Example sentences of "and [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When she had been little , temporary lapses and been easily passed over .
2 As Lord Hill replied to an outraged Lord Derby , whose TWW had ‘ stood on its record ’ and been brusquely dismissed , newcomers such as Harlech could offer only promises , ‘ but if promise is never to be preferred to performance , then every television company will go on for ever ’ ( Sendall , 1983 , p. 359 ) .
3 It had taken a bad beating from the RAF and been widely rebuilt , much of it as copies of the original high-pitched medieval buildings .
4 Within a few weeks of the payout , Mr Curtis claimed , £1 million had vanished from their Inca Gemstones company , and been partly used for ‘ unlawful or improper purposes , ’ hidden from shareholders .
5 It must have pleased the powerful church of Canterbury , with which he seems to have wished to be on good terms , and been gratifyingly displeasing to that of London .
6 Joe had once taken Rose Macaulay to a Billy Graham revivalist , fundamentalist mass meeting and been utterly revolted by all the rabid emotionalism and the militant Christianity , and he reminded me what Graham had said about Kinsey : ‘ It is impossible to estimate the damage this book will do to the already deteriorating morals of America . ’
7 He said : ‘ I am very pleased that this operation , which has involved a whole range of bodies and been well co-ordinated by Scottish Natural Heritage , has been so successful . ’
8 Now you ca n't possibly test a medicine on ten thousand people before you start to sell it , so that sort of risk , as rare a risk as that , will only be picked up when the medicine has actually been in use and on the market and been properly prescribed for some years , and what we are doing now , and what is particularly interesting , is to start to use computers to pick up these adverse reactions so that we know much more quickly in future if a medicine is doing any harm and we can either stop prescribing it for the people who are going to suffer from it , and that 's the most likely thing , or else take it off the market altogether if it 's if we do n't if we ca n't pick out the people who might be at risk .
9 Arkle had won six races ( including the Irish Grand National , the Hennessy Gold Cup , a second Cheltenham Gold and the Whitbread Gold Cup ) and been narrowly beaten once , when conceding large amounts of weight to top-class horses Flying Wild and Buona Notte in the Massey-Ferguson Handicap Chase at Cheltenham .
10 He talked about events in the Middle Ages as if they 'd happened-yesterday and been fully aired on the nine o'clock news .
11 Originally built by the Jaccarino family ( who also own the renowned Hotel Tramontano ) , the hotel has now returned to their ownership and been beautifully refurbished .
12 Plenty of evidence for the misbehaviour of , in this case , a very substantial minority ( have you ever , like me , driven at 30 in a 30mph zone and been constantly overtaken , even glared at for going too slowly ? ) ; yet this is never put forward as a reson for stopping road construction .
13 He had plunged into the den of architects once more , and been suitably bloodied .
14 After the exhibition of Canova 's work and related sculpture organised by the Fondazione Memmo at Palazzo Ruspoli in Rome , the nucleus of the show , including ten statues from the Hermitage , has moved to Venice and been greatly added to by further loans .
15 We have lived in Birmingham for 18 months and been totally absorbed in familiarising ourselves with our own local environment , and all I knew of Highgate , Sparkhill , Sparkbrook and Small Heath was where they are on a map .
16 In 1972 he had suggested independence as Ulster 's best course and been severely criticized by Paisley and others .
17 Hence , Grice claims , ironies arise and are successfully decoded .
18 ( Penley 1988 , p. 11 ) Teresa de Lauretis has described this shift towards a greater interest in reception as in part a delayed effect of feminism 's construction of a new social subject — women — who may be and are legitimately addressed in cinematic practices .
19 This period is divided into three distinct phases , phase I total quiescence ( 30–80% of cycle ) , phase II intermittent contractions ( 0–75% of cycle ) , and phase III , a short period ( 4–10 minutes ) of intense contractions at the maximum contractile rate , determined by slow wave frequency ( 11–12 cycles per minute in the duodenum in man ) and followed by a new phase I. These patterns of contractile activity occur in all healthy subjects and are normally recorded with tube mounted pressure sensors .
20 All three vehicles have been the subjects of intensive restoration work over many years and are normally seen on display in the Centre 's Matthew Kirtley Museum .
21 They are , in short , symbols of eminence and are normally granted only to peers and knights of the first class of the orders of chivalry — although some baronets also have armorial supporters .
22 Most events take about two hours and are normally limited to 20 places , so booking in advance is essential .
23 The prices given are a guide line for the reader and are normally based on the cost of one person sharing a double or twin bedded room with breakfast included ( a single guest should expect to pay more ) .
24 They mature in the clamp , and are normally fed from February to June .
25 Such items are often found on Roman sites and are normally classed as votive offerings .
26 Here the characteristic distribution shape comes from the multiplicative and interaction , which arises even if and are normally distributed in themselves .
27 Deadlines are precise and are largely met .
28 The third type seem to be solid , and are largely confined to the lower half of the main cloud .
29 Issues are managed by domestic security dealers or by merchant banks and are largely sold to investors resident in the UK .
30 The German sights in particular — torchlit orgies of Nazi triumph , Hitler ranting in Stuttgart , storm-troopers stamping out the last flickers of academic freedom in Freiburg — showed him what lay in store for Europe and are vividly recounted here .
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