Example sentences of "and [unc] [verb] n't " in BNC.

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1 So again you see that he feels threatened and er does n't trust Nick because of erm these ideas which he associates with Nick .
2 The result of that was that by the time I 'd rushed across the road , dashed up the stair well found the place , dashed up the stairs , I was out of breath and er had n't composed myself and I just res resembled a quivering blob that er
3 I know , I went , I got some whelks once and that was in Bay , they were lovely whelks and I put 'em in a bucket and er did n't think and now I used to put some flour in with 'em .
4 And Pa Pat I do n't think I do n't hold out any hope at all that people will pay any attention they will go they 'll see a little puppy somewhere they 'll say , Oh that 's lovely we 'll buy that for Tommy er , and then Tommy will abuse it totally and er they 'll say , Well the dog was a a waste of time it did n't work properly and er did n't know how to er how to look after itself .
5 He was and because he was getting on in years and er did n't get out as much as usual , my husband said we 'd get a television for him and we had a black and white television
6 Er they get rather sulky and offended to say the least , they get er , often they recruit academics and lawyers to say that the memories of abuse are fabricated , the memories of abuse they could n't really have happened because the people concerned were out of the country at the time and were on holiday anyway and er did n't even meet the family until the kid was eleven years old after it was sup and so on and so forth .
7 I got a letter to say dad was in hospital and we had a buzz bomb and it was n't too bad and er do n't worry .
8 Get paid in tax and er do n't have to make any record up
9 he said that will all look bad on him he said if he sold it and er do n't I , he , he said he 's got two choices , he either sells that car and pays off the loan in both your names or he , he sells that car and gives you half
10 Er , well , if you do and erm do n't go special , because it 's er not essen er , it 's my turn to buy the draw prizes .
11 and then gradually try and re do n't , do n't spend too much time trying to reconstruct the past because that , you know , you just get further and further behind with the present stuff so you know kind of try and at least make sure that , you know , maybe if you get a job you wo n't be able to go to all the classes but at least make sure you , you are in contact with somebody who has that you can get notes off every time , you know , that erm oh hello
12 Hee-Haw and Hoo-Woo did n't understand the problem ; they were n't intelligent in the human way .
13 And di did n't she have to leave ?
14 No , it 's erm because you , do the same thing over and over again that you find and no have n't got big lots of er , when you went to the small amount of the town .
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