Example sentences of "a [adj] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 The mine is a rich one for the diligent researcher .
2 In 1991 , British government finances again moved into deficit and the projections are that the deficit will grow but notwithstanding this the market in UK government bonds will remain , by international standards , a medium-sized one for the foreseeable future .
3 Have you got a dry one for er Mary ?
4 If insufficient moots are organised , try to get a law teacher or barrister to judge a private one for yourself and friends .
5 What constitutes a ‘ public meeting ’ as opposed to a private one for the purposes of these sections is not spelt out any further in the legislation .
6 The case for Solaris on Intel , however , does not appear a strong one for Stuart at present , ‘ although I could be proven wrong ’ , he said .
7 This is to inform you all that me and my Companions have Unanamously agreed and likewise made Oath to Each other that if There is not a speedy Altaration made for the Good of the poore that you have corn thinking to make your fortunes of shall have it burnt to the Ground whether it Be in Stacks or Barns for the fire that took place Last Week was but the begining of your Troble , we know every Stack of Corn about this Country , and Every Barn that hath Corn concealed in it for the Purpos of starving the Poore But we are Determind if thare is to Be Starvation it shall be a General thing not a parcial one for both Gentle and Simple shall Starve if any Do .
8 The whole day had been a strange one for a young lady like herself who had never been allowed to go out on her own , had been carefully looked after and protected at all times from the impact of the world in which most people lived .
9 Writing in the FRC 's second annual review , Sir Ron warns that ‘ the next year will be a controversial one for the ASB and one in which the Board will need strong support ’ .
10 The subject of travel concessions has been a controversial one for the last few months .
11 Everybody has a deadline , whether it 's a , a three month one for a quarterly magazine , a daily one for a newspaper , a , a monthly one .
12 In general terms it is best , but not essential , to choose one typeface for the main text and a different one for headings .
13 you only got two carpets to sort out and a bit of lino rather than having a different one with this one and a different one for that one and then a different one for
14 you only got two carpets to sort out and a bit of lino rather than having a different one with this one and a different one for that one and then a different one for
15 Moving across the Adriatic , you comment that ‘ it has been a bad week for Bosnia 's Muslims and a shaming one for the outside world . ’
16 This approach is a risky one for several reasons .
17 Garrett 's decision to set up in the business of metal detector manufacture was a brave one for there were in his immediate locale several rival ‘ cottage industries ’ vying to capture a share of the young and burgeoning market .
18 Oh no , you get a free one for introducing people , so this
19 Indeed last year was a marked one for ’ sisters doing it for themselves ’ .
20 it was a popular one for a talented and local boy .
21 In deciding whether the case is a proper one for service out of the jurisdiction , one of the circumstances the court will take into account is the strength or weakness of the plaintiff 's claim in the proceedings .
22 ‘ Nice to have a fresh one for a change . ’
23 It was not only a long job , but a painful one for Deborah , the backs of whose hands were pricked , scored and smeared with blood before she succeeded in freeing the lamb altogether .
24 The legacy of the second world war is a painful one for all Yugoslavs .
25 Moreover , this story is a painful one for me to tell .
26 The journey down the Grand Canal was a magical one for Meredith , in her warm glow of contentment .
27 ‘ If we book a separate one for me , ’ she pointed out , ‘ I may have to show my passport .
28 There 's a separate one for career 's teachers .
29 No there is a separate one for qualitative and it is different .
30 In no time , he 'd bought a second one for Liam in Milltown , and then a third in Warrenpoint and now Liam was just about to clinch a site in Newry .
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