Example sentences of "and such [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Saying what they 're in er erm erm , so look , and wa watch so and so very carefully Jack I 've got him in such and such a race .
2 And such a change from that of Leo Beenhakker , the urbane Dutchman from whom Toshack took over at the Bernabeu last summer .
3 And such a change !
4 Incredibly tactile and such a sense of form .
5 But suppose now we require that adequate grammatical descriptions include specifications of the meaning of every word in a language , and such a requirement has normally been assumed , then we find words whose meaning-specifications can only be given by reference to contexts of usage .
6 Recently my grandfather died — it was sudden and such a shock after my grandmother 's death .
7 ‘ Mr Rochester , so proud and such a gentleman !
8 A joint tenant might , however , transfer his interest in his lifetime ( though not by will ) ; and such a transfer would , before 1 January 1926 , have had the effect of making the transferee a tenant in common with the other or others , though the others continued as between themselves to be joint tenants .
9 The transfer of goods is most commonly made by merely handing them over , and such a transfer is equally effectual whether the transfer is for value or by way of gift .
10 To sum up : there is nothing wrong in putting into writing our instructions about future treatment and such a document should be taken very seriously .
11 Obviously a politician able to perform this service conferred a very material favour on the endangered man and his relatives , and such a favour could attach their loyalty to the interest able to save them .
12 Well the election agent was the man responsible for getting that data through to the , the candidate to say that you 're speaking at a meeting , such and such a night , and another meeting at such and such so keeping the , keeps that candidate on his toes , all the time , during an election campaign until election 's over and then of course er you know what transpires after that I su it 's either
13 The main exclusions of the policy still operate and such a clause may be of limited use , but its existence is worth investigating .
14 Liability for negligence may also be excluded by a provision imposing a duty on the other party to insure against a particular type of loss ( James Archdale & Co v Comservices [ 1954 ] 1 WLR 459 ) and such a clause might be used in a contract to install goods or machinery at the employer 's premises , requiring the employer , rather than the contractor , to insure the premises against damage caused by fire .
15 From the outside people may say she has married into such and such a descent group but this does not mean that she is also not at the same time the wife of a particular man .
16 [ Ch 14 ] It is with a more elaborate example of this type of fanciful similitude that the impersonal " Dickens " introduces Mrs Rouncewell : She is a fine old lady , handsome , stately , wonderfully neat , and has such a back , and such a stomacher that if her stays should turn out when she dies to have been a broad old-fashioned family fire-grate , nobody who knows her would have cause to be surprised .
17 Others , however , joined in the exercise : ‘ It must have been in such and such a way ; I mean , there 's a story which says …
18 McDowell 's excessively subtle thesis teeters on the brink of the view that ‘ This is red ’ means ‘ This looks red to standard observers ’ and ‘ This is good ’ means ‘ This appeals in such and such a way to a normal person ’ .
19 going to Oxford , if you went to Oxford and you come to such and such a way and you 're going out towards Ipswich and the big roundabout there was
20 Now they could then say well that particular group of people , if they looked at this evidence that I 've got , would want to say this about it and they would want to change it in such and such a way , and there 's another group of people who perhaps have rather different views on what history might be doing and they would view the evidence and argue about it in this way .
21 In one regrettable case , which I myself witnessed , it had become an established sport in the house for guests to ring for the butler and put to him random questions of the order of , say , who had won the Derby in such and such a year , rather as one might to a Memory Man at the music hall .
22 you know so erm so some er a lot more should 've been done about actually getting , even if it was just well I 'm in that area , I 'm in the area on such and such a day anyway so I can call in to see you .
23 And I want them on , such and such a day .
24 They may whine and cry ; sputter about everything ; not know what they want and are never satisfied , capriciously rejecting the things they have just asked for and such a temper .
25 Do you long to be enveloped in a subtle cloud of indefinable mystery , a Proustian aroma particular to you , not the immediately recognisable impact of such and such a brand ?
26 But there 's still , we still I mean er er you perhaps need to talk to Rob to see what he wants his input , it 's always been a bit airy fairy and there , there are sheets ! the choice is not the same but they should be aware of some of the implications if they choose to go down such and such a road .
27 A little later , Charles Dickens recorded travelling ‘ through miles of cinder-paths and blazing furnaces and roaring steam engines , and such a mass of dirt , gloom and misery as I never before witnessed ’ .
28 Where spray bottles are more widely used and there is a risk of confusion colour coding is desirable and such a provision would take precedence over our control needs .
29 This will emerge from extensive application of a range of exploratory techniques , and such a procedure is particularly important prior to using one of the computer packages designed for confirmatory statistics .
30 If the adoption of a female voice by a male character is a ruse intended , inter alia , to throw an oblique light upon the characteristics of womankind , the fabliau , with its characteristic representation of women in terms of their sexuality and such a capacity to allow overt changes of voice , would provide just the right mode .
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