Example sentences of "and for all [art] " in BNC.

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1 And it is surely in keeping with the Kremlin 's efforts to win trust abroad , to remove once and for all an issue which intrudes into every high-level encounter with Sweden .
2 But the strikers who have fought over so many months with so much courage and strength have achieved another kind of victory — they have exposed once and for all the myth of the TUC 's solidarity with exploited workers and in the process of doing so they have redefined the methods and outlook of industrial struggle .
3 And for all the pomp and ceremony , for all the formality and precision , the security and the months of planning , for all the cameras and lights , it was still a touching and surprisingly intimate affair .
4 ‘ And you must be grateful to her for everything she does , and for all the sacrifices she must make on your behalf .
5 There are no easy answers but maybe a few guidelines as to what might be happening , for Margaret , staring dry-eyed and forlorn into a new day , and for all the other people who have ever had that sort of feeling .
6 Let us give thanks for our homes and for our families , for the people who care for us and look after us and for all the comforts we enjoy .
7 After his two trips into Benghazi , he had submitted proposals for a further expedition to destroy once and for all the harbour facilities .
8 And for all the other men I killed . ’
9 In a syndicated article that ran all over the country , The Washington Post summarised Strickland 's disclosures : ‘ Prof. Rick Heber 's group at the University of Wisconsin may have settled once and for all the question of whether the disproportionate mental retardation of slum children is the result of heredity or environment . ’
10 From an idealised , spiritual love for Kee which always had something sickly and perverse about it , he plunged into the lightless sub-world of labour , submerging himself in its mean and desperate poverty , as if to kill off once and for all the romanticism which had brought him nothing but pain .
11 You pay for procedural costs which include postage , telephoning , the preparation of duplicate invoices and further statements , the writing of letters , the arranging of standard follow-ups and for all the other internal procedures necessary when you are not paid .
12 Above all the aeroplane — in its infancy in 1914-18- threatened to transform the nature of warfare , eliminating once and for all the distinction between soldiers and civilians .
13 However , a multi-oppression approach demonstrated to youth workers once and for all the importance of making the connections , and that Girls ' Work is Youth Work .
14 For all the truth of these points , and for all the striking contrasts , military production would appear to function more as a favoured section of the economy than as a separate one .
15 And what more radical initiative in education could be mounted than one which decisively disturbed the traditional partnership between central and local government in the management of education and which exploded once and for all the myth of ‘ the secret garden of the curriculum ’ ?
16 Getting the slaves across the Atlantic was always a difficult problem for the Royal Africa Company and for all the other traders .
17 And for all the hoopla about NT one would think the thing would be multi-user but it 's not .
18 And for all the last minute protests by the Gotha Museum , nothing further has been heard from them .
19 The quotation 's from the jacket blurb of the English translation of Kurt Diemberger 's book about the role of K2 in his and Julie Tullis 's life , and for all the imprecision of the grammatical structures by which it 's expressed here , it 's an idea I can willingly accept .
20 And for all the lithe elegance of the finale ( not rushed off its feet , as it sometimes is ) I 've heard more pungent , sharper-witted performances , with greater delight in the comical banter of the second theme .
21 Thank you Jackie Stewart and Helen , for your tremendous care and kindness , and for all the wonderful Celebrity Challenges that I have always thoroughly enjoyed .
22 But for all Patrick Milligan 's wrath , and for all the constant beatings he administered to Ellie with his thick leather belt , he was unable to break her will .
23 The result was that when Bollaert finally made his speech on 10 September it was obvious that , for all the rhetoric and for all the idealization of the French Union , if it was independence that France was offering , it was so heavily circumscribed as to make it obvious that France had , at most , transferred the Jacobin concept of ‘ the nation one and indivisible ’ to a French Union in which she would still be in a commanding position .
24 Already , too , one may see the start of a symbiotic relationship in which France would increasingly depend upon American resources to achieve purposes which , left to herself , would be beyond her , while American objectives , although they did not entirely coincide with the French and for all the power which they would ultimately deploy , had to include France as a frail but , for the moment , indispensable means by which they might be attained .
25 Alternatively , it may be suggested that the question was how much the French should have been asked to concede ; and even if the critical time , ( according to Edmund Gullion , ) was ‘ right after the Elysee agreements of March 1949 ’ and for all the complaint that ‘ South-East Asia 's policy has been junked ’ , and dismay at Acheson 's ‘ French captivity , a closer inspection suggests that there may not in fact have been all that much difference in the assumptions upon which different parts of the State Department were operating .
26 When the " Geddes Axe " fell in February 1922 , it proposed cuts in the social services which alienated once and for all the Prime Minister 's last admirers on the left ; moderate Unionists like Stanley Baldwin disliked the Geddes Axe as being too arbitrary and too indiscriminate , but the rest of the party criticized it as too little , too late , and unlikely to be implemented anyway .
27 Held , allowing the appeal , that the absence from the Children Act 1989 of any express provision that applications be made either inter partes or ex parte connoted the availability of either course in appropriate circumstances ; that on a true construction the court 's powers conferred by the Act of 1989 had not been abrogated by the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 so that rule 4.4(4) did not preclude the making of an ex parte application for a residence order , although normally applications should be made inter partes ; that the judge therefore had jurisdiction to make such an order and , under section 11(7) of the Act , to attach such directions as might be appropriate ; and that , accordingly , in the exceptional circumstances , the court would make an interim residence order to which directions would be attached for the return of the child to the former matrimonial home and for all the children to remain in the father 's care until the inter partes hearing of the father 's applications ( post , pp. 116B , D–E , F , G–H , 117A–E , F–H ) .
28 And for all the way she bullied other people , she 's always been under that fellow 's thumb and so has Dympna . ’
29 It gave me a huge appetite and for all the wrong things , ’ she says .
30 Last seen fronting the spasmodically brilliant but ill-fated Riff Raff , tonight he casts the ghosts aside to prove once and for all the capital has an answer to Iggy Pop and Lux Interior all rolled into one .
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