Example sentences of "a [noun] as to " in BNC.

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1 There are no provisions corresponding to the ‘ guarantees ’ of Articles 15 and 16 of the Hague Convention , but there is a provision as to non-commitment to recognition of a judgment based on the Inter-American Convention .
2 He said such an Article was ineffective , " but a provision as to voting rights which has the effect of making a special resolution incapable of being passed if a particular shareholder … exercises his voting rights against a proposed alternation , is not such a provision " .
3 The evaluation was carried out in order to provide information for a decision as to whether or not this type of material could be used for the user instruction programme at Chalmers University Library .
4 The search to find and restore the Polish state led Polish politicians to mistake the restoration of the state for a decision as to the social and political form the state should take .
5 After his death at the hands of a Skaven assassin in 1152 the Elector Counts failed to reach a decision as to who should be the new Emperor .
6 Make a decision as to which option would be most rewarding and feasible .
7 Could Spanish owners of fishing vessels force the government to allow the vessels to fish in British waters pending a decision as to whether they were entitled to do so under European Community law ?
8 She finds , however , this kind of work very difficult ‘ When the parents are equally decent and competent , or the reverse , it is very difficult to make a decision as to where the children should reside on breakdown of the parents ’ marriage .
9 I respectfully agree with the judge that that would be an inappropriate way of achieving the result which clearly ought to be achieved , which is that a child abducted in the way this little boy was should be able to return home pending a decision as to whether he lives with his father or with his mother .
10 I mention these matters because they show that to accept the Woolwich principle in one or other of its forms would appear to involve a choice of what the law should be rather than a decision as to what it is .
11 A decision by a court to refuse costs , in whole or in part , to a mortgage litigant may be a decision in the exercise of the section 51 discretion or a decision in the exercise of the power to fix the terms on which redemption will be allowed or a decision as to the extent of a mortgagee 's contractual right to add his costs to the security or a combination of two or more of these things .
12 In essence Ward J. found that the physical and mental state of Miss T. on the Sunday afternoon and evening were such that , although she was undoubtedly under the influence of her mother , she was capable of reaching and did reach a decision as to her own treatment .
13 And therefore , in the County Council 's erm opinion , the test which I need to adopt when I go to the site again , is to look at it and er simply make a decision as to whether or not in my opinion the land is more properly a part of this built-up area which can not perform a greenbelt function , or is a part of the general extent of greenbelt around there , and therefore by definition performs a greenbelt function .
14 It appears to me that far the most probable explanation of the decision is that it was a decision as to the true construction of the Act …
15 Whichever method is used , certain factors have to be taken into account by the valuer in reaching a decision as to a realistic estimate of site value , such as : Economic factors State of national economy Availability of finance for developer and purchaser Interest rates Supply and demand in locality ( need for accurate market research ) Demographic changes Local employment conditions Proximity and availability of schools , shops , etc .
16 since this lot came to power , is forcing people to make a decision as to whether they should get a prescription or whether they should not .
17 In the event that the defender contends that the case is not appropriate for the Optional Procedure , argument to that effect can be made , but insofar as the Diet Roll will be heard approximately eight weeks after service of the Summons , a decision as to how to proceed will require to be taken at an early stage .
18 In any event , we would suggest that a decision as to whether to advertise the opportunity is deferred at least until you have had an opportunity to review the output of the earlier search activity .
19 The very essence of the children 's hearing system is that a hearing , once it has jurisdiction in respect of a child , is empowered to examine the child 's entire social background in arriving at a decision as to disposal in the child 's best interests .
20 The mayor remained at liberty pending a decision as to his place of confinement , and an anticipated appeal against the severity of the sentence .
21 I agree it 's important , what I have no feel for , is whether it is something which helps to make a decision as to where the new settlement might go .
22 It is not the pathologist 's fault : he has to make a decision as to the cause of death and is not allowed to say he does not know .
23 If the Secretary of State has considered a proposed merger and made a decision as to clearance or otherwise in respect of it a fee will also be payable even if no application for clearance has been made .
24 Diplock LJ in Every v Miles , Court of Appeal in 1964 explained the process by which a decision as to the amount of the appropriate award in a particular case was made as follows :
25 See if you can get a similar report significantly quicker elsewhere and then make a decision as to whether a less powerful but quicker report will do .
26 The construction of a contract is a question of law and a court interpreting a contract may therefore be guided by a decision as to the meaning of a certain word or phrase in an earlier case .
27 Erm for instance if he 's asking for the child to go to live with him and you oppose that then then court would make a decision as to where the child s should live .
28 Erm , if we are asking Mr to look at the long-term viability and the ways of preserving that , those options may be other than option one which was what you moved , and I think it 's rather premature to actually go down a road that says we preserve it in it 's present form with some disposals , when , we are asking for a report for it 's future viability , which may mean complete disposal , or may not , and I think , that , that 's why I 've seconded Mr 's amendment , because it 's right we should wait for that that report to come to property , know the full facts , and then we can make a decision as to which option we want for the County Farms estate .
29 William Jackson and John Turner had a long discussion about exporting , as they were both inexperienced in such matters , and they listed the strengths and weaknesses of Quality Kraft Carpets in order to arrive at a decision as to which would be the most appropriate overseas market to enter .
30 Lord Morton of Henryton commenting on that example said that in each case it would be for the Commissioners to make a finding as to whether the income in question was or was not paid to or for the benefit of the child by virtue or in consequence of the settlement .
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