Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 And everyone froze at the Las Vegas meeting to view triumphant Nina 's outfit .
2 At this there was a loud outburst of laughter , and everyone looked at a girl sitting at the back , who , scarlet in the face , ran out of the room , sobbing .
3 It seemed as if she could n't do anything right and everyone grumbled at her .
4 This time the tray is brought into the room and everyone looks at it .
5 Because the rain blew in gusts , the doors were usually closed and the glass clouded and wept , and the world closed in and nothing existed at all except a diseased crew , buffeted and windswept , butting their way through the void .
6 The stones at its margins were bleached like bones and nothing grew at the water 's edge except rank thickets of bamboo .
7 No furniture , just one chair and a mattress on the floor , and nothing to do at all .
8 And they espouse causes and strike attitudes , and then after a while when they get old they think what-the-hell , and they start doing what they like and nothing matters at all .
9 And Joe waited , cruelly , and nothing happened at the other end of the line .
10 ‘ Everyone was looking for reasons why he left us and no-one appreciated at the time that his health was suffering .
11 Sticking plasters , safety-pins , lipstick , comb , bus pass , piece of string , rubber bands , Vick inhaler , dried rose-hips that I picked last autumn and forgot to plant , and a cracked , yellowing snap of Otley and me roller-skating at Margate .
12 At least , out here , I have — I admit this with shame — I have delivered an extended breech with the nurse giving chloroform at one end and praying and me delivering at the other end and swearing , and the baby lived , the mother lived , and everything was all right .
13 There was a long pause during which a kind of stage fright seized me and perhaps him too : we remained in our positions , Richard sitting up in bed and me standing at the window , looking at each other helplessly like actors who have forgotten their lines .
14 ‘ The whole time since I heard that Walter would be released unconditionally I have been wondering how things will work with him being allowed out at night and to talk to whoever he wishes and me sitting at home in the evenings , gagged . ’
15 She swept them out , following them , fearing perhaps that they would add to Harry 's fatigue , and he and I looked at each other across the suddenly empty room in a shared fundamental awareness .
16 Both Coconut and I looked at him in astonishment .
17 ‘ Clark and I looked at the thing for five minutes and we said ‘ Wow ’ ’ , White told New Scientist .
18 Karen and I looked at each other , half-amused , half-disturbed .
19 The Lorrimores , followed by everyone still in the dining room , went dashing off into the dome car , but Emil and I looked at each other , and I said , ‘ How do we warn that train ? ’
20 It took me about three or four minutes to rescue it and I looked at my ‘ prize ’ .
21 We sat right down by the ashes of a fire , and I looked at them , and I did n't wonder who could have made them .
22 Charlie and I looked at each other .
23 And I looked at all the rest of them — a tough lot , I can tell you — they could n't believe it either .
24 ‘ If I was Intel and I looked at how many processors I was able to sell and the limited market for the Pentium , initially , I would probably focus on the 486 this year as well . ’
25 And I looked at his sad face .
26 Johann left the room and I looked at Sapt .
27 Like the midwife who came to see me said , " Ooh , you 're only seventeen " , and I looked at her — how old do you have to be to have a baby — forty or something ?
28 There was one particular hole and I looked at it and thought , in a million years we will never get up there .
29 Carradine and I looked at each other .
30 Susan and I looked at each other , eyebrows going up under our hoods .
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