Example sentences of "and after [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 Malc is my ex-husband , we were married when we were 17 — ( just ) and after 18 years were divorced to a chorus of , ‘ I knew it would n't last ! ’
2 My husband , when I met him , looked intensely lived-in , and after seventeen years of me , ‘ squatted-in ’ would be more the term for it .
3 He believed that ‘ there was nothing to prevent those who wished to give their service voluntarily working with the authorities , and after many years producing a magnificent edifice for public health to help their fellows ’ .
4 In view of this and after many years of being in the movement and being active in the movement , I know when to quit when I 'm winning , so I move motion one six three .
5 At the EC level , and after 13 years in power , the Government can not escape responsibility for the operation of the CAP .
6 I enjoy working as part of a team , and after four years looking after my two sons I am eager to return to working outside home .
7 But they will be allowed to buy stakes of up to 15 per cent and after five years the barriers will come down .
8 ‘ We were doing horn-led , jump blues and after five years of doing that stuff , I got tired of it .
9 Thus , a higher-rate taxpayer who invests £10,000 in autumn 1992 should receive an income tax refund of £4,000 around March 1993 and after five years , in October 1997 , should pocket £12,000 .
10 Those who buy shares in BES funds receive tax relief on their investment , and after five years the houses are sold .
11 And after five years of marriage , he wants you to know how much he still loves you . ’
12 However , he started again in the cheaper rings , and after five years moved to London in 1929 .
13 Like many other RAF servicemen he found himself stationed in Lincolnshire and after five years service his Lincolnshire bonds were established and he later moved to the areas into the more peaceful activity of a fitter in the malting industry .
14 Mr Ensoll and his wife , Daphne , live in Blackwell Lane in the town and after five years in the area , they are sure the North-East is where they want to spend their retirement .
15 you think god , you know , and after five years of marriage you think well have we tried everything , yeah
16 At thirty-six Tamar Garb is a Lecturer in History of Art at University College , London , and after twelve years teaching experience — three in her present job — she receives £22,000 a year .
17 At an extraordinary conference held at the end of March , and after 1/2 years of divisions , the pro-government San-Martín wing of the Peronist General Confederation of Labour ( CGT ) reunited with the radical Azopardo wing .
18 One set of 10 pellets was left on a dry ledge against a south facing wall , and after two years there had been some erosion of the surfaces of the pellets but the pellets were still largely intact .
19 The bones remaining within the intact pellets were found to be protected from weathering and after two years the pellets were taken apart by hand and the bones from them exposed again .
20 Implementation of that policy , in Indo-China however , would depend upon France ; and after two years of war and in spite of some growing and ineffable optimism , the French were still looking for a purposeful Vietnam policy and had revealed not so much procrastination and missed opportunities as a sort of political paralysis .
21 He very quickly became an invaluable member of the organisation and after two years I made him manager .
22 After all , he 's quite a handsome guy in his own way , is n't he , as well as being disgustingly wealthy , and after two years love-games can become depressingly boring , ca n't they ? ’
23 Each sample will be recontacted after a year and after two years to assess the degree of change amongst the young people .
24 But as I say he was the most conscientious removal man and after two years when he came in he was so upset .
25 Grasses gradually increase and after 10 years the appearance is mainly one of grassland with scattered clumps of tall herbs .
26 Grasses then begin to colonise the ground and after 10 years , and the appearance gradually turns to one of open scrub ( above right ) .
27 And after 10 years of research , they had found that women with this problem could be given donor white blood cells , which would lower their immunity and allow their bodies to accept the baby . ’
28 During 1991 and after 10 years of negotiations , the START treaty was signed , and in itself it is indeed only a start as it still leaves enormous stockpiles of delivery systems and nuclear warheads , enough to reduce most of our planet to a radioactive cinder heap .
29 ‘ Malc is my ex-husband , we were married when we were seventeen and after eighteen years were divorced to a chorus of ‘ I knew it would n't last ! ’ ‘
30 After Franco 's death and after 38 years ' absence he returned to Spain in 1977 , at the invitation of Suárez , and was in 1978 appointed president of the Catalonian regional government .
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