Example sentences of "and [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The inevitable domestic dramas ; the illnesses ; the school exams ; the trips to casualty departments of hospitals ; the entertaining of foreign exchange schoolchildren ; the ferrying to and fro to Brownies , school camp , music lessons , the station ; the constant coming and going of teenage friends ; the battle of the telephone : it is all so familiar to every parent , and it is so exhausting !
2 In this case I also wanted to get the cut edges of the neckband tidied up as soon as possible — remember this particular garment has been ferried to and fro to class and back .
3 Clearly , as the concentration of P rises , so will the proportion of enzyme molecules to which P is bound ; hence the rate of conversion of S to A , and thence to P , will fall .
4 At Reading the unit joined the 2nd South Midland Mounted Brigade , and thence to Churn Down on 31 August , where the 2nd Mounted Division was being formed .
5 Everything seemed to be going well and Yurchenko was about to provide more useful information when , on 2 November 1985 , he eluded his CIA colleagues at a restaurant in Washington and made his way back to the Russian Embassy and thence to Moscow .
6 After the war Lucienne Palmer ( Mrs Hill ) embarked on an acting career and thence to playwriting , translation and adaptation from the French , part-time work as a lay psychotherapist in an N.H.S. therapeutic community , and , latish in life , her very first love of all-painting : London exhibition 1988 .
7 Again in the top right-hand section of the map the dominant whiteness ceased abruptly in a line extending down from Danzig hsien to Poznan , and thence to Krakow and across to Lvov , ending on the shores of the Black Sea , at Odessa .
8 He had been on board the Santa Maria some two hours or more working out with the Argentine naval lieutenant and the tug 's engineers just what was required to get the tow safely down the short cut into the Beagle Channel and thence to Ushuaia .
9 Their demands were to have a radical effect on British livestock on a national basis and a massive trade developed in which cattle were reared in the more remote northern and western regions , sent in droves to fatten on grass and turnips in the Midlands , Norfolk , Essex , Hertfordshire , Middlesex and Surrey , and thence to London 's slaughterhouses in due course .
10 In seven months , he could get the Hopewell back to Virginia , and thence to London , with a request for more men and supplies to plant this colony .
11 If they went sailing , there would be no chance to speak privately to Mary ; in two days the Shelley party was leaving here , making for Geneva and thence to London .
12 Drinking the thin , bitter coffee , she reverted to the ideas of the night , to returning home , and before she had finished it was resolved on packing her things and making her way to Holborn station and thence to Liverpool Street .
13 Eric Schumacher , newly appointed as TRANSAID director , has visited Lesotho and Mozambique and thence to South Africa to meet representatives of the Road Transport Federation , with whom S.C.F. are now dealing to locate possible resources to assist in the present emergency .
14 Some of the stories were pretty fanciful and involved helicopters and mercenaries but at least one claimed that Blake would be helped to escape by another prisoner and once free would go to East Germany and thence to Russia .
15 When pounded sufficiently fine it flushed out through sieves or perforated plates and thence to hoppers or heaps for further processing , it was important to keep the grills clear , and the stuff moving , for it was vital not to overstamp it into slime .
16 But even those of us who have never been anorexic and live in the affluent Western world must know , perhaps through some isolated experience of our own or others ' , that non-eating leads to fatigue and thence to depression .
17 So I took myself off to my billet , feeling bloody frustrated and edgy , might I add , and thence to bed , where I thought about it .
18 An estimated 600 Libyans prisoners of war opposed to Kadhafi , who had received US military training , had been airlifted out of Chad with US assistance , first to Nigeria and thence to Zaïre .
19 Fortunately , bacteria work on it reducing it to nitrites ( equally deadly ) and thence to nitrates .
20 Nitrogen cycle — The process in which ammonia is broken down into nitrites and thence to nitrates by aerobic bacteria .
21 But for everyday down-to-earth filtration , the simple aerobic bacteria that break down ammonia , to nitrite , and thence to nitrates are vital .
22 In 1885 Frederick Cranko ( who , after starting as a sailor , worked as a tailor , an engraver and a clerk ) joined the gold rush to Pretoria and thence to Johannesburg , a thousand miles from Cape Town .
23 Seeds arrived at Chelsea from a diversity of sources : for example , species of Aster : A. grandiflorus , found by Catesby in Virginia , A. nervosus from Pennsylvania ; A. chinensis ( now Callistephus chinensis , the China Aster ) sent to France by missionaries and thence to Chelsea and of this species , a double white from ‘ my worthy friend , Dr. Job Baxter of Zirkzee , Holland ’ ; and finally A. amantus and A. procumbens from William Houstoun in Vera Cruz .
24 In 1943 he managed to leave Holland and travelled across France to Spain and thence to England .
25 Monday will see everyone take their seats for the return journey via Amiens and thence to Calais and a very special lunch on board before the voyage home to England .
26 This elegant steam train will sweep you from Cherbourg to Bayeux to view the beautiful 11th century tapestry and thence to Paris with lunch on board .
27 It was isolated , yet close to Rouen and thence to Paris .
28 Every August the Queen travelled from her house at Osborne on the Isle of Wight to Gosport and thence to Balmoral by train .
29 After returning from the United States in October 1941 Hillary had gone through Staff College , and thence to HQ Fighter Command .
30 Mar was a 40-year-old former Secretary of State for Scotland who , dropped from office by George I , had turned Jacobite , making his house in London a centre of the anti-Hanoverian conspiracy before , in August 1715 , sailing from London on a collier to Newcastle and thence to Elie in Fife .
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