Example sentences of "and [adv] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 Le Monde of Oct. 5 , 1989 , reported that Parliament had approved a law allowing the establishment of local private television stations and thereby bringing to an end the state broadcasting monopoly .
2 Not even a subdued Botham — applauded all the way to the crease but playing his first innings for five months — could rally the troops , fading after a bright start which yielded two boundaries , and eventually mis-timing to mid-off .
3 At work a person may avoid big meetings , then smaller meetings , then talking with the boss , and eventually talking to anyone .
4 That magnificent engineering achievement the Humber Bridge is further opening up the area , improving communications and eventually leading to an East Coast motorway , linking up with newly completed roads on the north bank .
5 Thomas looked at them all , and then at Simon , who was now a small figure and in another sense no longer monstrous , because he was walking exactly as he had done when he was a very young child and most moving to Thomas , with his hands in his pockets and his back arched .
6 that it is crucial to draw attention to fundamental assumptions in our society , and to keep open for pupils the options of accepting , modifying or rejecting these views ( Chapters 2 – 3 ) ; 2. that the purpose of RE is pupils ' self-education , engaging in depth upon the meaning and truth-claims of religions in a way which is relevant to their total experience of life ( Chapter 4 ) ; 3. that space needs to be given in which pupil involvement has a chance to develop , together with creativity , a sense of wonder and the cultivation of inner quietness ( Chapters 5 and 6 ) ; 4. that teachers need to model a positive , fair and balanced approach to the diversity of religious traditions and outlooks , and the controversy which these can generate ( Chapter 8 ) ; 5. that in a spirit of critical affirmation it is important to develop skills of evaluation and criteria for discernment ( Chapters 7 and 9 ) ; 6. that the crucial need is to put persons first , to establish genuine relationships which are affirming of pupils , believing that they have something to give , and so listening to them and responding to them — and in the light of this to encourage their capacity for self-assessment ( Chapter 10 ) ; 7. that the distinction between education and dogmatic teaching is all-important and that , provided this is borne in mind , opportunities for stillness and possible worship can be an invaluable aid to education ( Chapters 6 and 11 ) ; 8. that RE can relate in a dynamic and creative way to all other areas of the curriculum ( Chapters 12 and 13 ) .
7 The idea was this : When the star becomes small , the matter particles get very near each other , and so according to the Pauli exclusion principle , they must have very different velocities .
8 In my own particular section of the clothing and textiles the union fought long and hard to gain the same rights and conditions for temporary workers , and so leading to permanent employment in most cases .
9 However , there were a few outliers with values of over 0.4% , and so marking to the market occasionally had an important effect on arbitrage profits .
10 Rural-urban migrants were able to take advantage of the former , often sending financial assistance back to their relatives in the countryside and so contributing to increased income levels there .
11 Others have set up one-year and two-year training courses in church planting , encouraging those being trained to pay for the privilege and so contributing to the financing of church planting , as well as providing workers in training .
12 They contained articles by a variety of writers ( including politicians , and teachers ) each of whom had one common aim and purpose — to show that progressive methods in both primary and secondary schools were ‘ selling children short ’ and so contributing to the general permissiveness which ( they said ) was undermining the traditions of British society .
13 ‘ She is my abuelita already in my heart , Señorita Shelley — so kindly , and so understanding to me and my family .
14 What he describes is a series of patrilineal descent groups , each person necessarily belonging to one because he has a father ; and necessarily belonging to only one because he has only one father .
15 Other vulnerable countries face heavy expenditures , cancelling out any savings made in defence budgets — around one trillion dollars a year globally — following the end of the cold war and perhaps rising to the levels of expenditures experienced in a war .
16 Although many go unrecognized , stray finds are more commonly discovered than sites , and every one is potentially important , adding to archaeological evidence , and perhaps leading to the discovery of a new site .
17 Once love for a woman but hopeless from the start and perhaps needing to be .
18 That is why , when we are about to take a free kick , Phil Meek will pull his bottom lip up over his nose and Micky Deere will leap up and down pointing to an imaginary burning Zeppelin .
19 It was a faculty common to all good sailors , the essential extra that enabled them to meet the seas whatever the conditions so that their craft ran straight rather than in the long zig-zags of the helmsman imprisoned by the compass and only reacting to the swing of its needle .
20 Now , she lay panting by the fire , warming her flanks and apparently listening to the humans ' conversation .
21 It had taken six telephone calls and much going to and fro before Peter and Susie finally arrived for their first counselling appointment .
22 Warmed by the Gulf Stream and with an enviably mild climate , it feels like another country — but with all the comforts of home and duty-free shopping to boot !
23 The race has to be held between noon and 1pm according to tradition , so weighing in takes place between 10.30am and 11.30am .
24 After that , he merely sat , smoking Woodbines and idly listening to Music While You Work on the radio .
25 And sure enough there 's Macaulay lying on a massive , draped bed in a room overlooking Central Park watching gangster videos , being spoon-fed ice cream by a subservient flunkey and generally answering to no one .
26 To those at home in Jubilee week , fiddling exasperatedly with their television sets , the spectacle of their children mutilating themselves with safety-pins and chains , dressing in the black plastic sacks normally reserved for household refuse and generally conforming to all the stereotypes of what the popular press had identified as the ‘ punk-rock ’ phenomenon , was a symptom of some imponderable national malaise , and the harbinger of an awful future .
27 And what this means is that from now on the cla lectures will trail the classes , which , which does n't matter and is actually quite er a good thing in the sense that what will happen from now on is that we 'll first do a topic in the class and then I will give the lecture on it the week after , or possibly even two weeks after , which is okay because it means that then in the lecture I can concentrate on filling in the gaps , straightening out the misunderstandings and generally adding to what we did in the class , rather than leading as it were as I have up until now .
28 Of course , belonging may be gone by the board , historically speaking , she advises herself , wiping her face with this American paper dinner napkin and not wishing to be personal , to use a bygone phrase .
29 Not quite sure how to broach the subject , and not wishing to be indiscreet , she murmured awkwardly , ‘ I do n't quite know how to put this , but part of the reason for my visit was to try and trace someone who lived here a long time ago , only I do n't quite like to ask around , because the person I 'm looking for might not like it — might not want everyone to know her business . ’
30 We may construct defences for our sensibility by being deliberately offensive , diminishing others and not listening to them .
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