Example sentences of "a [adj] on [det] " in BNC.

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1 So what I want you to do is to follow these little chips er dimples here , they 're on this stone there 're a few on that but not on here , so that bit it goes in that direction .
2 Ooh there 's a few on that today is n't there ?
3 Because was before the observations of Mr it just that you 're going back to cabinet government anyway cos you say t take a few on each committee , just have a few small committees and they 'll do the job .
4 and er if they were if they were n't making a reasonable amount you know , eight and a half per cent , ten and a half on some of them .
5 Erm , I 'm at a lost on this .
6 Yes , very good , and you 're sure you have n't put a three on that are n't you ?
7 Half a gross on each board yeah , oh you could n't move away from your board at all and it was erm Mr his eyes seemed to be perhaps I should n't tell you this , but I 'm going to , it may be a bit humorous for you my er Mr used to send me out through the back way into street I think it is now , to wait for the paperman with a sporting book oh should I have said that ?
8 you know , so erm , I , I think a little left hand practice would solve it , I noticed that you put a five on that , I think it 's better if you put a four .
9 A lot in it er but you can learn a lot from it and eventually you 'll be able to do any sort of these pie charts , if somebody says well you 've got four pound eighty to spend , and somebody spends three quarters on this and a tenths on that , two fifteenths on something else and you can add them all up and do a nice chart .
10 5.9.5 On a permitted assignment to a private limited company and if the Landlord shall reasonably so require to procure that a guarantor or guarantors reasonably acceptable to the Landlord enter into direct covenants with the Landlord in the form of the Guarantor 's covenant contained in this Lease with " the Assignee " substituted for " the Tenant " There are various matters to be considered in connection with a permitted underlease ( not the least of which being as to whether the tenant should be allowed to underlet part or parts of the premises as well as to whole ) , eg : ( 1 ) In respect of any permitted underlease it is better to remove reference to the landlord 's approval of the rent reserved by it , and if possible ( particularly in a falling market ) to remove reference to the rent being no less than the passing rent under the lease , although the landlord will normally object to this on the basis that a low underlease rent could be used as a comparable on any subsequent rent review under the lease .
11 You do n't go pennies , you go sort of ten thousand pound or half a million on this one now !
12 Yeah , just erm , that was fine , fingering here , erm , why do you put a , put a four on that , I , I would of thought that , that is more sensible , you put into the next note down , let's try that , er mm
13 Yeah , now , are you going to put an F you put a four on that , so if you 're doing it there , do a four also .
14 So we multiply by a hundred on that side so we must multiply by a hundred by a hundred on the other side to keep
15 You got a hundred on both of those ?
16 Just a supplementary on that .
17 He 'd tell him , he 'd get his orders from the office , cos the Deputy Harbourmaster he would go down all the sound he sound in river and see what wanted taken out , then he 'd say to my father I 'll dredge at so and so belo below docksill and docksill what they used to do they used to , my father what he 'd do he 'd put stakes on the mud , a short stake and a long stake on account of the tide and he 'd , he 'd make an imaginary on that stake , then he 'd go ashore at Wolverston , phone up what have you got on your docksill , the fella might say it 's ten feet , well he 'd say right we 'll make that twenty feet , so that 's er , that 's what he used to work on to dredge the river .
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