Example sentences of "and that does n't " in BNC.

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1 I left my last job in rather strange circumstances and that does n't help things . ’
2 I mean , you 're quite a bit older than me and that does n't matter , either . ’
3 And , therefore , the argument is of people whose backs are pinned to the wall before they 're questioned as it were , and that does n't make for a sober and calm discussion , especially as there is some doubt , I suspect , in the mind of ministers , but certainly in the mind of many people in the Conservative Party , about whether these great absolutes , this wall against which ministers and departments are nailed , really need exist in quite the form it 's being constructed or whether the whole issue could n't be handled in a rather more sensitive and relaxed way .
4 It says you can cut your motoring costs and use less petrol ‘ and that does n't mean doing less miles ’ .
5 Using CD-Roms will save us around £120,000 a year and that does n't include the added value that you get in terms of sound and pictures , ’ says Mr Wakeley .
6 And that does n't mean that Raw Stylus just stick a rap on their records in an attempt to gain club credibility and pander to the ( already much-maligned ) jazz rap tag .
7 I realise that football clubs lose money and that does n't worry me .
8 And that does n't mean what it would mean if said by one of your generation ! ’
9 And that does n't make it a good single .
10 I think there 's always a danger of being a bit simplistic about children who I think have a right to their own family , and that does n't just mean parents , it means grandparents , people who can talk to them about their past , the past of the family .
11 The message of the Rio summit has been ( as if we did n't already know it ) that this is a small and fragile world and where conservation is concerned , everything is everybody 's business and that does n't just apply to the white rhino but to the artistic patrimony as well .
12 A short adventure may take several hours to complete , and that does n't count the times your character was killed and you had to start again .
13 Before getting too excited , you must remember that this is a weight-loss diet and consequently drinks and foods containing chocolate must be included in the diet within the confines of your calorie allowance , and that does n't mean just eating 1,000 calories worth of chocolate per day ( equal to 2 and a half king-size Mars Bars ) .
14 Er , after I had my children my whole body sagged and I 'd lost a lot of weight and I could n't put it on and I was really skinny and there was no way I could eat , eat a lot and I still would n't put weight on so I started on the weight training and that does n't cost me money and now I 've started putting weight on , so for the skinny kids I think the thing is to do the weight training
15 And that does n't happen .
16 And that does n't change .
17 What the wife back home should hold on to is that , provided their relationship was good enough — and that does n't have to be perfect — in the first place , then the marriage has a good chance of survival .
18 Some observers estimate this to be as high as £200m of public money — and that does n't include the prime location advertising space in London , Southampton and elsewhere .
19 And that does n't mean you get out of your test tomorrow .
20 Luckily , Dutch children are generally well behaved and that does n't happen too often …
21 ‘ Because when you bottle things up , Sis , you get very tense and unhappy , and that does n't help you or the baby or anyone else ! ’
22 ‘ He was n't keen to put his head where it hurts and that does n't go down well here .
23 Okay , but saw does n't C command Florence because the first branching node dominated saw , it 's a verb phrase and that does n't dominate Florence , it 's on the wrong branch .
24 And that does n't sound funny at all .
25 And that does n't help us much because , so far as we have been able to ascertain , the Zikr does n't appear to have bought a bottle of perfume in his life . ’
26 And that does n't include clothes or anything else .
27 And that does n't just refer to the A N Bs and the national parks and the rest of it .
28 Mainly because the doctors have to match up each page with copy and that does n't
29 You get forty four , forty four in favour , forty four and that does n't take into account that the Consultants in the overall strategy so Madam would question , is this difficult to get .
30 There are sort of costs in that respect that that come out of this erm business report er and on the late sides erm we would actually support the motion that 's been moved by er Charles and Jane but there is a policy of response and that does n't mean to say that they will accept all of it but there may be some good elements er er within it but we need to actually refer it .
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