Example sentences of "and the [noun prp] in " in BNC.

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1 As a result the Paramount Tillers rehearsed in their red and white check rompers , the Carltons in brown and white , the Plazas in blue and white and the Astorias in yellow and white .
2 ‘ We used to go to The Mayfair and Oxford Galleries in Newcastle and The Brighton in Gateshead , ’ recalls Muriel , now ‘ fiftysomething ’ .
3 Jesus , James and the Nazareans in Jerusalem advocated worship of God , in the strict Judaic sense .
4 The Legal Academics Committee was set up under the chairmanship of QC , by the Professional Standards Committee and the JRC in November 1991 .
5 The ‘ professional and scientific ’ category also grew rapidly , reflecting the expansion of both professional services for business and the development of education and the NHS in the state sector .
6 Chapter 3 examines some of the larger trends in society which have major significance for health care in general and the NHS in particular , looking in turn at the effects of economic re-structuring , demographic change and technological and medical advance .
7 The Avars also raided westward into Italy , following the routes taken in previous centuries by Theodosius and his Gothic allies in 394 ; by Alaric the Goth advancing towards Rome , which he sacked in 410 ; by Attila the Hun in 452 ; and by Alboin and the Lombards in 568 .
8 In particular it was one of the arguments put forward for the abolition of the metropolitan counties and the GLC in 1986 ( HMSO , 1983 , paragraph 1.19 ) .
9 Margery Perham wrote of Murrells and the Masai in 1930 that he was ‘ reputed to be the only man they trust ’ .
10 The Sihanoukists and the KPNLF in particular were believed to be short of artillery shells .
11 This news , needless to say , greatly concerned them all , Douglas and the Regent in especial .
12 He also knew her felling towards Ireland in general , and the IRB in particular .
13 This is followed by presentation of the much less appreciated production of Prague and Germany , France and the Gobelins , and the Bourbons in Madrid and Naples .
14 The rise of the Nevilles and the Percies in the late fourteenth century was the first occasion when families of genuine northern origin came into the front rank of the nobility — one may exclude the duchy of Lancaster from any such comment , because it was closely connected with the royal family and also held substantial lands in the Midlands and the South .
15 Thus the Communists and the Nazis had a common interest in the destruction of the Social Democrats and this fact was frequently referred to by the Labour Party and the TUC in the early 1930s as a reason for opposing both movements with equal vigour .
16 Seminars in Salford , Rotterdam , Prague and Warsaw will explore the current state of , and future prospects for , democracy and pluralism in Poland , Czechoslovakia , Britain and the Netherlands in the light of their different historical legacies .
17 On Dec. 21 , 1989 , exactly a year after the Lockerbie bombing [ see pp. 26409-10 ] , a Palestinian identified as a suspect in the crime was given a life sentence by a court in Uppsala , Sweden , having been with three others with terrorist offences in Sweden , Denmark and the Netherlands in 1985-86 [ see p. 37137 ] .
18 The accord had been signed by Belgium , France , Germany , Luxembourg and the Netherlands in June 1990 [ see p. 37535 ] and by Italy in November 1990 [ see p. 37870 ] .
19 At the four ancient Scottish universities , however , first degrees in art faculties are generally called Master of Arts ( MA ) , although the newer Scottish universities and the CNAA in Scotland follow the English system and award bachelor degrees .
20 Eyre went on to direct Benjamin Britten 's Curlew River for the Nexus Opera and the BBC in 1986 , and Peter Grimes for Opera North in 1989 .
21 The billboard project neatly bridges the divide between ‘ high art ’ and popular culture : a dichotomy that preoccupies arts television in general , and the BBC in particular .
22 He was instantly offered traineeships by Granada in Manchester and the BBC in London .
23 Apart from the issue of declining moral standards , which Mrs Whitehouse and the NVALA thought characteristic of television and the BBC in particular , from the early 1960s onward , there is another important strand in the NVALA stance with regard to the media .
24 This department will have responsibilities for the Office of Arts & Libraries ( OAL ) , in particular for the Arts Council and the national museums , adding to them the Home Office responsibilities for the broadcasting services ' legislative framework and the BBC in particular .
25 Labour is second in 92 of these , the Liberal Democrats in 30 and the SNP in three .
26 The hatred between Labour and the SNP in Scotland is not matched in ferocity between Labour and the nationalists in Wales .
27 In a peace initiative brokered by Zaïre 's President Mobutu Sese Seko , a draft ceasefire agreement was reported to have been signed between the Rwandan government and the FPR in Zaïre on March 18 and was due to come into force at the end of March .
28 Procedure is governed by the FPCR in the family proceedings court and the FPR in the county court and High Court .
29 Procedure is governed generally by the FPCR in the family proceedings court and the FPR in the county court and High Court ( see Chapter 5 ) .
30 Procedure is governed generally by the FPCR in the family proceedings court and the FPR in the county court and High Court ( see Chapter 5 ) .
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