Example sentences of "and come to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This afforded the opportunity for him both to become familiar with other music , and to come to grips with concerto movement forms unhampered by the need to create the thematic and harmonic material as well .
2 Zuckerman has enabled Roth to deal with the question of the offence he has given to righteous Jews , and to come to terms with the rebellious , psychedelic , philo-Semitic Sixties , when Roth 's writing went , with the times , derisive and fantastic .
3 He helped her in a two-year battle against cancer and to come to terms with her double mastectomy .
4 Children want and need information in order to make some sense of their parents ' behaviour , to avoid distorted and unnecessary fears and fantasies , and to come to terms with the change in circumstances .
5 The bishop was requested to advise them maturo consilio to restrain their passions and to come to terms with the Plantagenet administration in their quarrel over attacks upon ducal officers and subjects in the vicomté of Marsan .
6 Selim was the first Turkish ruler to attempt to understand the currents of thought in western Europe and to come to terms with the contemporary world .
7 At this time Miller was acting in an advisory capacity , as recorded in the Memoranda Book of John , Fourth Duke of Bedford ( Woburn Mss HMC 62 , extract above ) : ‘ March 13 1740/1 agreed with Mr. Miller to pay him Twenty Guineas a year for inspecting my Gardens hot houses , pruning the trees , etc. and to come to Woburn at least twice a year and oftner if wanted , to be paid at Lady Day yearly . ’
8 The Dharjees went from Iran to Bombay in the seventeenth century and came to Wimbledon in 1926 , mainly to get away from Bombay but also , apparently , for the tennis . ’
9 MARCUS DALY-FERRIERA , 27 , is a Royal Engineers corporal and came to pentathlon through the Army Triathlon in 1987 .
10 A heap of rags in the corner suddenly stirred and came to life and Taplow , loaded with chains , got to his feet .
11 ‘ The kids were uninhibited and came to music very fresh .
12 I turned the corner into Bank Street , pounded down it just missing two lamp-posts , took a sharp left into Adam Smith Street and came to McGarvie 's garage .
13 And then you see I gave up my home in Liverpool and came to Anglesey to my people .
14 Muller was born in Germany and came to America to study with his compatriot Hans Hofmann .
15 And he dight himself full gallantly and well , and took with him many knights , both his own and of his kindred and of his friends , and he took also many new arms , and came to Valencia to the King with two hundred of his peers in arms , in festival guise ; and the King went out to meet him , and received him right well , and did him honour ; and at this were all the Counts displeased .
16 He completed a Pathfinder tour and came to Warboys when I was the High Master there .
17 We went on past and came to Gate 6 , which was basically a staircase leading to ground level , where the rails were .
18 Making up yardage charts started in America in the late 1950s , took off in the 1960s and came to Britain in the 1970s .
19 So , two years ago , she left her hometown of Thunderbay on the shores of Lake Superior and came to Britain where the prospect of finding outlets for her pictures are slightly brighter .
20 The first is Asian and came to Britain in 1972 .
21 So , two years ago , she left her hometown of Thunderbay on the shores of Lake Superior and came to Britain where the prospect of finding outlets for her pictures are slightly brighter .
22 She is exactly the same age as Mrs Smith and came to Britain from Jamaica in 1957 as a 20-year old with her father ( a skilled motor mechanic who came to work on the London buses ) , her mother and her three brothers .
23 According to John and Marie , who finally married him and came to Baldersdale when she was twenty , Hannah played no part in the courtship rituals of Baldersdale .
24 ( Henry ) Wooden , his valet for seven years who on his marriage left his service and came to Henley where he worked at the Brewery for 30 years .
25 Joseph Thomas , engineer , was born in Roche and came to Looe to retire after a distinguished career .
26 I reluctantly decided to stay and came to London knowing one lesbian .
27 In 1934 my father left his wife and two-year-old daughter in the north , and came to London .
28 Then I gave him the slip and came to London . ’
29 I ran out of the house immediately and came to London to ask for your help .
30 Simon Hogg , trombonist , studied at the Royal Academy of Music and came to Birmingham to do a PGCE .
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