Example sentences of "and something [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And something through the glass .
2 The cottage is on one side and something on the other .
3 Switch on and check that you have 28V to 30V at the rectifier output , about 9V across capacitor C8 and something at the output terminals .
4 They owed something to European social democracy , including the French experience of planning , and something to the planning experience of other parts of the developing world , notably India .
5 And something for the girls , ’ said Todger grudgingly .
6 Saints coach Mike McClennan enthused : ‘ With McCracken and Connolly in the centres we 'll have something for the ladies and something for the opposition. !
7 Yeah , but er , it says two hundred and something for the
8 After the drama of Pye 's water wall , this is all a bitter disappointment and something of a disgrace .
9 When I parted them just a moment ago , the light outside was still very pale and something of a mist was affecting my view of the baker 's shop and chemist 's opposite .
10 Past interviews have portrayed him as dour , introverted and something of a depressive , but now it 's obvious he has turned that corner and views the world in a thoroughly positive light .
11 She gave me the impression that I was an utter bore ( which I probably was ) and something of a freak as well-I was not like my sisters .
12 An auspicious debut — and something of a minor success in Britain , remarkably so considering they were too busy traipsing around the States with Revolver to take time to promote it here .
13 This central area of the town — Hillgate , Millgate , the Underbanks , all names attested in the 15th century — does however retain both the medieval street plan and something of a medieval atmosphere , because of the narrow , twisting , hilly streets and the buildings crowding in on one another .
14 ‘ If he went now he would see all his previous life here as a waste of time , and in a way he is wreaking vengeance on his mother by being embittered and something of a failure — saying , look what you 've done to me . ’
15 By contrast , my father was very much the soldier and something of a mystery .
16 Now he is 44 and something of a veteran in a championship where only his former Ibrox colleague , Tommy McLean , has lasted in the same job for longer .
17 The son of a wealthy paper manufacturer and something of a playboy , Navarre loathed killing and claimed he flew only because he had to .
18 He was a radical and something of an agnostic , and read a long paper on the evils of war at the Union Society at a time when such views were certainly not popular .
19 ‘ Mr Wycliffe , Matthew was a dealer in rare books and something of an authority , why would he consult me ? ’
20 ‘ For a while the cricket club was badly funded and something of an outcast .
21 The Emperor has something of the technique of comic and fantastic exaggeration that we associate with Dickens , and something of the manner , too , of Dickens 's reader , Kafka :
22 It is a familiar theme in Latin American fiction , and something of the flavour of this part of Panama can be gleaned from Garcia Marquez 's One Hundred Years Of Solitude , set in the forgotten swamps of Colombia ( of which Panama once formed part ) .
23 From the porter 's lodge , a long passage stretches before you , off which is an attractive antechamber with water stoups , busts and something of the atmosphere of a grotto .
24 Furthermore , ‘ there is something of Rembrandt in the Gospel , and something of the Gospel in Rembrandt . ’
25 Something of the almighty importance of it and something of the utter meaninglessness .
26 It would be useful to know whether there are any similarities in the graves with and without amber in each type of cemetery as it may help us to understand whether such goods are being handed down through society and something of the controls on access to them .
27 Holly started back and something of the kindness was lost from his face .
28 For a time he showed a certain curiosity about Liszt and something of the same kind about Wagner .
29 Through verbal mediation it is able to fix some of the criteria applied and something of the meaning extracted in the perception of art .
30 Knocking around the university , and living a little on my wits , I also learned , in the student press , something of practical value for my future career and something of the university of life .
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