Example sentences of "and [adv] [v-ing] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We still find Christian undergraduates entering universities , and ordinands coming into theological colleges , who have no idea of the tremendous advances that have been made in biblical scholarship and whose first contact with historical criticism is a dismaying and frightening experience instead of , as I think it ought to be , a liberating and wholly enhancing experience .
2 Barth was driven to this not only by his own exceptionally and relentlessly enquiring mind , but also by the shaking of the foundations of the world he had known under the impact of the First World War .
3 So Vaughan contented herself with training as a nurse and avidly reading food books in her spare time .
4 Its partly diurnal habits make this the most familiar of the six smaller owls of the region , short tail and conspicuously bounding flight .
5 Very often the soil is dry and hungry ( deficient in nutrients ) , especially near evergreens and vigorously rooting hedge species such as privet .
6 In matters small and large he was a shrewd operator , skilfully manipulating the press in advance of his exhibitions , and successfully exerting pressure of local bureaucracy to prevent the sale of land to a chemical company .
7 Over the next weeks Alexander Haig , the American Secretary of State , shuttled to and fro seeking compromise .
8 Brazauskas was elected president of the Seimas and thereby acting state President on Nov. 25 .
9 When plants are cleared from an ecosystem effects animals as it reduces their food resources and thereby creating competition and by sometimes cutting down their shelter and natural habitat forcing them to move to areas where they ca n't survive .
10 In late 1989 the government launched a five-year plan aimed at diversifying Macao 's economy and thereby reducing dependence on the textile industry and tourism .
11 We are of necessity constantly breaking the rules and thereby committing sin , but some kinds of offence are more disturbing than others .
12 Babies born preterm are likely to lack surfactant — a material that covers the surface of the lung , lowering surface tension in the alveolus and thereby preventing lung collapse on breathing out .
13 A similar effect of Oct-1 in inhibiting binding to an adjacent sph site and thereby preventing gene activation has recently been documented in the SV40 enhancer ( 22 ) .
14 We have already noted that she would have started as a reading girl , at 4s or 5s a week , before learning the lay of the type case and eventually starting work setting type .
15 Whilst improving the welfare of animals and practically and economically enhancing pig and poultry keeping outdoors , sylvopastoral systems may be kinder to the environment too !
16 Ahead , the ball was bumping and slowly losing momentum over the divots , and Paul Hedley , the South Sussex Number Four , was galloping over to ride her off and back the ball up the field .
17 Behaviour patterns such as early morning drinking , gulping down drinks , hiding alcohol , and compulsively seeking alcohol are strong pointers to the alcohol dependence syndrome .
18 The city 's architecture captures the memory of the 17th century wealth of a seafaring and predominantly trading nation .
19 Trying not to make a sound , I achieved a long and delicious orgasm , a heavenly mixture of sheer physical bliss , emotional release and satisfyingly agitating anxiety .
20 The company has always stood for excellence in analogue sound reproduction , its fame having been made by its first and longest running model , the LP12 turntable .
21 The letter from Petrarch to Boccaccio was written on 28 May 1362 , and besides casting doubt on the authenticity of the message , contained a fine defence of secular learning .
22 The counterpointed duet of miniature heavy breathing and onward bashing life-pump forever continues beside me in defiance of the social laws of 1973 and reminds me how innocently fresh is young life , to be soon stained and bleached in alternating frenzy before it even has time to realise just how freshly innocent it is .
23 Alternatively , the public may simply have become more sensitised to crime , through media and press reports or the Government 's crime prevention publicity , and so believing crime to be on the increase they are more likely to report offences leading to a rise in recorded crime which will lead to further media attention and so on in a ‘ deviancy amplification spiral ’ .
24 However , by the early 1980s some LEAs began to adopt more prescriptive approaches , insisting on school policies fostering racial equality within given time limits ( e.g. ILEA , Brent ) , prescribing aspects of headteacher behaviour to ethnic minority parents ( e.g. Bradford ) , making certain forms of racist behaviour a disciplinary offence ( e.g. Manchester ) or establishing central mechanisms to decide upon school suspensions and so removing power from Heads and Governors ( e.g. Birmingham ) .
25 As well as maintaining a good posture , women were expected to move with grace , which was the principal reason for dancing lessons A woman attempting to achieve this ideal of beauty needed to spend a great deal of money , and so labouring class women were automatically excluded , even if they were possessed of ‘ natural ’ beauty .
26 In the same way , key performance indicators set up for each function are reviewed quarterly against its business plan with relevant managers ‘ but it 's not a dull , dry event : it 's when everybody pulls together , discussing everything that 's happening in great depth and giving managers the opportunity to explain to directors why they 're falling short , the constraints and obstacles , and so achieving agreement with the figures and the indicators used , ’ he said .
27 Moreover , water is often heated and pumped , and so minimising water use is another way of minimising energy consumption .
28 He 'd once thought of asking one of the Venetz sisters out , but they were pretty well inseparable ; a turndown did n't worry him so much as the prospect of being accepted by one and so giving offence to the other .
29 Flu viruses are notorious for the ease in which they undergo such antigenic shifts , as they are called , and so giving rise to epidemics .
30 A tuberculin remains as a useful diagnostic agent for detecting the state of immunity to tuberculosis , and so giving evidence of the presence , or past presence , of the disease .
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