Example sentences of "and she had been " in BNC.

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1 Then the first ‘ maid ’ they ever had was a girl of 16 called Mollie and she had been deserted by her husband and came to live in the house with three tots .
2 There was only one big road to cross , but it had a zebra crossing and she had been road-safe at Phoebe 's insistence for years .
3 She had been , it seemed , to endless dinners , parties and weddings on her own , she had been spotted at local cinemas with friends , sitting in the stalls alongside ordinary members of the public , and she had been seen on the town , at pop concerts , and in restaurants , with handsome young men .
4 It was ten o'clock and she had been ignoring it for half an hour .
5 Her eyes leapt from Abraham begat Isaac and Isaac begat Jacob to Verse 25 of the Gospel According to St Matthew , to which she had turned simply because it began the New Testament and she had been unable to make anything of the Old .
6 Her own intense excitement had given way to a hollow feeling in her stomach and she had been quite unable to eat for several days .
7 Cook had the afternoon off and she had been coming to grips with her occasional souffle , when the ‘ monster ’ had started its cacophony .
8 And she had been pretty on that slab , all the influences of birth and upbringing cancelled out .
9 There was a time , early in their days at Cambridge , when a brilliant and handsome research student from Yale made a determined pitch for Robyn , and she had been rather dazzled and excited by the experience ( he wooed her with a heady mixture of the latest post Freudian theoretical jargon and devastatingly frank sexual propositions , so she was never quite sure whether it was Lacan 's symbolic phallus he was referring to or his own real one ) .
10 She has just managed to scuttle out of its way as it slammed down next to her , but the tip of one of her legs had been trapped and she had been forced to sever it and leave it behind .
11 Miss Fogerty was a little afraid of Miss Watson , for though she herself had spent thirty years at Thrush Green School , she was only the assistant teacher and she had been taught to respect her betters .
12 A small crowd had gathered and she had been carried across the street and inside the nearest shop in order to get her out of the sun .
13 Peggy had lived for a long time with an aunt while her daddy and mummy were abroad , and she had been spoilt by always getting her own way .
14 She curled up in the darkest corner , pillowing her head on her arm , and clung to the memory of four hours before , when the time had stilled and she had been not , sweet tearing bliss … .
15 The profession was too professional , a long study , and she had been at university , a giddy time .
16 She remembered Elizabeth saying in the first weeks of her engagement to Alex , ‘ Do you know , you 're a rather intimidating couple ? ’ and she had been tempted to reply , ‘ Oh , we are , we are . ’
17 It turned out that she and her husband were experts on reincarnation and ran a sort of reincarnation centre in Switzerland and she had been an Egyptian princess — before , you know — and written books about it .
18 When Gabriel and she had been a couple they had run into her one day when there had been a freak storm .
19 But it would be only for a time and she had been thinking of asking the queen-dowager for permission to leave sanctuary and visit her mother .
20 And she had been right .
21 And she had been insistent in her invitation .
22 He knew that she had not enjoyed his homecoming or the renewal of a sexual life ; throughout their married life he had been at home for only a few weeks at a time , and she had been free to make her life as she chose .
23 Her face and hands say she is older ’ ) and she had been ‘ out ’ and that was the final blow .
24 Her mother used to say that what was bred in the bone came out in the blood , and she had been right .
25 Both parents had come to the open evening and she had been able to talk to them .
26 The regime is tightening and she had been warned that they might no longer put up with her outspokenness and propaganda ; her friends thought that she would be safer somewhere close to the French border , but she was taking against the place .
27 And she had been left bereft , broken-hearted .
28 He gave her so much pleasure when she was with him and she had been lonely for so long .
29 She had thought her daughter was pure and good , and she had been gratified by that .
30 She could remember the incident quite clearly , although the circumstances surrounding it had vanished into oblivion , beyond recall of any form of analysis : it had been early afternoon , so clearly not a party incident — maybe they had had lunch together ? — and she had been anxious about picking up children from school .
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