Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In a base configuration the developer Station includes three Intel Corp 486DX 66MHz CPUs , 16Mb to 256Mb memory , 400Mb disk , CD-ROM and a selection of ports .
2 As a cooking ingredient an apple is a versatile as an egg .
3 John got the ticket in a bucket shop the day after he came back from China .
4 Pruning a beech hedge the easy way
5 ‘ It was like a Whitehall farce the way that money was passed around when they got it . ’
6 The union then supported me further when I got another job and was a steward there , a branch secretary a district committee member and then on the regional committee and they also helped to put me through polytechnic and into the job that I did looking at mergers at the University of Warwick .
7 As a parting gift the Keraing had given me a scale model of the prahu we were sailing in , which I had lashed to the hull walls facing backwards .
8 But if the idea of some indefinable menace frees your imagination , then there is nothing to stop you producing a suspense novel every bit as twanging with tension as a story in which someone is left hanging by one finger over a depthless gorge .
9 The government 's subsequent decision to acquire the disputed site to build two shrines was attacked by Moslem organizations which claimed that such a decision pre-empted the status of the site , and by Hindu groups which threatened to block plans to reconstruct a mosque .
10 If , for example , a firm were to amend its sales budget half-way through a budget period the personnel responsible for production need to know this amended sales budget so they can plan and make provisions to ensure the products are available for sale .
11 Even when the government runs a budget surplus the Bank of England will still have to manage the national debt ( the accumulated borrowing from the past ) .
12 Er I think that , that my recollection of the last meeting was that if we could just knock together a Northumberland newsletter a unison newsletter that 's quite clearly coming from the three organizations that represent the membership in Northumberland it would be better than th this national stuff has one union on it , as I see it at the moment .
13 From a functionalist perspective the Committee 's value was , first , as a pressure-release valve and , secondly , that it ‘ disposed once and for all of this conspiratorial theory of executive power ’ .
14 They were all eating miniature versions of proper food — a sliver of lamb like a lark 's tongue , a single braised spinach leaf , a mushroom tart no bigger than a cuff-link — like guests in a doll 's house , and trying to ignore the fact that the area around their table , which might have provided space for twelve to stand at a pinch , had now about 300 people in it .
15 They need her for longer , but there 's no money available ; because of a shortage of funds , they had to rely on a charity to provide a … until they had pit he was in hospital with a chest infection every 2 weeks .
16 Even John Major , who is a friend of Wigley 's , turned up at a Plaid party a few years ago .
17 For instance in a university library a new work of research in a subject relevant to the university 's research interests is sure to be ordered , whatever the book 's subsequent reception by reviewers , or its physical format , or ( within bounds ) its price .
18 For a university undergraduate the research may be a dissertation , which is the student 's first attempt at a piece of individual research .
19 She liked to save any money she got off Nigel and had her own private account in a building society the other side of London .
20 Finally , our data show that endotixin is able to induce a calcium independent NO synthase in guinea pig gall bladder tissue .
21 Got brought a pushbike wheel the other day .
22 George , unfortunately , had a heart attack a few weeks ago .
23 Méndez had suffered a heart attack the previous month but , although he was reportedly advised by his doctors to avoid pressure , he had been mentioned as a possible leader of the government delegation in resumed peace talks with the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity ( URNG ) guerrilla leaders in Mexico in late April [ see p. 38141 ] .
24 Bob Nichols , the chap you 're here to replace , had a heart attack the day before we docked . ’
25 This process is trivial for a native speaker of a language , however for a computer system the solution is more difficult .
26 Information on a computer disc a database giving details of the crew of a spaceship , or a message transmitted through space from the crew to settlers on a distant planet .
27 Contracts for the acquisition of software alone can not be sale of goods contracts ; the title to the software is not normally transferred nor is a computer program a good .
28 A designer need only draw on a computer screen the letter forms that he likes and the machine will convert them automatically into Bézier curves .
29 What a field day the train spotters had !
30 Ashley was glaring at me over the candle flame the way a hawk must glare at a field mouse the instant before it parts mouse from field forever .
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