Example sentences of "and [pron] see this " in BNC.

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1 The thing I remember about him as an engineer was that we used to get these forms that told you each week who you were going to be working on , what the line-up was , and I saw this thing and it said David Bowie , Studio Two .
2 Well , I called in there today for cigars and I saw this young woman ; and you remember the one that was in the sweet shop , she was so nice and obliging ; well I thought I was looking at her twin .
3 Now in nineteen er nineteen fifteen , the the of course the War 'd started and I can remember this so well because the day after me birthday er there was a raid , a Zeppelin raid on and I saw this Zeppelin and that day the thirty first of January nineteen fifteen when this raid was , I wen I went to work at six in the morning and I finished work at quarter to nine at night .
4 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
5 He needs a holiday — you both do — and I saw this as a way to ensure that you could get regular time off in the future . ’
6 ‘ We heard the noise of glass falling to the floor and I saw this group of three heading straight for the door .
7 No I walked through the children 's department one day and I saw this necklace with these beads hanging from it
8 Even in electronic mail I could find myself — and I see this among women colleagues — adopting a more relaxed approach .
9 I 'll never forget old , about two days I 'd been there , and I 'm going across the square and I see this bloke with sombreal on , so I did flung him up a salute cos that was wrong , he says come here
10 The type of policy we 're actually seeking is already included in the Humberside structure plan and I see this morning that er that was circulated as D four double O seven .
11 And I 'd also like to come back on this of closed schools in that if we look only at chronological age , which puts a limit on ‘ O ’ levels , we are shutting doors , because many students — and I see this in the sixth form — are not ready for these examinations at the prescribed age .
12 and you see this contradiction is there , despite the fact that the factory and the company are actively concerned in restraining pollution .
13 I hate it when you walk past someone goes right in front of you and you sort of give it you do n't care if he 's ten feet tall you just look at him like this and you see this nasty greeny .
14 And the woman lost her brooch on the way back and she saw this man next morning , he was a policeman in , and he he was too fond of the drink , a and he he was on , he was a railway policeman , and he fell onto the rails , when the train was coming , nobody knows how he how he how he er he lost one arm er about there and the other one about there , both arms but he he survived it .
15 ‘ Me and my sister and my uncle — my sister , who 's a scientist , right ? — we were walking along and we saw this light go across the sky , then it stopped and made this complete square , then it was gone . ’
16 Then I was in another ship , three years ago , and we saw this island .
17 Out of the original hundred houses this was the last one to be occupied and we saw this being built , erm right from the time that it was a plot of land and we knew it was ours
18 In recent years we have devoted substantial resources to reorganising our education systems in the UK and we see this continuing .
19 They 're walking through the desert and like , you know , they 're gon na die , it 's obvious and they see this house .
20 She knew that the job of breaking the news was n't a routine chore , that she had n't been chosen merely because she was the only woman in his team and he saw this as a woman 's job .
21 The dislocation happened and he saw this stout , handsomely dressed man , almost gasping m front of a pale-eyed , pale-faced clergyman , the two of them in the consecrated atmosphere of a church which could trace back its foundation on that spot through about thirteen hundred years .
22 Boniface was looking back to an age in which the privileges of the churches of the Anglo-Saxons had been untouched and inviolate , or so it was thought , and he saw this age as ending — as he tells Aethelbald — in the time of Ceolred , king of the Mercians , and Osred , king of the Northumbrians ( both of whose reigns ended in 716 ) , whom Boniface accuses of behaving as Aethelbald was now doing and as a consequence of which they both perished miserably .
23 And he saw this bloke you see , where he should n't have been .
24 Cos I w he was , he was in the Post Office one day and he saw this old woman and she 'd just cashed all her giros and this bloke just nicked it in the Post Office .
25 And he sees this change as demonstrating a ‘ transformation of eroticism from manipulation to expression ’ .
26 As we saw earlier , Piaget argued that children younger than seven years lack the ability to explain , and he sees this as yet another symptom of their egocentrism .
27 and he sees this really pretty woman , but , like he 's got glasses on and he 's got big I do n't really know
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