Example sentences of "and keep the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Jessy works in the home and grows vegetables , selling what she can and keeping the rest for the family .
2 By the time they got back to the Buccaneer , the sun was turning pink and orange to usher in another early Caribbean night , and Virginia felt weary with the emotional tension of avoiding either body or eye contact with her companion , and keeping the conversation on a relentlessly impersonal level .
3 One banana sold on the streets may cost 100 roubles ( about a quarter of a skilled worker 's monthly wages ) but tickets to the Maryinsky Theatre — I follow Gergiev 's nomenclature in restoring the tsarist title to the building and keeping the name of Stalin 's ill-fated henchman for the opera company — remain between 15 and 20 roubles .
4 This fiddling included overcharging , increasing the price of bread to unknowing customers , and keeping the price the same but reducing the size of the bread delivery .
5 It started with his first kick , and keeping the machine as quiet as possible until clear of the village , he set off for Berkeley .
6 We have to find ways of managing waiting more effectively and keeping the customer ( be it general practitioner or patient ) informed .
7 Inventory Control is used to ensure that the costs of buying and holding stock are minimised , taking into account the necessary inventory levels for operating the business and keeping the customer supplied .
8 He would just walk on , holding her hand and letting her lead him , turning his head a bit so she would n't see his closed eyes and keeping the sun on his left cheek as an additional guide .
9 You can make a ceiling seem much higher by painting it a lighter colour than the walls and keeping the floor a light tone as well .
10 Diplomat : able to say no without saying no ; not able to say yes until it 's certain ; very good at saying maybe and keeping the peace .
11 ‘ in the execution of his duty ’ Means duties connected with protecting life and property , preventing and detecting crime and keeping the peace .
12 Instead he found mighty walled cities and disciplined armies , capable of subjugating the Orcs and keeping the peace over huge stretches of territory .
13 iii Caretaker or lost child : This child takes responsibility for the family and looks after it by gently blending into the background and keeping the peace .
14 Making all Asics shoes lighter , less bulky and keeping the foot closer to the ground for extra stability .
15 The staff were n't friendly but they were efficient , serving basic food quickly and keeping the hut clean .
16 In other words we would have been better off cashing the precept and keeping the money under the mattress .
17 Dear Boy , It must be very difficult for you sometimes I expect not having anyone and having to do all the shopping and cooking for yourself I know that when I was working I certainly could not have managed on my own , coming home tired and then making dinner your own dinner and then going upstairs to do some more work , what sort of life is that , though I know all about that because of course I did do that for three years almost , and I know how much happier I was when I knew there was someone waiting for me and having the dinner ready and keeping the house clean and all those things , or perhaps you people do n't think those things are important .
18 Matt white paper is the most suitable to use and lined paper is helpful for those who have difficulty with hand-eye co-ordination and keeping the line of writing straight .
19 Then it follows from that that understanding Shakespeare and keeping the understanding of Shakespeare alive is also a good because if , for example , this great , rich and wonderful thing were simply there in the world and no-one could see him and no-one could understand him , and no-one was any longer thinking or talking about him , that also would be a secondary impoverishment .
20 Then , it follows from that , that understanding Shakespeare , and keeping the understanding of Shakespeare alive , is also a good , because if for example this great , rich and wonderful thing were simply there in the world and no one could see him and no one could understand him and no one was any longer thinking or talking about him , that also would be a secondary impoverishment .
21 We all complained bitterly when it looked as though Adobe was restricting the development of PostScript and keeping the market to itself .
22 To serve the meat , you cut it all from the bones , slice it in very fine thin pieces , and keeping the beef , lamb and veal separate , sprinkle each with more oil , chopped parsley , shallots .
23 Perhaps a nearby individual acted as ‘ guardian ’ of the site and did whatever was necessary : planting , fertilizing , weeding out weak specimens and keeping the clump within bounds .
24 Instead of controlling Government spending , and keeping the lid on inflation , the Labour Government borrowed more and more — increasing spending by over 12 per cent in just one year ( 1974–5 ) , and presiding over an inflationary spiral the like of which has never been recorded before or since .
25 One of you stands still holding one end of the string ; the other walks round marking out a circle with the chalk on the ground , holding the other end and keeping the string pulled tight .
26 In the struggle between them and the King 's Courts for jurisdiction over ecclesiastical property — the right to present a clergyman to a living , for instance — the King 's Courts were successful at an early time in getting and keeping the jurisdiction in their own hands .
27 In winter they should be encouraged to rest by lowering the temperature and keeping the compost almost dry .
28 She was freezing and keeping the fire low to save money .
29 They thought the life of their only son could be fulfilled through belief in Jesus Christ , hard work , a good education and keeping the Sabbath . ’
30 To create this classic shape , always use a round brush , lifting the hair at the roots and keeping the tension of the brush even , turning the ends of the hair under .
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