Example sentences of "and [pron] have [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I am well served as princes go , and I have wit to know it .
2 Meanwhile , the British mission in New York is in constant touch with the secretary general and his staff and I have alredy told the House of Sir David Hannay 's helpful discussion with Mr. Vance yesterday .
3 However , while I accept all those things and I have sympathy with those staff in the workload that they have to deal with , there are many ways that we could start to speed up the system .
4 No listen , listen you 've got ta listen to this my girlfriend and I have sex whenever we can and really enjoy it oral sex but we have heard that sexually transmitted diseases can be passed on by drinking each other 's juices from oral sex , is this true ?
5 And I have packaging specially for the small ones , it makes them easy for people to post if they want to post them off to friends .
6 There are of course exceptions of those who are neither councillors nor magistrates er and are prepared to do these jobs , but there are n't very many in relation to er the numbers of people that would be required for this sort of task and there are many other activities for which there are required , like school governors who like helping on various health bodies and er they have n't got the time to do them all , and if they have , they probably are n't suitable , because I have to my Lords that a lord of people who volunteer for these sorts of tasks and I have experience of them are n't people that locally we would like to have sitting on these various bodies and we have to discourage them one way and another .
7 The real test is whether they have been used in all the cases where there has been flagrant abuse , and I have reason to believe that the traffic commissioners are doing their job competently in that connection .
8 ‘ If you were , as you were hoping to be , her legal custodian , you would be in a very powerful position — and I have reason to fear that you might abuse that power . ’
9 I appreciate that yesterday the funeral ceremonies were carried out but Masses were also sung for the souls of two other men , Brampton and Vechey , and I have news of them .
10 And I have pleasure in introducing our judge , Mark from Chelmsford .
11 I 'm delighted to welcome er the various initiatives that result from partnerships between industry and government er and in particular the investors in people which encourages training and skilling er on a life long basis and I have pleasure in confirming that that is not confined to the private sector and that today ACAS became the first civil service er body to receive the full award of Investors in People .
12 You just well Ne both Neil and I have sort of felt well , to be quite honest it is n't worth it .
13 ‘ I 'm not going to London , Dana ; I do n't want to drive any further today and I have business here .
14 ‘ Yes , I know and I have mine but it does n't stretch to asking you how Maria Luisa compares to me .
15 ‘ Len and I have wine all the time , ’ Algy said , but facts led nowhere ; they never had .
16 you know I can understand now the people that have n't got the truth , when one of the , the mate , when the mate dies whether a woman or a , or a , or a husband dies , they want to die , they do n't want to live because I felt that , I felt that , what 's there , what 's there me left to live , my kids they 're , they have their own families , there all time , they have no time , I brought up three children , I have a full time job and I have time for every one of them to look after and to bring them up and to set them on their way to live and not one of them became a prisoner or something , you know , they 're all have nice jobs and , and nice kid nice people , one , nobody 's in the truth the boys
17 That poems are alive but they run away from you , you know and you have difficulty catching them like you have difficulty catching foxes .
18 I ca n't remember I think it was Louise who br I went up to talk to her , and the question was , which of follow which of the following is not a swimming stroke and you have butterfly , breast stroke , bird crawl .
19 And conversely , if you find that you 're just not a dab hand at paint techniques , or have n't got the time to find out , there are now quite a few wallpapers available which reproduce the effects , but require not painting : just hang , and you have instant sponged , rag-rolled or marbled walls !
20 I do n't know how many people know this , but if you 're in custody and you have council accommodation , the council will only pay your rent up to a year .
21 Mr Smith is begging for help and you are concerned about Amy ; you feel that you have something to offer ( and you have responsibility for the two pre-school children ) .
22 And you have acid coming up the gullet ,
23 … on , on , on tears the mad dragon of an engine … scattering in all directions a shower of burning sparks from its wood fire ; screeching , hissing , yelling , panting ; until at last the thirsty monster stops beneath a covered way to drink … and you have time to breathe again .
24 You 're already wearing your moustache and wig and glasses and you have clip-on sunshades over the lenses because it is quite a bright day .
25 She heard him say , ‘ And you have joy , Mrs Sutherland . ’
26 Shirley , if sometime in your life er , you need money er , for example , er , you 're in when you 're a start of marriage , and you have mortgage , how will you go to ?
27 Like you you have Easter eggs do n't you , and you have Christmas goods .
28 Erm , parent involvement , there is no mention in this report about parent involvement , and I think this is absolutely essential that the , it 's often the families who are poor parenting , because they 've been poor parent people , and you have succession , and we 've gone somewhere along the line , we 've got to go down that road .
29 Now , we 're going to work on summary skills this week , and you have summary skills already .
30 You 're hard-working and you have talent .
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