Example sentences of "a [noun] look [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Every day a district nurse visits and every night a sister looks in .
2 However , the DES has expressed a willingness to look sympathetically at limited transitional arrangements to help schools that enter the new system with serious inherited problems , such as buildings in a very poor state of repair .
3 When processing through time , choices have to be made about how good a hypothesis looks now .
4 The Government have a responsibility to look more carefully at the positive arguments advanced .
5 Now , suddenly , a jay looks down from a hiding place in a lichened oak and slips away without breaking the silence : stealthy , cunning , typical of the inveterate egg thief .
6 And a physicist looking even more closely would try to picture these molecules of tennis player as clouds of electrons whirling round nuclei .
7 A heron looks over at us .
8 Not that she had much of a future to look forward to .
9 A stranger looking back .
10 We were in a car looking down over the Bay and I said I 've got to go out .
11 But just before this happens , while the taste of melancholy on his tongue is strong enough to set off the sweetness of the place , and of his freedom to enjoy it , but not yet strong enough to overpower it , he sees the woman who is gazing at him from the balustrade of a terrace looking down on the street .
12 I 'm sitting up on a hillside looking down on Lollapalooza , by a ski lodge which is shut down for the summer .
13 Now , let's pretend we are the assassin , standing here with a crossbow looking up towards the sanctuary . ’
14 At that the hut stood still , and the door opened , and a girl looked out .
15 A boy looked out of a toy wigwam and fired an arrow with a rubber end at the car .
16 For example , the insistence of planning authorities upon the use of certain building materials , the standards of design and external finish and the density of housing development reflect their traditional concern with how a house or a village looks rather than who will actually live in it .
17 But one , hung in the dining room , by a window looking out onto a most majestic ancient cedar tree , is strikingly different to all the others .
18 At the foot of the bed , a window looked out on dip-backed slate roofs .
19 From a distance , a buzzard sitting on a post looks just like an extension of that post , because its brown plumage mingles very easily with similarly coloured items .
20 We were in a sort of back room , and at one point we gave a particularly loud whoop at a particularly long word and a waiter looked in to see if we were calling for anything and then went away .
21 It was a focus in the day ; a point to look forward to , to work towards .
22 I saw a dwarfish exter on the floor with a nasty gash on his head , while another exter with claws and a beak looked about to disembowel him where he lay .
23 for more than 50 years ICI acrylic materials — sheet and mooulding powders — have been used and enjoyed worldwide , Ken Barrlett reports on a business looking forward to the next 50 years .
24 These tendencies are at most tangentially in line with changes in concentration , suggesting a need to look elsewhere for causal factors .
25 As a teacher Blamey is gratefully remembered by many of his students Jacqueline Rizivi remembers him as one of the most effective teachers at Chelsea ‘ He taught a ‘ state of mind ’ , an honesty , a need to look clearly and precisely at any object or figure .
26 While the principles of CAP reform should remain , he said , there was a need to look again at how the agreement should be implemented .
27 She watched as he stood beside the car for a moment looking up towards the house .
28 He straightened up , came to the front of the shop and stood for a moment looking out impassively .
29 He had thrown aside his own robe then , and had stood for a moment looking down at her , the firelight playing over his body , and Grainne had felt her senses tumble , for surely , oh surely there had never been anything so beautiful and so strong …
30 We were back in the bedroom then and he stood for a moment looking down at her .
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