Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You might need to insert interest rates as decimals ( 1 per cent = 0.01 ) and them reformat the block as a percentage .
2 and me want a , er , not and that I got two
3 Mr Barnet rowed the boat and he let Edward and me have a turn with one oar .
4 I think about Mr Jackson and I get a sort of uncomfortable feeling when I remember he was waiting for me at the house and I did n't come back .
5 We visit the charming sheep and I get a chance to wear my wellingtons after all .
6 I 'm 32 and I get a lot of shit for it .
7 ‘ They are entertaining and patient creatures and I get a lot of pleasure from them .
8 He shakes his head and I get a shiver , remembering just that gesture of his , repeated and repeated so that it became like a nervous tic after a while , back in Strathspeld , after Clare 's funeral in ‘ 89 ; a gesture of disbelief , refusal , non-acceptance .
9 So then they have to fill out all the forms all over again and I get a stern warning against giving false information to police officers !
10 Lucker and I get a few beach items together and set off across the dunes towards the shimmering shore .
11 It 's an apprenticeship and I get a day off each week to go to school . ’
12 Kids bring out the natural father in me and I get a crinkly mouth every time I look at an ankle snapper .
13 Oh , dear , she thought , half an hour late , and I get a persecution complex — of course people were n't staring at her .
14 The guy beside me in the doorway calls in and mentions I 'm there , and I get an immediate order to fade .
15 There 's a sensation of well tailored black uniforms rustling in the room and I get the impression from the general atmosphere and a few exchanged looks that this is a contentious point .
16 He 's set up a meeting for tomorrow with his financial boys , and I get the impression he 's very keen , but it 's all down to what he wants for the equity investment and how much I 'm prepared to give him . ’
17 You 'd think no-one else had ever made a film except him and you can see him coming on all good mates with the crew so they 'll make things easier for him when he gets in front of camera , so he looks five years younger and I get the shiny nose .
18 And I get the results for when I come back then .
19 Matey and I get the benefit of your … performance .
20 And I get the impression he almost meant it .
21 I 'm biased of course , and I get the impression that most people support the proposition , perhaps , er , two major , erm , contributions erm , feedback reports at some length , appear to question them .
22 And I get the impression that they 're probably just quite happy to live with what they currently have , so I think it 's just .
23 I get the T T G delivered to my home cos I subscribe for it and I get the business one that you do when
24 They do n't listen , and I get the blame .
25 And I get the nightmare !
26 And I get the what have you done to you know I 'm not very good at bloody washing anyway !
27 And I get the money back .
28 See the harvest field , you and I get the benefit from , but Jesus said you pray for labourers to go into the harvest field .
29 He describes this period of work as one of , of terrible strain , it was also a period in which he was personally very unhappy , and I get the impression that he really did use the best of his mind on this problem , and that for the rest of his life he found it difficult to press his thinking home with the kind of ruthlessness that many of the problems that he then assumed required .
30 This game from Infogrames deserves much success and I envy the talents of the programmers concerned .
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