Example sentences of "and [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I want the pair of you dressed and off this train in five minutes — or I swear I 'll drag you off in your pyjamas ! ’
2 Is the Minister aware that feeling within the industry and the related sales industry is that if the VAT gap between this country and Ireland and between this country and France is not narrowed significantly we could lose a considerable part of our breeding industry and our entire sales industry , which are the most prestigious in the world ?
3 All parenting is shared between the family and the wider kinship and friendship network , and between this system and state provision .
4 The fact is that the whole of British business in now increasingly confident about the economy and about this government 's policies for business .
5 Those who have not been following the series are advised to read Part 1 ( November , 1991 issue ) since this gives certain background information about the National Curriculum and about this month 's topic which is information-transmission systems .
6 None of these requirements applies to an equitable assignment , but priority as between two assignees of the same debt depends on priority of notice to the debtor , and for this purpose an unwritten notice is unavailing .
7 It was the responsibility of the Justices of the forest to see that the Forest rights of the Crown were not usurped , and for this purpose he made frequent use of sworn inquiries by the foresters and verderers and juries of knights and free men of the neighbourhood .
8 Gonorrhoea can not be excluded in the female unless the rectum has been examined , and for this purpose a proctoscope , somewhat smaller than the vaginal speculum , is passed into the rectum so that samples can be taken for microscopy and culture .
9 There is a similar earnings rule for the dependent wife 's pension , and for this purpose an occupational pension also counts as earnings if the wife is under 60 .
10 However , Thornton Heath depôt had to supply seven cars and for this purpose cars of the 552–601 batch of E/1s took the place of the Penge open toppers there .
11 ‘ Dwelling ’ means any structure or part of a structure occupied as a person 's home or as other living accommodation ( whether the occupation is separate or shared with others ) but does not include any part not so occupied , and for this purpose ‘ structure ’ includes a tent , caravan , vehicle , vessel or other temporary or movable structure ( Section 8 ) .
12 Note that ‘ dwelling ’ means any structure or part of a structure occupied as a person 's home or as other living accommodation ( whether the occupation is separate or shared with others ) but does not include any part not so occupied , and for this purpose ‘ structure ’ includes a tent , caravan , vehicle , vessel or other temporary or movable structure .
13 The solid members needed only to take compression and since the principle danger in this condition was buckling , such components required to be as thick as possible for their weight and for this purpose bamboo or spruce was especially suitable .
14 It is considered that the coats will be fitted with better effect agreeable to this pattern on reaching the regiments and for this purpose the fringe etc. is to be sent in materials to each corps ’ .
15 Although many of these terms are widely current in literary scholarship , we shall presuppose a linguistic account of these phenomena , and for this purpose , it is convenient to refer the reader to Leech , A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. , Following the list of categories in 3. 1 , explanations of selected points will be added in 3.2 .
16 In other words , for this purpose , and for this purpose only , a minor was to be treated as if it were an adult .
17 They all seek declarations to the following effect : ( a ) that as a matter of law in the case of a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the Secretary of State is required to set a period for retribution and deterrence which does not exceed the tariff recommended by the judiciary ; ( b ) that the Secretary of State is required by law to tell the prisoner what period the judiciary have recommended , and the reasons for that recommendation , and also if he has departed from that recommendation to tell the prisoner his reason for doing so ; ( c ) that the prisoner is entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before the tariff is set , and for this purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State will make his decision which is not in his , the prisoner 's , possession .
18 It is desired to maximize the ratio ( F/weight of ring ) , and for this purpose it is necessary to decide whether for any given geometry it is better to make the ring of copper or of aluminium .
19 Advanced level History does demand very detailed knowledge and for this purpose the linear note is very appropriate .
20 ‘ Dwelling ’ means any structure or part of a structure occupied as a person 's home or as other living accommodation ( whether the occupation is separate or shared with others ) and does not include any part not so occupied , and for this purpose ‘ structure ’ includes a tent , caravan , vehicle , vessel or other temporary or movable structure . ’
21 Germany must now reject the alien influence of Romance culture , to which she has been subservient , and develop her full creative potential ; and for this purpose , Hellenism , as an educational and cultural force in our society , is more necessary than ever .
22 We are particularly interested in the comparative statics , and for this purpose we write down the equations of change .
23 However , I would like to keep you fully informed of our intentions , and for this purpose I enclose a copy of my letter to the BWB engineer , G. , together with a copy of the working drawing .
24 By s.21(1) of the 1968 Theft Act : [ a ] person is guilty of blackmail if , with a view to gain for himself or another or with intent to cause loss to another , he makes any unwarranted demand with menaces ; and for this purpose a demand with menaces is unwarranted unless the person making it does so in the belief — ( a ) that he had reasonable grounds for making the demand ; and ( b ) that the use of the menaces is a proper means of reinforcing the demand .
25 The accountant , and for that matter any other professional persons , have very important roles to play in the lease and for this purpose alone the tenant will wish to ensure that they are suitably qualified .
26 We need to consider the practical goal of teaching or learning about English pronunciation , and for this purpose a very abstract analysis would be unsuitable .
27 says explaining why he had come to earth Jesus told the Roman governor Pontius Pilate , will thus I 've been born and for this purpose I have come out of the world that I should bear witness to the truth , but what particular truth was Jesus sent to earth to make no man , first just about his heavenly father , he taught his followers to pray that his father name be hallowed or hell holy and he prayed , I have made your name manifest to the man you gave me , also he said I must declare the good news with the kingdom of God , because for this I was sent forth , so what truths did Jesus come to er , to tell ?
28 In 1914 Gilman exhibited with Ginner at the Goupil Gallery and for this Ginner wrote a catalogue introduction on Neo-Realism , which was in the nature of a manifesto .
29 It always has been desirable for governors in special schools to have some knowledge of the curriculum in mainstream schools and for this awareness to be reciprocated .
30 And for this farmer the drought goes on .
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