Example sentences of "and over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The premises had recently been painted in a garish olive green and over the shopfront large gilt lettering announced it as ‘ Bradley 's Dining Rooms ’ .
2 I was reading some gimcrack book about economics , full of those pictograms that fall half-way between diagrams and drawings , when I heard the thudding of a diesel engine running under the roar of the gale coming in off the sea and over the whirr of the fan heater that was marinading my feet .
3 Or unless they come from Stobb Hill and come by the station and over the crossing .
4 Relations between the United States and Israel in late 1989 and the first half of 1990 were marked by growing differences over the strategy towards the Middle East peace process [ see pp. 37304 ; 37547 ] and over the settlement of Jewish Immigrants [ see p. 37304 ] .
5 DeFreitas circled under the ball at long off but it slipped through his up-stretched hand and over the boundary rope .
6 Similar disasters are scattered piecemeal all over Britain , on bomb sites and over the slums they were built to clear .
7 The man tumbled on forward and over the edge of the track , a scattering of rocks heard through his scream and the splash as he hit the water eighty feet below .
8 Instinctively drawing in his limbs and curling his long back , the Perk sailed out of her grasp and over the edge of the steps like a furry stone in a leather jerkin .
9 He could see small fields , woods and a lake up there , and from the lake a river spilled out and over the edge
10 And the swarm of people flowed down the path , stumbling on stones where a burn ran in winter or after thunderstorms , between the silvery wands of rowans with their clusters of blood-drops and the quivering tapestry of the alders , down into the Tay which ran from the west like molten iron , too flashing bright to look at , and over the Tay , wet to the waist ; the girls and boys who had not gone home were prancing and shrieking when they fell full length .
11 Peel and slice onion into semi-circles , then scatter it under and over the cheese on its toast .
12 With the Sun now passing through the independent sign of Aries and over the mid-heaven point of your solar chart , you should be at your most outgoing , ambitious and not unduly concerned if a major alteration takes place in the working pattern of your life .
13 Gently slide your hands over your partner 's face starting from the chin , circling the eyes and over the forehead .
14 Make frizzy , overdry hair softer and more manageable by massaging hair wax into the ends and over the surface .
15 Another big advantage of Creation 6 as far as the Duomatic user is concerned , is that the programme allows you to see your design in full colour and over the whole 180 needles , or however wide the knitting is to be , before committing punch to card .
16 The deeply moated site of the former manor house marks the edge of the old settlement ; sheep now graze peacefully over the remains of the village and over the ridge and furrow patterns of what were once the communal arable fields .
17 The hills to the west and south , and over the water to the north , were Maclean land ; it was pleasant , rich land , and would soon be hers !
18 He used to enjoy telling us of the early trials of the Young husband expedition of 1908 which trekked more than halfway across the lonely reaches of Persia and Afghanistan , and over the Himalaya range to Tibet .
19 Buried treasure : in a happy mix of old and new , the Eagle Warehouse 's 19th-century facade — complete with sandstone eagle — is cocooned inside the modern glass of the Eagle Building The latter provide splendid views along one of Glasgow 's principal office streets and over the rooftops of BP 's offices across the street .
20 Then , back up into the sky explodes the ‘ jump-jet ’ harrier and over the heath he sails .
21 And over the sounds of Duvall 's pistol shots , a deafening punctuation to the sounds of the beast and the storm , Cardiff could hear Duvall spitting out words between each shot as he descended .
22 Relations with Peru had been severely strained over the invasion , and over the presence in the Peruvian ambassador 's residence of 12 members of the Noriega regime .
23 Posi 's cheerful voice , clear and over the mini-comm in the pendant .
24 Through the ‘ new ’ town of Victorian terraces that came with the railway and over the river into the old town .
25 I did the same with another strip around the right ankle and over the foot , so that it was held between the sole of the foot and the wooden backing of the old door .
26 From the heights of Newby Head the old turnpike road sweeps down through Widdale and over the foot of Ten End to where Hawes marks the head of the dale .
27 The attack was attributed to extreme right-wing military and civilian elements who were reputedly uneasy over the strikes and over the possibility of a left-wing victory in the presidential elections .
28 She wanted to get up and walk away , out of the French doors and over the lawn and behind the hedge , away where she could not be seen .
29 Finally a continuous length of baler twine is threaded under the legs and over the top , pulled quite tight and tied halfway up the load .
30 The square , window-type frame gives practice with moving in and out as well as up , down and over the top of , and there is experience of being enclosed within a three-dimensional shape .
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