Example sentences of "and use the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 David did n't think it was a good idea but I said we could n't keep going out and using the phone box down the road .
2 That old devil , Time , was what he saw there , Time at his insidious work , leafing through the picture-album of his past and using the sky outside the window to throw long-forgotten images onto its evening brightness , each disposition of cloud-shape and colour-tint magically re-forming into a scene from his Granard childhood .
3 In some cases , because all the persons involved are employees of the company developing and using the software , there will be little difficulty , but if outsiders are involved at any stage , terms should be inserted in contractual agreements dealing with ownership and use of the computer output .
4 They were in the habit of calling first at a petrol station , and using the air line to blow their tyres up really hard .
5 Within the context of current agricultural policies there are sound economic and social reasons for abandoning farming altogether over large areas of the uplands and using the land for other purposes which would both be profitable and create employment .
6 A national project allows astronomers of that country to take major decisions in building and using the satellite ; and national pride makes it more likely that politicians will produce the money for a national project than simply to join in someone else 's satellite .
7 2 ) Positioning the mouse cursor on the text line and using the backspace or delete keys to delete the numbers and then typing in the new value .
8 Put one hand on top of the other and using the whole of your hands work in circles from the base of the spine and over the hips .
9 He pleaded guilty to dangerous parking and using the vehicle with defective tyres on December 4th .
10 Not only are they afraid of getting in and out of the bath , but they also have problems in operating the taps and using the WC .
11 It requires a change in thinking because ‘ there is no longer a simple correspondence between the way things are done on a drawing board and using the machine . ’
12 Indeed , you can not expect to be paid a great deal , but on the credit side you have no overheads and you will find the practice valuable , both in reading the pattern and using the machine .
13 Kathy and John Reynolds ( from Reynolds Brothers , Sydney , probably the largest machine knitting shop in Australia ) both told me that when the Kh900 arrived recently , they found out how to use it by opening the box and using the machine while reading the instruction book .
14 Giving the Town hall back to the people of Ealing was achieved by re-locating administrative staff in an adjacent building , and using the space thus created for lettable function rooms .
15 Practise holding and using the camcorder keeping the picture in the viewfinder steady .
16 Butler ( 1974 ) used groups of older people specifically for developing individual life histories , and using the sharing of these in a therapeutic group setting .
17 In the 1930s , training at Highbury consisted mainly of laps round the field , with assistant trainer Billy Milne or Tom Whittaker himself looking on — and using the occasion away from the treatment room to have a quiet smoke .
18 The landing craft 's compass was not properly ‘ swung ’ , and using the north star for a back-bearing the Commander brought this LC Vehicle ( LCV ) on to the correct beach .
19 With practice it is possible to speed up the procedure by keeping one hand on the carriage and using the other to manipulate the stitches with the transfer tool .
20 Such comparisons are often difficult due to lack of available data , and comparisons are often made by measuring GNP per capita in local currency and using the exchange rate of the currency against an international standard ( typically US $ ) .
21 This is generally done by mechanical means , crushing solid plastics and using the residue to make other items .
22 In a letter to Paskevich of 22 October / 3 November 1853 he envisaged crossing the Danube in the spring of 1854 , declaring the independence of the Danubian Principalities and Serbia , capturing the important fortress of Vidin ( in the future Bulgaria ) , pressing the Turks in eastern Anatolia , appealing for Orthodox Christians to rise against the sultan , and using the winter of 1854 – 5 to raise native militias .
23 This could be achieved by limiting the increase in personal tax allowances , and using the money saved to , for example , introduce more generous depreciation allowances against new investment .
24 This is the authority which has not increased school meal prices for 11 years , since 1981 ; it has been expelled from the Museums Association for selling pictures and using the money for non-museum purposes — and so on , and so on , and so on .
25 What prevented French or German firms borrowing on similar terms in Europe or the United States to those faced by US firms , and using the money to buy up firms in Europe or indeed the United States , was their financial and industrial weakness , not the state of Europe 's balance of payments .
26 These can again be seen as a result of different social alliances forcing their own interests on to the local political agenda and using the state apparatus towards their own ends .
27 Substituting these expressions for the respective expectations terms and using the technique of undetermined coefficients , we obtain : and hence ,
28 Much genetic data was collected from some two thousand young men and women , and using the computer services of two cooperating universities , I eventually selected six potential mothers .
29 Several additional uses for the computer are described by George E. Mason ( 1983 ) : using the computer to administer diagnostic tests ; letting the child teach the computer ; and using the computer as a " focus for student hostility " ( ! ) .
30 I put going down to the English Centre and using the computer
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