Example sentences of "and become the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was a hero of the old style , whose life and deeds left their mark on the tide of human history and became the inspiration of a whole nation .
2 The murder helped prove a new science and became the plot in a detective novel .
3 She said she had never realised what went on before as she went round and inhabited each seat and became the person .
4 At this time , the unique double-staircase Dreadnought cars came into service and became the mainstay of the Promenade route until the Thirties .
5 It had originally been proposed by James Madison in 1789 as one of a package of 12 measures , 10 of which were quickly approved and became the Bill of Rights .
6 Ganymede was beloved by ZEUS , who assumed the guise of an eagle so as to spirit him up to Olympus ; there he was given immortality and became the gods ' cup-bearer , responsible for giving them their daily draught of the Elixir of Life .
7 The mannered delivery of West End comedies sounded ridiculous at the kitchen sink , and became the butt of the booming satire industry .
8 The squid axon certainly conformed to that belief , and became the preparation in which details of the ion movements and changes in electrical activity which occur during nerve conduction and the action potential could be explored .
9 One of the National Schools — which were aided , in the latter part of the nineteenth century , by voluntary societies and the Church , with assistance from Parliament — was established at Strand-on-the-Green , off Back Lane , in 1874 , and became the Strand-on-the-Green School .
10 Already at the end of the 18C the palace was in the hands of the military and became the Ministry of Foreign Affairs .
11 The assassination by a Korean of the resident general , Itó Hirobumi , during a visit to Manchuria in 1909 , marked the end of all attempts at conciliation and became the excuse for annexation .
12 He stole the show and became the epitome of the American anti-hero , the spit-in-your-eye champion of counter-culture whose irreverence captivated and finally liberated his audiences from the time warp in which they had been trapped since Montgomery Clift , Marlon Brando and James Dean began it in a rather less volatile manner in the early Fifties .
13 When the Market was rebuilt by George Burt in 1875 , the fish left London and became the vane surmounting his new Purbeck House .
14 Gunner Howerd , the man who began in camp concerts and became the king of camp .
15 He was also a sun god as Harakhty , Horus of the Horizon , and as Horus of Behdet , and was the son of Osiris and Isis as Horus , as Monthu was local to Thebes and became the king 's god of warfare in the New Kingdom , when Thebes was the capital .
16 The Firefly AS.6 was designed specifically for anti-submarine warfare , and became the FAA main type in that category until the Fairey Gannet arrived in 1955 .
17 The railcoaches however , went from strength to strength and became the work-horses of the Blackpool system .
18 One of these , Jimmie , was used by him for a harmless demonstration of the electrocardiogram at the Royal Society and became the subject of a famous parliamentary reply to a question from the anti-vivisection lobby ( Hansard , 8 July 1909 ) .
19 Without being aware of it she sighed , and became the subject of Niall 's intense scrutiny .
20 They wrote out a cheque for the place there and then and became the owners of their own pub .
21 A native of Cambridgeshire , she was a nurse during both world wars and became the matron of the Cambridge Nursing Home before retiring to the Prestatyn area .
22 It was on the site of two farms and became the London Area Headquarters of the Royal Flying Corps .
23 Under the National Assistance Act 1948 , a National Assistance Board and national assistance tribunals replaced the Unemployment Assistance Board and the unemployment appeal tribunals , and became the parents of supplementary benefits appeal tribunals .
24 He had worked on the optical specificity of certain enzymes ( one may remember that problems of optical activity first drew Pasteur from chemical to biological problems ) but was also devoted to music and became the music critic of a Berlin evening paper .
25 Later the press bureau of the foreign ministry , so small before the war , was greatly enlarged and became the Nachrichtenabteilung .
26 Military education ceased to be a sort of " royal secret " and became the preserve of the War Ministry .
27 Dorking County Grammar , a mixed provincial grammar school of around 600 pupils , moved with the times and became the Ashcombe School , a mixed comprehensive of 1,000 pupils .
28 Went through Section Head of various departments and became the A M S there or M P S as it was at the time .
29 Nguyen Seth 's past faded , and became the memory of a memory .
30 ( She was to marry on 3rd February 1819 Mark Mayson of Keswick , and became the mother of W. H. Mayson of Manchester ) .
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