Example sentences of "and by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I thoroughly agree with my hon. Friend that peace in Northern Ireland will be hastened by a healthy economy and by a well-trained work force .
2 It is clear though that the economic tide was running very much in the party 's direction in 1915–16 ; in 1915 the first industrial tariffs for half a century were imposed , and by a Liberal Chancellor ; in 1916 even the Manchester Chamber of Commerce joined in the demand for industrial protection , causing the resignation of its chairman in protest at the abandonment of a century of belief in free trade .
3 The Labour government will work in the United Nations for a strengthened nuclear non-proliferation treaty , backed by meaningful sanctions and by a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty .
4 Third , a study in Greater Glasgow ( Haw 1985 ) investigated problem drug use during the years 1980–83 using routine statistics , and by a prospective survey of four agencies and fieldwork in two areas of Glasgow during the first three months of 1984 .
5 Over a ten year period , drink related road traffic deaths fell by over 60 per cent in the UK and by a similar percentage in Germany .
6 In The Division of Labour primitive and industrial societies were contrasted , since each was held together in a different way and by a distinctive kind of social glue .
7 Herbert 's eccentricity was to dress as a tramp , and his appearance was further affected by his blindness and by a piebald hair coloration , after an early attack of alopecia .
8 Suitable fair warranties and indemnities will be granted for taxation and other specific matters and will be limited in aggregate amount , time of liability and by a minimum aggregate amount before any claim can be made .
9 On its commencement every proceeding is identified by a title , made up of the name of the court in which it is brought , the names of the parties and any Act ( other than the 1984 Act ) relied on to give the court jurisdiction , and by a distinguishing number allotted to it by the court office , written ( in an action ) as " Case No " or ( in a matter ) as " No of Matter " .
10 History is a discontinuous set composed of domains of history , each of which is defined by a characteristic frequency and by a differential coding of before and after .
11 Life is truly meaningless if we can not be moved by the stories of cruelty from Bosnia , of famine in Somalia and by a simple tale like that told by Father McCullagh .
12 At Ångelholm , we were joined by two more people , a grim-looking older woman all in black , who looked as if she had n't smiled since 1937 and who spent the entire journey watching me as if she had seen my face on a wanted poster , and by a fastidious older man who I guessed to be a recently retired schoolmaster and took an instant dislike to .
13 Any serious problems with the new proposals could yet be addressed by the appointment of a designated minister and by a strong government commitment to raising the profile of mental health service planning within relevant government departments .
14 The economy was undergoing its worst recession since 1945 and had been hit in particular by a fall of over 50 per cent in trade with the Soviet Union in the first three months of 1991 , and by a low dollar and over-valued Finnish markka , which seriously affected the forest industry .
15 When it acquired the painting for the sum of FFr5 million ( £511,000 ; $889,000 ) the Louvre acted in good faith following guarantees given by Christie 's lawyer Paul Lombard and by a Swiss notary .
16 Secondly we urged that the marginalisation of the area and the social exclusion of many of its people should be addressed by a concerted effort to open up employment opportunities outside West Belfast and by a serious attempt to involve local people in development decisions .
17 Each patient had a functional gall bladder according to the evidence of a clearly visible gall bladder and its contractile response to egg yolk recorded on the drip infusion cholangiogram before operation , and by a total biliary lipid concentration greater than 50 g/l .
18 I actually put forward an amendment , to the police authority , whereby we take that er , million pounds o , of pensions , and by a certain amount of slight of hand , it be put back into county balances , and then re-allocated back to the police authority for this year , and that would have added an extra million to the base budget and it would not have cost this county council one extra penny .
19 An intermediate floor was inserted in the adjoining transept to form a small communal lounge linked to the first-floor corridor by a balcony crossing the chancel and by a small staircase to the ground floor ( Fig 44 ) .
20 Be that as it may , this ancient building is a delight both inside and out , set about by old , galleried village houses ( and by a small hotel bang opposite the portal ) , with lizards flickering over its walls and flowering plants clinging airily to the bell-tower .
21 Set back from the road it faces the south wall of the magnificent St Magnus Cathedral , and is separated from it by the road , and by a peaceful park area and an avenue of trees .
22 I was told there was an acting scholarship going and I was broke so I took an audition and by a marvellous chance , won the scholarship .
23 Pressure tracings were analysed manually according to accepted criteria and by a specific computer program .
24 The Basic Law was devised in the knowledge that Germany , since being unified in 1870 , had been ruled by an authoritarian government under the Kaisers before 1918 , and by a totalitarian system under the Nazis after 1933 .
25 Money for the memorial was subscribed by former members of both squadrons , friends and relatives of those killed and by a Cretan friend .
26 He plays both but his preference , and by a long way , is for gaelic football .
27 Severity of disease was assessed by calculating percentage of predicted weight for height and by a standard symptom questionnaire .
28 Robert himself had been born in Dundee in Scotland , and by a strange coincidence Ella was also born in Dundee , several thousand miles away in New South Wales , Australia .
29 But erm , funnily enough I I I was out erm , on Saturday evening , and by a strange coincidence , er , where we were sitting having a meal , erm , in the restaurant , erm , someone came in and joined us , we saw , some friends of ours , and he is a sociologist from the University .
30 We decided that Shakespeare 's plays were mere patterns of imagery , without human beings in them , and by a strange act of critical abnegation , deliberately blinded ourselves to all sorts of psychological insights , which the Victorians had been able to see and are now being seen again .
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