Example sentences of "and take the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's been written by the best-selling author Susan Hill , and takes the story on from Du Maurier 's dramatic ending written fifty years ago .
2 It 's functional and cheap and takes the work out of mothers ' work — the opposite of the colour supplements ' fascination with food and its production and the backlash against junk food , which present a chic counterculture of cooking not as work but as leisure and pleasure .
3 Greeny is generally pretty good , like a laugh and takes the piss a bit too .
4 There 's the one when he scores against Sheff Utd a couple of years ago and takes the piss out of Vineyard , and the one when he scored for Scotland and tried to get his leg over ( oo-er ) the advertising boards .
5 She agrees with everything I say , she 's never horrible to me , but when you 're around she 's really horrible to me and like , even though she 's agreed with something I 've said earlier , she just sort of goes yeah right Cassie ha ha ha it 's really funny and takes the piss out of it and you sort of go along with her and I just sort of have to stand there while you two stand there laughing at me and I do n't like it .
6 The strengths of the approach are clear : it gets away from being content-dominated and takes the teaching of skills seriously , especially skills of stilling , centredness and attentiveness .
7 The heat is not so bad , it 's when this wind 's with it , and it literally dries the flowers out — you can see them go opaque and takes the colour out of them , but we 're not doing too badly .
8 HOW 'S ABOUT FAT , THEN : The Duchess gets as far as raising a leg but then decides exercise is just too much effort and takes the rest of the sunbathing session lying down
9 But Cronin and Fitch showed that if one replaces particles by antiparticles and takes the mirror image , but does not reverse the direction of time , then the universe does not behave the same .
10 He reaches up and takes the oregano off the spice rack .
11 So every time everybody goes past and goes how 's your glow worm boy today and takes the mickey out of him !
12 Abraham puts forth his hand , and takes the knife ‘ to slay his son ’ .
13 It 's thought by many to be the most beautiful of the Cuillin corries and takes the hillwalker in among the most impressive peaks .
14 Andy sucks breath , staring at me ; he pulls his trousers up , then he puts out his hand and takes the branch from me .
15 Bogle himself sits at the desk by the door and takes the money .
16 ‘ Who lands at Dover and takes the road to Oxford ? ’
17 Some hours before the train is due to leave , a bullock-cart , or camel-cart , or perhaps even an elephant-lorry , arrives at the bungalow , and takes the whole of the load to the station , in charge of the head ‘ boy ’ .
18 The greasy impression made by the special typewriter ribbon or special pen rejects the water and takes the ink , and the positive image is ‘ offset ’ or transferred to a second roller and is picked up in reverse .
19 Andy throws the man 's rucksack into the shaft , then bends and takes the man under one armpit , trying to heave him up .
20 and takes the wood down the garden
21 If , however , he goes in with the public on that day , conceals himself , and takes the painting on the following day , he is not guilty .
22 Their remuneration comes from this position and takes the form of profits or high salaries and bonuses tied to profitability , so that their financial reward is linked very closely to the success of the firm .
23 Anxiety is commonly intermingled with fear and takes the form of restlessness ; it is a mental anxiety and uneasiness that makes the patient toss and turn , get up and walk about , move from place to place , one position to another but they become so weak that eventually , in very serious diseases , he is prostrate even to having a deathly aspect .
24 RNR is the current weekly net household income in proportion to the DHSS supplementary-benefit level and takes the form of a percentage .
25 The first is the natural reaction to the excesses of the credit boom of the late 1980s , and takes the form of debt deflation .
26 The ‘ Playmore ’ has proved an invaluable asset to many clubs , and takes the form of a ‘ roll-out/peg-out ’ cover .
27 What is perhaps peculiar to Japan is the way industrial conflict precedes negotiations and takes the form of ceremonial sabre rattling .
28 The theatre occupies the two upper floors of the north-west part of the Palazzo dell'Università , known as ‘ the Bò ’ , and takes the form of an inverted cone on an elliptical plan .
29 The general education element is usually concentrated in the first two years ( 'lower division' ) of the four-year course , and takes the form either of distribution requirements which ensure that students cover a certain range of subjects , or else a common course organized around certain themes or topics , such as the ‘ Great Books ’ course or Boyer 's ( 1987 ) suggested ‘ integrated core ’ ( language , art , heritage , institutions , nature , work , identity ) .
30 Monilia vaginitis is common during pregnancy and takes the form of a thick white discharge with acute irritation of the vaginal area .
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