Example sentences of "and make the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If not erm then if your spouse died the day after you for instance , you had a road accident or something like that and you 've left it all to her , she 'll take it all and then it 'll add it would be added to her estate it as well and make the inheritance tax bill bigger .
2 Twinned with speciality cheese , served with soup , drunk as a tea or beer or cooked and tossed in butter , the young stinging nettle , or , from another plant family , the dead nettle , was thought 300 years ago to ‘ drive away melancholy and make the heart merry ’ .
3 Now we expect operators to identify the root cause and make the problem go away themselves , ’ said factory systems manager .
4 Could we dispense with the human eye , and make the computer itself do the selecting , on the basis of some biologically realistic criterion ?
5 His gentle , conservative aim was to support the singers and make the story clear .
6 If they do , then she must establish by 1 October the likely correct tax liability and make the payment due on that date .
7 When autotomy was first observed it was thought that the killer simply ripped off the tail by brute force , but closer study revealed that many lizards , especially geckos , have evolved special break-points in their tails — weak spots that fracture with great ease and make the sacrifice a simple matter .
8 On the face of it , it is a business ripe for computerization , and , indeed , a great deal of work is done with computers to analyse media research data and make the construction of media schedules more effective .
9 However , the algae may become excessive , and make the aquarium look tatty .
10 Postmen were waiting there to take it on bicycle to the outlying villages and make the return journey with outgoing mail to be despatched on the 6.20 pm train to Hull .
11 Electricity was used to mill the flour , to bake the bread , for driving milking machines and then butter churns , to cook the beans in the factory , to mould the tin can , to make the paper for the label and to print it , and finally to heat the beans and make the toast .
12 Can I buy an overdrive for a Range Rover ( there 's so many discount offers in the mag ) or get a used one and make the linkage myself ?
13 One can identify the bulk , calculate the total loss and make the buyer bear a proportion according to his share of the bulk .
14 Raising the nose will cause an increase in translational lift and make the helicopter climb-possibly quite sharply .
15 A person should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of knowing if he or she has HIV infection , and make the decision depending on their personality and circumstances .
16 It is your garden ; you do the work and make the decision according to your judgement .
17 By a small adjustment , however , we can greatly improve our relationship and make the cat feel much more comfortable and at ease in our presence .
18 In a similar way , simply asking children to draw a picture of what happened in their play is wasting an opportunity to move the drama forward and make the work purposeful : the picture could have an important part to play in the drama , in which case the quality of both the drama and the art work improves .
19 Here in Brighton this week reams of revisionism are being pulped through the decision-making process of the Labour Party conference , loads of ideological lumber jettisoned as Labour endeavours ‘ to meet the challenge and make the change ’ .
20 Residents both work in the shop and make the bread and cakes sold here .
21 Many solicitors ' firms participate in the TransAction scheme , set up by the Law Society [ the solicitors ' professional body ] to reduce the delays which can lead to breaks in property chains , and make the conveyancing process run more smoothly .
22 He 's a big man who can score tries and make the ball available to his winger . ’
23 If this does not help , the doctor may be able to give an injection to dry up secretions and make the noise less upsetting .
24 ‘ I 'd lie under the covers and make the noise he makes when he 's breathing , and then I 'd stop , but sometimes it would go on after I 'd stopped ! ’
25 The hope here is that each will reinforce the other , and make the school experience less of a bewildering succession of totally disparate experiences .
26 For just £15 you can give them a set of springs that take just an hour or two to fit under each key and make the keyboard so much bouncier .
27 The campaign to have creation science taught in schools makes little of the supposed moral harm of evolutionary theory because this would expose the fundamentalism of its proponents and make the subject inadmissable as being religious teaching .
28 The Windows Smartdrive memory management and caching system , it was decided , would make good use of the extra RAM and make the system more efficient .
29 ( Perhaps they despatched certain people to chop down the trees and make the charcoal ?
30 These three sets of variables — to do with the labour market , substitution within it , and graduate selection — make the whole curriculum-employment relationship an extremely complex one , and make the interpretation of graduate employment statistics a hazardous business .
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