Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 The cloud rolled effortlessly and relentlessly down the slopes of the volcano , spreading out into a broad fan which rapidly engulfed St Pierre , and in the next two or three minutes killed all but two of the population , and set the town ablaze from end to end .
2 The northern ( and earlier ) approach was by passes across the Ural mountains to the lower reaches of the river Obn and thence down the Ob Gulf by boat to the mouth of the Tazn which was ascended as far as a portage to the lower Yenisei ; from there they followed an eastward course up the Lower Tunguska river , crossing a portage to the Vilyui and so to the Lena .
3 From the board powers are frequently delegated to committees of directors or to individual board members , and thence down the managerial hierarchy .
4 They could make their way over that and eventually up the cliff to the eleventh green of the golf-course , to the gate in the garden wall .
5 Suddenly the sequence was interrupted by a crash , an oath and an answering oath , under cover of which Amiss began to climb silently and wearily up the next staircase .
6 General Vashinov sat opposite him , to his left and halfway up the table .
7 We set off , with our rucksacks , and halfway up the farmhouse had disappeared into the mist .
8 Each evening the quayside would be crowded with holidaymakers who made a point of going to watch the long procession of over 100 boats , their lights twinkling as dusk began to fall , pass slowly and majestically down the harbour and out to sea .
9 He drove quickly and dangerously back the way they 'd come .
10 Universities such as Lancaster are going steadily and rapidly up the poll and are doing very well indeed .
11 With time , the cells proceed further and further down the landscape and become more and more distant from each other , reflecting different patterns of gene activity .
12 a ‘ sordid and selfish character ’ who ‘ had warped further and further out the straight with time ’ ; a passenger aboard the Golden Mary who , after the ship is wrecked , thinks only of himself .
13 Clearly they failed to bring about disarmament , though they may have had a contributory effect on the decision to suspend tests in 1958 and later on the partial test ban treaty .
14 The delay was highlighted in New Scientist ( 16 December 1982 , p 707 ) and later on the television programme Panorama .
15 At first in Africa , and later on the treadmill in the field station in Massachusetts , Taylor measured the oxygen consumption of a wide range of species when running , or hopping , or walking , or galloping , at different speeds .
16 There was a greater flow of information , more exciting debates internally , and with the formation of the Black Workers ' Group and later on the Lesbian and Gay Workers ' Group , more politically aware people began to organize around issues of their own oppression .
17 And later on the apostle Paul , he elaborates on this , and he uses the picture of an ordinary body , and he says every member 's not the same .
18 The last two guides showed me how it was done , climbing quickly and fearlessly down the face .
19 It was a simple route , left on to the Strasse der Einheit , up to the Platz der Einheit , across the vast square and straight up the 97 .
20 The Princes will rue the fact that they passed up a wonderful chance to finish off the match on the 18th , for they were one up on that tee from which both the sons hit long and straight down the fairway .
21 But there are the illuminations , miles of them along the seafront , which people really do come to admire , driving slowly and reverently down the tatty Golden Mile .
22 Birds were always with them ; robins watched with bright eyes and sang as they passed ; wrens flew suddenly and low from branch to bush ; great tits rang out their bell-notes unseen from the tree-tops ; tree-creepers trickled headlong and caterwise down the creviced trunks of the oaks ; woodpeckers kept up a constant drum-rattle on the hollow branches , the sound coming now from the right , now from the left , now in front , now behind ; wood-pigeons wooed one another in secret leafy recesses , comforting , encouraging , cajoling ; rooks sprang upwards cawing into the blue sky as they passed beneath their nests ; and higher still , up towards the sun , they caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling , buzzards , kites , eagles .
23 Behind and back up the fairway Andy was waiting for Des to play first from behind the cross bunkers .
24 As he journeyed on horseback through Palestine and then up the coast of southern Lebanon in the 1830s , he was an adventurer , staying overnight with the governor of Tyre , crossing the snows of the Chouf mountain chain to the gentleness of the Bekaa Valley where he sketched the great temples of the Roman city of Heliopolis .
25 Finally we reached Porto that afternoon , by flying VFR through the valley route to the coast as the bases rose in the afternoon , and then up the coast at 1,000 feet , just below the base of the broken cumulus , with spectacular views of Porto , before nipping inland to the field to park next to the German aircraft — which we were relieved to see had landed safely .
26 Has a characteristic song , with a series of cooing or bubbling notes that run down and then up the scale .
27 We worked out a route of cafés , all the way down the Boulevard St. Michel to the river , velvet in the dark , and then up the Rue Saint Jacques to our home ground near the Pantheon .
28 He clambered over the shingle at the bottom of the cliff and then up the cliff itself , arriving at the eleventh green .
29 They galloped down the rest of the long gentle ride to the river , across a wooden bridge , and then up the grassy slopes to the terraces below the house .
30 Then brush your hands , up the arms , front and back , across the shoulders , down the chest ( avoiding the nipples if you are a woman ) and then down the back of the neck to the upper back .
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