Example sentences of "and [conj] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A better known work where such relationships are evident , and where they surely form part of any responsible approach to performance , is the D major Te Deum of Charpentier ( H146 ) , already cited .
2 Taken together these two propositions suggest that the traditions of conspiracy are liable to continue into the future on the extreme right , for no better reason than that this is where these traditions have existed and where they presently continue to exist .
3 The slope up to the castle was winding and steep , and where they now stood was cast in shadows .
4 Blatant sexist readings are on the decline , and where they still exist they have little effect because of the successful appropriation by women of their own discourse .
5 Any models between the points where the ball strikes the ground and where it eventually comes to land are hit by the flying cannon ball .
6 The visioncare business , which Pilkington has been nurturing for three years and where it now ranks in the world 's top three , increased its operating profits by £4.4 million to £18.8 million .
7 The visioncare business , which Pilkington has been nurturing for three years and where it now ranks in the world 's top three , increased its operating profits by £4.4 million to £18.8 million .
8 Then I commenced a tremulous search through its pages , almost as if I expected to find details of a timeslip between Geneva and where I now was .
9 Within the region of the Seine basin where Charles 's power was concentrated and where he most often stayed , the counts were of the " lesser " variety .
10 He was appointed to the Survey in July 1889 at the age of twenty-seven , and went to the Northern Highlands of Scotland , where he learned geological field techniques from the experienced surveyors B. N. Peach and C. T. Clough [ qq.v. ] , and where he also developed a lifelong fascination with Pre-Cambrian metamorphic rocks .
11 There was n't much welcome to overstay in the various snack parlours where he lingered ( and where he moreover imagined himself unfavourably recollected from his previous TLM vigils , holding with both hands the creaky Styrofoam container , and watching the light pour past the office windows .
12 In 1692 he published a Pharmacologia , an early work on drugs and medicines , which showed his wide botanical knowledge and where he gratefully acknowledged help from Sloane , Ray , Sherard , Doody and Petiver .
13 It says : ’ Such concentration on meeting the Government guarantee , and use of funds originally earmarked for other purposes for YT , inevitably means that other aspects of our proposed programme may suffer and that we also neglect the long term development of Youth Training itself . ’
14 I did understand that we had different levels of consciousness and that we normally run on what are known as beta-waves .
15 Or , if we prefer it , we may say the physical body as it is described by the anatomist is the more ghostly thing , a phantasy of cells and cell assemblies , a convenient way of talking about ourselves and that we really are more or less what we feel ourselves to be . ’
16 It is as though Lawrence was acknowledging that it is hard for human beings to say what they feel and that we often have to search for the form of words before we can find the words themselves .
17 ‘ Before you ses anythin' , ’ said Carrie as Willie stood up , crimson , ‘ we 've jest come to tell you that we 're miserable about you not being in our class and that we still wants you to come round with us like . ’
18 My sister was sent off to boarding school near Bournemouth to improve her health and was near starved , but Mother always managed to find something for the home fare — I remember a great day when she found the butcher 's bare and bought a goose that was available and that we certainly should n't have had it in normal circumstances and I was quick to see it was an ill wind that did nobody any good !
19 And that we now propose
20 Is the Minister aware that most people who live in that type of accommodation do not believe that the Government take the problem seriously enough , and that we now urgently require either a direct grant or an allowance for capital borrowing to provide concierge-type services in high tower blocks in Glasgow and other parts of Scotland ?
21 When my right hon. Friend does so , will he tell my constituents that there has been a record reduction in the number of strikes and that we now have the best figures for decades ?
22 His starting point was dissatisfaction with most sociological theories of crime ( especially anomie and subcultural theories ) for reasons which are now familiar : their assumption that we naturally conform to conventionally defined goals and the means of achieving them , and that we consequently require some ‘ push ’ ( or ‘ strain ’ , as Hirschi calls it ) to propel us into crime .
23 And that we actually op adopted a b a modern sensible er , reasonable attitude towards all living creatures and that we do today vote to ban fox hunting it is anachronistic as I said earlier , it is not necessary it actually causes harm , not only does it cause harm to foxes , but at least in one case , which is sufficient for me to continue my support for the ban damage to the people in my area .
24 Hostility — " I suppose you think that we 're all alcoholics or addicts of some kind and that we all ought to give up everything we enjoy " .
25 Some claim that the sand-eels were being chased upwards by predators such as bigger fish , and that they no longer come to the surface because there are n't any big fish left to chase them .
26 We tried to hope that they were going to release Franky and that they simply did n't want the rest of us to get angry and depressed .
27 Some scholars have assumed that the Minoans worshipped a Great Goddess , the Mediterranean ‘ Magna Mater ’ , and that they later divided her up into a series of more specialized divinities .
28 The answer might seem to be that experience tells us that nation states are a key fact of the current world and that they plainly do often behave in a self-interested way .
29 At long last , the motor manufacturers are waking up to the reality that they ought to do more and that they too can assist in the reduction of car crime .
30 There were twenty five thousand , I , I would n't like to see twenty five thousand on that ground again , because I , I used to smoke at the time and we were packed that tight in the ground I could n't even get my hands down to my pockets to get a cigarette out , so the erm after the first few games they started to draw at home and then they seemed to lose the impetus and that they still held a good position in the league , but the following season Liverpool were in the second division at the time , and I , I went to that match and Walsall scored first through Colin and er , they went on to beat us six-one in the end .
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