Example sentences of "and [adv] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The inevitable domestic dramas ; the illnesses ; the school exams ; the trips to casualty departments of hospitals ; the entertaining of foreign exchange schoolchildren ; the ferrying to and fro to Brownies , school camp , music lessons , the station ; the constant coming and going of teenage friends ; the battle of the telephone : it is all so familiar to every parent , and it is so exhausting !
2 When pounded sufficiently fine it flushed out through sieves or perforated plates and thence to hoppers or heaps for further processing , it was important to keep the grills clear , and the stuff moving , for it was vital not to overstamp it into slime .
3 Fortunately , bacteria work on it reducing it to nitrites ( equally deadly ) and thence to nitrates .
4 Nitrogen cycle — The process in which ammonia is broken down into nitrites and thence to nitrates by aerobic bacteria .
5 But for everyday down-to-earth filtration , the simple aerobic bacteria that break down ammonia , to nitrite , and thence to nitrates are vital .
6 They also suggest that the relevant agent ( or agents ) can be transmitted among adults , and thence to children , as suggested by other recent work involving occupational settings .
7 The removal of such barriers would increase market entry which would directly lead to an increase in competition , and thereby to reductions in X-inefficiency and monopoly pricing practices .
8 This points to shifting the emphasis away from direct tax on people 's incomes and on to taxes on wealth or on spending .
9 There is no advantage in pricing lorries off the highways and on to by-ways .
10 Behaviour therapy , Gestalt therapy , Art Therapy , Music Therapy , Transactional Analysis , Psychotherapy , Psychosynthesis , Psycho Drama and any number of other techniques may help some people who have problems with the process of moving rationally from thoughts to feelings and on to actions , even though these techniques have nothing to offer to the specific recovery process from addictive disease itself .
11 From anarchist opponents of authority such as William Godwin and Robert Paul Wolff through moderate supporters such as John Rawls and Joseph Raz and on to enthusiasts such as Hobbes , Hannah Arendt and Michael Oakeshott , a considerable chorus of students have echoed the refrain that the directives … of authority are to be obeyed by B irrespective of B 's judgments of their merits ’ .
12 You pass through orchards , over farms where the people wave greetings , catch glimpses of castles that were there centuries before the railway was built and of huddled villages , then go higher through woodlands where the trees brush the carriages , and on to views of snow clad peaks shimmering on the horizon .
13 The remains of the feast , which were considerable , were then packed into bowls and on to trays , covered with foil and distributed to another thirty or so houses .
14 Firstly , there must at least once have been a flow of funds from savers to the trust and on to borrowers , when the trust was first established .
15 They make the 2600 kilometre trip regularly , transporting the GSi Astras from their base near Dungannon to GM Spain 's headquarters in Madrid and on to events throughout the country — even as far as the Canary Islands .
16 At an obvious level , women are projecting on to men ( and on to children ) various aspects of their own personality about which they feel uncomfortable .
17 Such transgressions range from the socially acceptable parking on the ubiquitous yellow lines to the stigmatising drunken driving and eventually to offences which are generally regarded as morally reprehensible .
18 Thereafter there are opportunities for further promotion to posts with more complex and specialised legal work and responsibilities and eventually to positions involving the management of parts or the whole of a department .
19 The post-war years have witnessed the growth of large-scale retailing , including a growth in the size of retailing establishments , first to supermarkets , then to superstores and eventually to hypermarkets .
20 Granada will now have a smaller cohesive top management team which will enable the group to respond quickly and effectively to challenges .
21 And so to transponders implanted under the skin of New Mexico cattle .
22 The oriental forests also contain small creatures that perhaps give us a glimpse of the kind of animals that , 70 million years ago , led to the evolution of the first placental mammals and so to humans .
23 And so to pastures new … and the small town of Gresford which lies near the Welsh border close to Wrexham .
24 It can calibrate how much force is being used and with what speed , and react automatically and swiftly to changes that it finds .
25 The nation-state is inevitably becoming weaker as power goes both up to Europe and down to regions and districts , but it has a long life yet , and the British people have many uses for it .
26 Marshall ( 1987 ) follows Mandel ( 1975 ) in relating long waves to major shifts in the wider economy , and especially to movements in the rate of profit , but goes beyond Mandel in trying to make the theory less deterministic .
27 Road junctions are few and they are of importance to travellers and especially to tourists on a first visit .
28 While their forwards were outplayed , though Andy Macdonald won the occasional good lineout ball , Heriot 's competed gamely and the arrival of young Lawrie has made a huge difference to their back play , and especially to centres Stoddart and McRobbie , who appear much more confident than earlier in the season .
29 A Word Child ( 1975 ) , indeed , is so specific in its references to places , and especially to places on the London Underground , that the narrator remarks he was once tempted to call his story the Inner Circle ; and Martin Amis 's London Fields ( 1989 ) is almost as detailed about Notting Hill as if it were a guide-book .
30 I commend them , and the area over which they preside , to adventurers and explorers of all ages , and especially to sufferers from urban depression for which they are the perfect tonic .
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