Example sentences of "a [adj] [conj] so " in BNC.

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31 There are also a dozen or so whitish spots about half-pinhead size .
32 He failed to obtain a Card at Montpelier last year finishing 66th , but his outstanding amateur record has earned him a dozen or so sponsor 's invites .
33 I still do half a dozen or so of these scarlet cross-overs a year , to this day .
34 Soon a dozen or so hands were raised and after their names had been written down and details of what their duties would involve the meeting was brought to a close .
35 Between a fetid canal and a railway line , under the bleaching afternoon sun , a dozen or so young men stand in line , waiting to buy cocaine .
36 I observe in passing that probably not more than a dozen or so out of the 170-odd political entities in the world conform to even the first half of the Mazzinian programme , if nations are defined in ethnic-linguistic terms .
37 Cleared by the military Ohakea Control to climb into their airspace I coaxed a Grumman AA5 up to 11,000 feet , to look down into the crater lake of Mount Ruapehu , 9,175 feet high , to see steam and smoke coming from the crater within the torn and shattered peak of 6,517 foot Mount Tongariro ( whose last major eruption was only a dozen or so years back ) and to fly around the perfectly symmetrical cone of Mount Ngauruhoe .
38 I twisted in the seat to see that there were a dozen or so boats moored in the protected crook of the easternmost anchor fluke .
39 There could have been a serious road accident with a dozen or so frightened animals careering about country lanes .
40 In the fifties I got into a set of about a dozen or so gay men in South London .
41 A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below .
42 First up , they were stopped at the US border for the customary van search and their local driver was found to be in possession of a dozen or so ready-rolled ‘ recreational ’ cigarettes .
43 Suddenly she rose from the post , some 250 feet from me , and with a dozen or so leisurely beats of her magnificent wings she was angling in to land on my glove and devour her prize !
44 I just run local affairs for a dozen or so missions . ’
45 Behind the small veneered wooden counter a dozen or so keys dangled from hooks on a numbered board , together with a few dog-eared official-looking proclamations .
46 After a dozen or so phone calls , we finally discovered that TSL had secured coverage on Sportschannel America , a national cable sports network which reaches approximately nine million households .
47 ‘ In countries like Australia and New Zealand the leading players play in the region of 25 rep games a season , perhaps a dozen or so of which will be full internationals .
48 In half an hour a dozen or so cars would drive into the inner courtyard and the morning shift would take over .
49 There were a dozen or so cars parked near the entrance , including the Marshal 's small van , but not a soul in sight .
50 I 'll tell you what else you can do ; you can make half a dozen or so of those currant buns of yours and take them with you on Saturday as a kind of present for the lady . ’
51 This is usually done by a guillotine that cuts back a bundle of a dozen or so plants at a time , and it is not unusual to find the cut ends chopped and bruised rather roughly .
52 On its own it 's weighty enough ; but then you must add fourteen golf clubs , a dozen or so balls , an umbrella , a set of waterproofs , spare sweaters , caps and visors , half a dozen golf gloves , a book of rules , tins of sweets , bars of chocolates , apples , bananas and other fruit and , in Jack Mason 's case , sometimes a couple of bottles of strong beer .
53 Toby had a cupboard there in which he threw his golf clubs , normally with a high degree of disgust , and where he kept a dozen or so bottles of wine .
54 Apart from having to compete with the other half a dozen or so suppliers like Santa Cruz Operation Inc and Sun , USL has no real marketing experience .
55 Essential will serve and support the existing half a dozen or so dealers , VARs and system integrators that already offer BBC 's software in the UK .
56 We are one of about three hundred Amnesty groups in the country , probably about this size , perhaps , well were , were , I mean this , this group is probably about an average for the , you know , the groups in the country , some are smaller , some are much larger , but er , usually it 's about a dozen or so people meeting once a month or , or that often in a room , erm , but apart from groups there are a l there are a great many more people who are called individual members of Amnesty about eighty thousand I think now who are , who just joined by writing to headquarters and many of those have no contact with the groups at all , we 've had list of the people in this area and they run into hundred and fifty , two hundred people who live in this area who er , who belong , who , who belong to Amnesty but do n't actually come to a group except for a small number of us .
57 They include a dozen pre-Cubist works , half a dozen or so Cubist drawings and paintings , some Thirties landscapes , and end with three heads of cavaliers from the Sixties .
58 Only a handful of producers — say a dozen or so — regard wine as a viable commercial proposition .
59 Material from a smallpox pustule is introduced into the body of the person to be protected , by a light scratch , The patient should then receive a light dose of smallpox , with only a dozen or so pox , and lifetime active immunity .
60 Behind comes a column of workers , scurrying along a dozen or so abreast , many of them carrying larvae .
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