Example sentences of "a [noun] to life " in BNC.

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1 Some of them have not been found guilty , and albeit they have been charged with horrendous crimes they are still innocent people and it does n't matter even if they are not innocent people , the Government still has a responsibility to life and limb and really I ca n't see any case at all for not storming .
2 Yet there are also brief moments of recovery , moments of gratified desire and a coming to life : ‘ on this abandoned divan , I shall inhale for a long while still the earthy , vegetal smell which the faun left behind ; then , in the morning , wakened at dawn , I shall fling myself into the delicious air ’ ( p. 104 ) .
3 Occasionally he finds a transcendence of ardour , an equilibrium beyond desire — ‘ the disappearance of desire and the renunciation of everything ’ , a time innocent of hours , a perfect inoccupation in which boredom becomes impossible , a coming to life which is a loss of consciousness : ‘ I dissolve , I evaporate into blue air ’ ; a being alive in a world where ‘ death itself is less difficult ’ ( pp. 101 , 105 , 107 , 111 ) .
4 Right , the only comment I have is members will remember that we got slapped in council last year because we issued a permit to LIFE for a flag day application .
5 IT is seldom remarked how curious it is that so many people need to find a meaning to life .
6 The water up to 500 metres around the ship has now been made a no-go area , for fear any oil still in the wreck could be a danger to life and property .
7 they 're a danger to life are n't they ?
8 Given its basic anti-absolutist thought that , whether within or without political society , men have a right to life , liberty , and possessions , it can be seen as a kind of picturesque metaphor which , in explaining the structure of legitimate political authority , reveals it to be based in the consent of the governed .
9 The one-day-old normal baby is a potential person with a right to life that very few would deny it .
10 It too , in a sense , is a potential person but it would seem the act of a fanatic to insist that it has a right to life .
11 We might claim , for instance , to have a right to life because we each have an interest in being alive that is of sufficient importance to justify holding others to be under a duty to respect our lives , and the government to be under a corresponding obligation to reinforce that duty by enacting appropriate laws .
12 He may defend himself against attack , for example , cos he has a right to life and he may also defend his neighbours against attack .
13 It 's making a difference to life .
14 By contrast , artists normally strive , at least supposedly , for a general but not a specific truth , for a truth to life — however defined — but not a truth to particular individuals .
15 The parable is a true to life description of a Galilean peasant 's attitude towards the foreign landlords of which there were many .
16 It was , Harry says , something of a shock to life a flowerpot and be confronted by the toad 's baleful stare .
17 He will not suppose that there is any possibility of proving that the principle of utility is true in any strong sense , but will put it forward as a guide to life which he endorses and , as a philosopher , seeks to make precise and free of confusion .
18 Sontag counterposes to critical theory , casting adrift from both Marx and Freud , a de-differentiated Nietzschean aesthetics of affirmation , in which aesthetic analysis would be a supplement to art and art a supplement to life .
19 Theatre , then , in Artaud 's sense is not about life , but is a supplement to life .
20 Yes , we owe a lot to life 's sowers .
21 Some may involve a risk to life or of irreparable damage to health .
22 The other element is that the county 's are so dangerous , and that 's actually quite unusual , they 're so dangerous that we consider they present a risk and it has to be me that considers it presents a risk to life , and I can either restrict the use of premises , but I can prohibit the use entirely .
23 Single mothers are seen as totally destabilising , a threat to life as couples know it .
24 Section ten of the Fire Precautions Act gives me the power to inspect any premises where we believe there is a threat to life , other than domestic premises .
25 For most of the pupils — of the type now readily labelled ‘ ROSLA kids ’ — school is seen as an unpleasant trap and a deterrent to life .
26 for the women in the study , friendship both given and received gives meaning to existence and a structure to life in retirement .
27 There are a number of small-scale studies by researchers , such as Beatrix Campbell ( 1984 ) and Paul Willis ( 1984 ) , that suggest that at least some young unemployed teenage girls see childbearing both as a method of obtaining fulfilment and a purpose to life since the usual source , that of paid work , is not available to them , and also as the only means of obtaining a home of their own .
28 It gives many people a purpose to life and hope for the future .
29 It is an openness to life as it is , without falsification and without cosmetically touching up the serious flaws in human nature .
30 Frankly , I believe that It begins in an attitude to life which is almost mystical , if not religious , in its orientation and approach .
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