Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The big Christmas , big Christmas card company , erm , and it is big , er , is American , and wholly owned American , and that 's not , but they did n't build a factory , they took one over that 's already ,
2 Unlike the Barometer , who is largely faithful and wholly site tenacious , The Earthquake puts out all over town .
3 What we really need is more green spaces in cities , adequate public transport , traffic-free town centres and vastly improved public cleaning services to make our cities the thriving centres they could be .
4 High living standards had encouraged migration to these republics from other parts of the USSR , and this became one of the issues most central to the development of a powerful and widely supported nationalist movement in the late 1980s , particularly since the Baltic nations were relatively few in number and tended to have low birth and high divorce rates ( in Latvia , where golden and silver wedding anniversaries had formerly been celebrated , there were ceremonies in the 1980s for couples that had been together for just a few years ) .
5 To take a specific example , the statement that a direct consequence of a publicly announced and widely believed monetary policy which aims at holding the unemployment rate at U 1 will be a higher expected rate of inflation does not imply the more extreme view that monetary policy can only reduce unemployment below U * ; to the extent that the authorities increase the money supply at a rate in excess of what was generally anticipated .
6 From this modest start in 1905 the publication developed into a highly respected and widely read quarterly magazine which Ayliffe edited and to which he contributed until 1947 .
7 Pride of place in this endeavour was given to systematic and properly grounded empirical investigation .
8 One respondent was not alone in pleading for ‘ a properly funded and functioning court system and properly paid legal aid ’ .
9 you 're talking round and you 've suddenly become a convert to the private site because it 's the only way that you can find that your party can oppose the establishment of proper and properly managed gipsy sites in Oxfordshire .
10 It saw two crucial and intimately connected social changes gather irresistible momentum : the creation of a new stratum of service landholders — the pomeshchiki and the subsequent enserfment not only of those peasants already suffering de facto bondage , but of the entire Russian peasantry .
11 His many enthusiasms extended to owning a couple of elderly Rolls-Royces , attempting to restart a School of Architecture at the RA , submitting with success his own drawings to the Summer Exhibition and vigorously supporting home-town local causes , including the Malvern Arts Club .
12 In both books we find him passionately concerned with the nature of time and vigorously rejecting cyclical theories of history .
13 As a result of the sterling area policy , Britain not only failed to deliver the goods but actively and blatantly exploited colonial producers .
14 Called at different times Dai Nam — The Great South — and Dai Viet — Country of the Great Viet People — they repulsed an invasion by Mongol hordes and successfully resisted new attempts by the Sung , Ming and Manchu emperors of China to reconquer them .
15 The police rapidly destroyed the remnants of the ‘ People 's Will ’ and successfully contained underground activity during the rest of the 1880s .
16 She waited thus for what she judged to be half an hour , moving a few steps to and fro to keep warm whenever the coast was clear .
17 Much more controversially , it may also be a contempt to ‘ scandalise the court ’ and thereby undermine public confidence in the integrity of the judiciary .
18 First , to the extent that an issue is expressly covered by the Convention it displaces rules of national law that might otherwise apply and thereby renders otiose conflict-of-laws rules designed to lead to the selection of the applicable national law .
19 It is usual for the Stamp Office to be asked to confirm in advance that the scheme will not attract duty so that the court order may be registered , and thereby become effective , without delay .
20 There are many species of bacteria of the Bacteroides fragilis group that are able to degrade these substances and thereby release free sulphate which would then become available for utilisation by sulphate reducing bacteria .
21 The prime object of the society was to secure the adoption of the continental , or Leibnizian , notation for the calculus , in preference to the Newtonian notation then used in England , and thereby to open English mathematics to the eighteenth-century continental developments .
22 Some economists calculate that only a small part ( perhaps a quarter ) of the appreciation of the exchange rate is attributable to oil but that the government deliberately pushed up the exchange rate ( which appreciated 40 per cent between 1979 and 1980 ) by raising domestic interest rates and thereby weakening industrial competitiveness .
23 In this way , people such as the Trobrianders of the Pacific , made famous by Malinowshi , spend a great deal of their energy producing goods of no practical value , mainly elaborate pieces of jewellery , for no other purpose than to exchange them with neighbours , and thereby maintain peaceful social relations .
24 Max has been found tightly associated with a new partner Mad/Mxil , which points to Max being at the centre of a network of factors whose relative concentrations dictate preferential heterodimerization and thereby control transcriptional activity .
25 The perpetual spring Schorne had divined for his parish in time of drought came replete with gypsum , Epsom salts , and carbonic acid , and thereby lent considerable support to his posthumous reputation , principally as a healer of rheumatic and eye afflictions , but with an occasional talent in respect of dead oxen , the drowned , and the consolation of ‘ wretched , lonely boys ’ .
26 When , for example , Alexander Gordon of Strathdon came to Elgin on 5 November 1539 to bind himself in manrent to George earl of Huntly , promising to serve him in peace and war , give him counsel , and protect him against harm , he was only one of many hundreds of men throughout the country during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries making such an obligation , and thereby creating strong personal relationships based always in theory and normally in reality not just on mutual self-interest but on mutual loyalty and trust .
27 The reformulation ensures that the hearer does access this entry , and thereby derive contextual effects which would not have been gained otherwise .
28 The NLM endeavoured to expand its activities beyond Ashanti — largely at the urging of Kurankyi Taylor — and thereby became overextended .
29 As with the specific issue of literacy , foreign language teachers have implicitly compared their learners and themselves with educated native-speakers — and thereby created inevitable failure for all but the most exceptional .
30 Yes it can , if close , humid weather curbs evaporation , allows the temperature of milk to rise , and thereby promotes bacterial production of lactic acid .
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