Example sentences of "and will have [art] " in BNC.

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1 Except in those cases where contracts are population-based , which is not apparently envisaged in the new proposals , providers will have a responsibility only to the patients they treat and will have no responsibility for any particular population .
2 If the remedy is not indicated it will be ignored by the body and will have no effect , and if it is indicated it can only be beneficial .
3 I have acquainted them with the Buiseness and they Do nt seem willin to pay , but you may answer this to me if you please , but we now Declair off and will have no more to do with that Biseness , yrs
4 The device uses an infra-red link to connect to a desktop computer or to other Personal Digital Assistants , and it will use a low-power RISC processor — Cambridge , UK-based Advanced RISC Machines Ltd 's ARM600 presumably , a 3″ by 5″ supertwist but not backlit screen and will have no other input devices except a pen .
5 Nor am I troubled by the suggestion put forward by both Mr. Beloff and Mr. Philipson that a conclusion in favour of the Bank of England on this point will introduce an element of doubt into an area where certainty is important , since authorised institutions will be familiar with the Act , and will have no difficulty in recognising a section 39 notice as an exception .
6 Industry will have to pay for the licences they are granted and will have a duty to reduce pollution and render their discharges harmless .
7 Well roasted coffee beans are always brown — black beans are over roasted and will have a bitter flavour and insufficiently roasted beans are pale and give a colourless , tasteless drink .
8 In his new post , he is chief military adviser to the Secretary General and will have a key role in the implementation of security arrangements with east European countries .
9 Soils high in carbonate ( e.g. chalk , limestone ) have high ‘ alkali production ’ , so acids will be mostly neutralised and will have a high critical load .
10 There may well be teachers in the school who will not be convinced that teaching is about anything other than delivering the curriculum and will have a restricted view of their role as professionals .
11 Population growth has and will have a profound impact upon world food demand .
12 I will hopefully complete my Bachelor of Commerce Degree this year and will have a future career in marketing .
13 Each pond will have shelving for marginal plants and will have a Butyl lining .
14 Some , primarily because of their educational background , though there will be other causes , are in a position in a business enterprise to be able to define their own roles and will have a determining voice in deciding pay and other rewards and , in general , be able to define the procedures and roles by which others ' work will be done .
15 The winner will receive a bottle of champagne on her birthday every year and will have a vine named after her in the Veuve Clicquot vineyard .
16 The £700,000 striker missed the last two games with a badly bruised shoulder , but he has been back in training for the last couple of days and will have a late fitness check tonight .
17 Cairo will interoperate with DCE and will have a distributed directory integrated with the object management system and the object filing system .
18 All guests will differ emotionally , physically and temperamentally and will have a wide variety of likes , dislikes , tastes and income levels .
19 In addition Mr Reynolds will eventually undergo major surgery on his bowel and will have a colostomy raised .
20 Reducing now the current ( and H with it ) we shall not retrace the same curve ; B will decrease much more slowly and will have a finite value at zero current .
21 Local authorities have the power to make special educational provision for the under 2s and will have a duty to make such provision for children aged 2–5 and 16–19 as well as for those of compulsory school age .
22 It will be an official European event with Order of Merit status and will have a substantial increase in prize-money over the Hong Kong event .
23 The field is estimated to have reserves of 700 billion cubic feet of gas and will have a life of about 20 years .
24 Call effect This is always to the disadvantage of the bond-holder and will have a negative effect on price .
25 Once in position the structure will support oil production facilities and will have a holding capacity of 1.3 million barrels of oil a day .
26 The class teacher will be assessing pupils ' achievement across a range of subjects , and will have a very good idea of the child 's progress and development .
27 The new TV channel that has been talked about for a while will be named ‘ The Manchester United channel ’ and will outbid the BBC for the right to be channel no.1 and will have a completely unbiased opinion of football ( just like the BBC )
28 Bovis have been appointed Construction Manager for all four HAT sites , and will have a permanent base on each site .
29 Yellow Pages or some of the local journals or whatever and will have a copy in existence which we can use .
30 Micky Hazard took a knock at Newcastle and will have a late check .
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