Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Also , in Deanos support , He does work hard and effectively even when he s not scoring .
2 and and presumably even if they 're not floppy as a result of their illness they 'll they 'll sort of go floppy after er a period of institutionalisation yeah mhm yeah yeah mhm so er .
3 There are many references to our caves but the writers do not seem to have gone beyond the entrances and we are left wondering what they are like inside and most importantly whether they were ever lived in , and if so , by whom .
4 The anarchic and the political , the anger and the boredom , are all active in Wilde 's transgressive aesthetic , and most especially when the survival strategies of subordination — subterfuge , lying , evasion — are aesthetically transvalued into weapons of attack , but ever working obliquely through irony , ambiguity , mimicry , and impersonation .
5 It was simply that most people , while wanting the ends , preferred to walk away from the means : especially when they were distasteful , and most especially when they failed .
6 But they were also attracted , initially by London 's highly developed foreign exchange market , later by its development of ‘ parallel ’ markets and most recently because of its importance in the markets for Eurobonds and currencies .
7 When comedy work has been thin on the ground , Allen has carved out a healthy career as a straight actor , popping up in the unlikeliest of places : as a minion of fictitious Prime Minister Harry Perkins in A Very British Coup , as an impeccably sleazy reporter in Scandal and most recently as permarandy Rex , the dyspeptic boss of Lyne Electronics in the BBC 's Making Out .
8 The ultimate strength of capitalist global hegemony is that it continually works , and works very hard , to persuade people that the system is natural , fair and fundamentally better than any realistic alternative .
9 Sir , If you please to send me a scarlet Cardinal [ a short red cloak ] , and let it be full yard long , and rather longer than a yard long , and let it be full , for it be for a large Woman , they tell me I may have a long one , and a handsome one , for 11s but I shou 'd not be willing to give more than 12s , but if you have any as long as that , either duffil or cloth , if it is cheaper , I shou 'd like it as well as , for I am not to give but 12s for it .
10 There were clusters of robes that seemed to pulsate and breathe , and there were others that slithered sinuously and rather nastily when she approached .
11 If you decide to design your own lace pattern , do remember that you must transfer to both left and right rather than in just one direction or you may finish up with a definite bias in your knitting .
12 These were not less than two acres in size , and rarely more than twenty acres .
13 Such systems usually comprise rows of back-to-back adjustable pallet racking up to 12 metres high and separated by gangways as little as 1.2 metres wide — and rarely more than 1.9 metres wide .
14 ( a ) Only a single parameter of record type need be passed in most sub- programs , and rarely more than four .
15 The ways in which internal charges are weighted can encourage users to feel that storing everything is cheaper and altogether easier than managing it more actively .
16 They quite simply can not explain WHY they believe WHAT they believe , and so rather than admit their ignorance about their own faith , they just shut up .
17 And so soon after we were discussing it , too , but then you keep doing it .
18 And so just as Jesus showed his at-one-ment with us , he now asks us to show our at-one-ment with him , and join him to continue the Great Battle until the final defeat of Evil and the ‘ restoration of all things ’ .
19 So he has an interesting idea that we can set up democratic procedures to protect the minority within those procedures so that tyranny of the majority is something that afflicts only certain types of democracies , but if we have other types of democracies then we can protect the minority and the idea for proportional representation is often claimed in this light , but actually it does n't work as an idea , because although it allows a minority to be represented , represented is a different from being protected and so even if there 's a member of parliament with the one member of parliament with your unpopular views , that does n't mean that your unpopular views wo n't be made illegal say , because the fact that there 's one member of parliament wo n't mean that
20 Like we can produce , we can reduce the unit cost of car production dramatically by increasing the s increasing the size of the plant , alright , and so even if , this is one reason why we do n't , why street trade has risen dramatically in manufactures , it 's because in manufactures there are powerful erm , economies of scale effects , alright .
21 And so even if we could produce Mercedes Benz over here alright , we probably would n't alright , unless all Mercedes Benz production were specialized over here , production has become a lot more specialized in manufacturing , where you just have large plants producing erm , the entire world production of that particular erm , product .
22 Erm and so even if we had a full employment situation , we would still need an economic bonus strategy and I know the Conservatives wo n't agree with that , they were very reluctant the last administration to think about economic developments at all but , er eventually they realised the recession was quite er , quite serious .
23 The problem I think comes when you go when you become insolvent , you know , and I think that 's and so therefore unless we 're going to come up with some system where we do insure our pensions as we do our home , then you , you , you 're still back to the basic contract between a company and an individual .
24 And so therefore if anybody has amendments that they wish to make to the deliverance as it is , we will take them if necessary one by one and vote for them as they are presented to us , and then we 'll come to any other counter motions that may be on hand .
25 You know there we are the , the marketing communication P R people whatever we are and so therefore if that organization we worked for gets published in the media , positive company
26 and and they paid the fees and so on whereas er anywhere else you just work for a firm of estate agents and they pay whether they pay you and the qualifications up to you you go off and do it and you know
27 It 's quicker for me to clear up/wash up and so on than to argue with them about doing it .
28 Section 268(1) provides that associated operations means any two or more operations of any kind , being : ( 1 ) operations which affect the same property , or one of which affects some property and the other or others of which affect property which represents , whether directly or indirectly , that property , or income arising from that property , or any property representing accumulations of any such income ; or ( 2 ) any two operations of which one is effected with reference to the other , or with a view to enabling the other to be effected , or facilitating it being effected , and any further operations having a like relation to any of those two , and so on whether those operations are effected by the same person or different persons , and whether or not they are simultaneous .
29 You pick up the warning signs from the news and so on before you get the official warning to go , but it 's still short notice .
30 ‘ Since the situation is unavoidable I suggest that now you 're better you make yourself as useful as possible , preparing meals and so on while I get on with my work .
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