Example sentences of "and for some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In his note he asked for medical help — some vitamins , eye-drops , ‘ as I ca n't go out ’ — and for some money .
2 She felt , with a certainty she could n't explain , that he had called her here , and for some purpose .
3 The polling scheduled to take place on May 23 and 26 for the Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) and for some state assemblies , was quickly deferred by the chief election commissioner to June 12 and 15 [ see below for details ] .
4 It was entitled ‘ The Condemned Cell ? ’ and I cut it out and for some while it was on my desk .
5 These call for an increased use of soloists as cantors and for some direction of the congregation , often by means of an animateur .
6 This is a good idea for narrow streets and for some shopping areas .
7 However , there 's clearly a need for some sort of monitoring and for some support erm other than erm some other support .
8 He had n't noticed it before because of the hedge growing along the side of the bank , but here , and for some way ahead , it was open to the road .
9 From the tip of the headland and for some way out to sea the waves were breaking white against half-submerged fangs and stacks of rock that had in time past broken away from the main cliffs .
10 I listened with interest to the hon. Gentleman 's proposals for a selective approach towards a recognition of states such as Slovenia and for some form of loose federation for the rest of Yugoslavia .
11 I was partly convinced by Culler 's power of persuasion , and for some time thought that the kinds of analysis he described could be assimilated to practical criticism and the English synthesis .
12 During the years of World War N and for some time afterwards there had been a heavy demand for commercial and military explosives but by 1960 when Haslam was made personnel director of the Nobel Division of ICI the demand , particularly for military explosives , had dropped dramatically .
13 The kidnappings were a traumatic event and for some time the Gombe Stream Research Centre was closed to students .
14 It did n't require much capital to manufacture the equipment or produce the short films , and for some time it was possible for small craftsmen on the British model to keep up with the big boys in France or the US .
15 But a more puritan era of egalitarian austerity could make them a lot shyer — and for some time to come .
16 They waved once and I waved back , and for some time I could see their bright jackets in the dappled shade of the afternoon sun .
17 the machinery of exchange and distribution established by recent decrees was quickly pushed aside ; and for some time the most effective instruments in extracting grain from the peasant were the ‘ iron detachments ’ of workers from towns and factories reinforced by the local committees of poor peasants .
18 At the time , neither Ruskin Road nor the following Beynon Road had been made up or developed and for some time , the trams ran on what in effect was reserved track .
19 He entered , and for some time stood alone and unrecognised on the Turkey carpet , seeing among the well-to-do crowd not a soul he knew except Dr Heatherton , in the distance , talking with someone ; and Mrs Heatherton , followed by her bevy of obedient daughters , their skirts rustling prosperously wherever they went .
20 When questioned at the time , and for some time afterwards , as to what the novel was ‘ about ’ , I would reply vaguely that it referred to a period in my life in the 1960s , when I was married to a successful pop star and spent much of my time travelling up and down motorways , lulled with anti-depressants and sitting , an immobile non-person , in the back of a sealed , silent and chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce .
21 And thus I can say that both on the moment of this resolution and for some time afterwards I had more sublime and happy feelings than at any former period of my life . ’
22 After independence 200,000 Europeans fled the city and for some time it appeared to be uninhabited , a city decimated by plague .
23 Often they stay quite still when disturbed and for some time afterwards , making it even more difficult to spot them .
24 What is happening now , 1975 — and for some time past , is material evolvement , leaving spiritual evolvement to stagnate in the pond of Man 's Over-Conscious Analysis Of His Own Deeply Natural Sub-Conscious Development ( e.g. Christianity 's mistaken conscious self-analysed identity ) .
25 Traditionally , Mother and Baby Homes were religious-based , charity-run institutions that took in girls who had " fallen " , and cared for them during their pregnancy and for some time afterwards .
26 The letter , ‘ I ca n't forgo principles ’ , was reportedly published at the behest of Ligachev and for some time it was believed that Andreeva was the pseudonym of a conservative member of the leadership .
27 A car with headlights on came towards him , cautiously negotiated the hairpin bend , and for some time afterwards he could hear it grinding up the hill to Albert Terrace .
28 Wycliffe did not look up from the statements and for some time Sara gave no sign that she had heard ; then she said : ‘ I 've been very stupid .
29 There is then a wonderful opportunity for those who have survived , because the field is clear and for some time newcomers are chary of entering it .
30 The second is that it is in relation to this period that one finds a quite separate account of the origins of the Muftilik advanced , namely Katib Celebi 's view that the office originated not with Molla Fenari in Bursa or Fahreddin Acemi in Edirne but rather with Hizir Bey in Istanbul , the Muftilik being for his tenure , and for some time alter , a to the post of kadi of Istanbul , of which he was the first holder .
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