Example sentences of "and [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Yalta Repatriation agreement was the culmination of months of negotiation between the governments involved , and as the documents summarised at the end of this volume indicate [ see KPs 1–16 ] , consideration of British policy on this matter had been continuing on the highest level since the summer of 1944 .
2 In this context knowledge can be understood as the presuppositions shared by members of a social group and as the meanings through which their action and experience are mediated — as a whole it may be recognized as the perspective of the social group .
3 ‘ For man knoweth not his time ; as the fishes that are taken in an evil net , and as the birds that are caught in the snare ; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time , when it falleth suddenly upon them . ’
4 The May Events marked the chasm within the underground , and as the comrades — or would-be comrades — ran forward it became obvious that much of the old American guard on It had become part of the world left behind .
5 And as the aspirations of the various professions , of students , of the ‘ third element ’ rose , so did their exasperation at continuing official inefficiency , corruption and oppression .
6 The close identity between fans and their club has weakened as football has become big business and as the players , who were once from the same working-class community as the fans , have become rich superstars .
7 Saynor was acclaimed as the supporters ' player of the year and as the players ' choice .
8 Darryl Williams was handed two trophies the club 's player of the year and as the players ' player of the year .
9 Increasin increasing , it 's not just a question of support , it 's a committed partnership , and as the boundaries between public , private and voluntary sectors , become less rigid , these partnerships will continue to grow .
10 R A Y N E R , and that 's your head of department in case erm , so if you look in that book in chapter four , right , there 's er agricultural trade and the GATT , if you look er , if you read that chapter , it 'll give you all the information you need to know about erm , agricultural trade , erm , how it 's changed , what the costs , there are a lot of estimates of the costs of agricultural protectionism , and as the benefits to liberalization of er , of trade , and also it gives er , a view of erm , er the Uruguay round of GATT .
11 This will leave entrepreneurs from local minority communities in a strong position as the owners of existing fairly well managed productive assets , and as the suppliers of intermediate goods to small-scale producers .
12 And as the years from retirement lengthen , it seems more and more tenuous to group men in terms of long-past work , let alone women who since marriage may never have been in paid work at all .
13 It was always the same when trade was booming at the local wharves , and as the convoys of horsecarts and lorries lined up along Cotton Lane so the cafe became even fuller .
14 They try to maintain a rough balance across the liquidity range , but the precise composition of assets will vary as interest rates on the various assets vary , and as the demands for liquidity vary .
15 The quantity of water raised from the lower to the higher level will on the average equal that lowered from the higher to the lower level so that there will be practically no loss of water by lockage and as the vessels transported by the lifts are waterborne the weight of the load carried by the dock is always the same whether the vessel be loaded or not and whether the dock contains a vessel or not .
16 No blue skies , just the same depressing grey she had grown used to , and as the events of yesterday flooded relentlessly into her mind her eyes filled with helpless tears .
17 The shop owner was n't too badly hurt and as the policemen arrived and asked me , ‘ You all right , sir ? ’
18 Defining as the elasticity of substitution in fixed costs , and as the shares in fixed costs .
19 He had noticed the eyes of one or two French matrons stray wistfully to the tall , spectacularly handsome figure of his brother , and as the rickshaws bowled on side by side he darted a glance at him and decided it must be his new blond mustache that set him apart .
20 And as the dignitaries stiffly walked towards their jeeps and their ride home we prepared again for battle : to film , photograph , and record sound , while keeping up with the uproarious final procession to the cliffs .
21 The lower portions of the inclined planes descend below the level of the water in the tail bays , and as the tanks on the downward run move down into the water until there is parity of level between the water in the tank and that in the bay , dock gates are unnecessary in these lower channels .
22 They bustled to and fro across the dock and swarmed on and off the ships .
23 Interestingly , a majority of companies both on and off the zones considered that if anything the zones had had a beneficial effect on local business , local economic development , environmental improvements and public- and private-sector investment .
24 A PACKED public meeting last night saw the launch of a major six month campaign to keep quarry traffic on the rails and off the roads .
25 This sensor consists of an ordinary mercury tilt switch mounted at an angle so that the small mercury bead encapsulated in the switch easily rolls on and off the contacts as the switch encounters movement .
26 You travel south and then west over slow , winding roads to the westernmost tip of Mull , to Fionnphort , a weatherbeaten hamlet perched on the edge of the world , defaced by litter , plastic bottles and dirty nappies , discarded as tourists get on and off the ferries .
27 SPORT reflects the ills of society and , in the current climate of moral torpor , perhaps we should not be surprised by declining standards of behaviour both on and off the fields of activity .
28 and then the second man he set he sat next to it with his arm over his shoulders just to make sure he was comfortable with the with as you say , the seat belt on as well you see , to secure him , and off the lads set , all the way across Hull Road right the way t across to Queen Anne 's .
29 For the province 's future Olympic hopefuls have been brushing up on skills both on and off the sports fields .
30 A very lazy way to spend a day in the sun , is to buy a ‘ day ’ ticket , and hop on and off the boats and in and out of the many cafes and restaurants dotted around the lake .
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