think I can still yet watch it without weeping — it 's such a powerful film of a powerful time , and a terrible time really .
11 Under the Purnells ' control , this was a busy and a profitable time in the history of Fromebridge ; however , around the beginning of the l9th century , the company ran into problems .
12 It was always there and a good time . ’
13 The Christmas goose was well and truly cooked and a good time was had by all .
14 Station dances were always well attended and a good time was had by all .
15 ‘ This is a good place to sit down and a good time to sit , ’ said the Friar , ‘ for judging from the condition of the sun , we should eat a little .
16 Literary fiction next , and a good time for it in Booker month , and the next few are all potential high flyers .
17 He mentions ‘ the odd brawl and punch-up ’ , for example , the fact that policemen only went in pairs in some districts , and that they patrolled the centre of the city in strength each weekend ‘ because prostitutes and drunks frequently started fights and a good time was had by all ’ .
18 Most of those who met the future candidate on the Sailing Party were struck by his insatiable appetite for debate and a good time .
19 Everyone got happily drunk together and a good time was had by all ; so long as the band kept the beat , what they played was immaterial .
20 Imagine the nightclub is in full swing , your 2000 watt sound system is rocking the foundations and a good time is being had by all but … a small fire starts in the adjacent kitchens .
21 The serial channels , which interpret and process the communication protocols , each support eight different protocol modes and a built-in time slot assigner routes data to and from any of the channels , to and from a Time Division Multiplexed Channel such as a T1 or CEPT line .
22 ‘ But we had beautiful weather and a marvellous time , ’ said Mrs Williams .
23 March 17th is my traditional early chiffchaff date and although a journey south to Poole and a short time near possible sites on that day , yielded no hearing of the bird , one has been singing in this garden today .
24 Vera went to a Quaker school in Cornwall and a short time later to school in Letchworth .
25 And a short time later , Mala and I were in the safe side of our own ship 's airlock , staring at what lay nestled within the opened silicaplast container .
26 Silas began his routine of making sure that the shearers ' quarters were being left in perfect order , and a short time later he spoke to Lucy .
27 They did not stay long , because her drowsiness began to increase , and a short time later they left to go in search of Women 's Surgical , where Stella greeted them with pleased surprise .
28 Minton encouraged them to do as they pleased and a high time was had whilst he paid the bills .
29 Time is , of course , the major direct cost in a building surveying practice and a disciplined time recording system , backed by well-calculated hourly rates based on the relationship between productive and non-productive time expected from the grade of partner or staff member concerned in a normal working year , is essential
30 ‘ But it has been a wonderful year and a wonderful time for me .
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