Example sentences of "and [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And occasionally the bishop might call for the Laudes regiae , the litany ‘ addressed solely and triumphantly to the victorious Christ in his divinity as the eternal king of heaven and earth , and as the exemplar and guarantor of power and prosperity to all potentes who upheld the fabric of a unitary Christian society — pope , king , royal family , clergy , lay magnates and warriors ’ .
2 Carlotta de Leyva belongs to one of the liberal families opposed to the dictator Lopez and as the betrothed of the leader of that opposition , Don Manuel of Encinitas , she is to some extent a figurehead , a political symbol : moreover , to the youth of eighteen , Highworth Ridden , who is introduced to her soon after his arrival in Santa Barbara , she is an ideal because she is in effect the first woman who has ever touched his love , as someone to be served , not someone to aspire to .
3 Cottam suggested that he too should have been paid for his fortnight 's service , but the Governors replied that they were under the impression that " his services had been tendered on behalf of and as the personal friend of Mr. Hamilton " .
4 Nkrumah was excluded : and as the other UGCC leaders remained preoccupied with their task , he strengthened his political standing with the public .
5 The resurrected Osiris had no further part to play on earth , and as the immortal dead king he became the ruler of the dead .
6 She wanted to be held by him , and as the sad , poignant music began it set up a yearning inside of her that she did n't know how to dispel .
7 The Cambridge deputy orator of 1957 commended him for his ecumenical work , and as the tireless pastor of the northern province , and made no mention of his academic originality — perhaps the ghost of Bethune-Baker still peeped through a window of the Senate House .
8 Husbandmen , as was to be expected with the most numerous class — and as the typical countrymen — comprehended a broad spectrum .
9 And as the Chartist Bronterre O'Brien wrote , ‘ In spite of the Devil and Malthus , the work people are resolved to live and breed . ’
10 At Universal , she found herself painfully opposite the eponymous talking mule in Francis Joins The Wacs ( 1954 ) and as the female lead in Abbott and Costello Meet the Keystone Cops , ( 1955 ) but had delightful moments in Has Anybody Seen My Gal ? ( 1952 ) singing ‘ The Red Red Robin ’ while bobbing around doing the housework .
11 These developments reflect the government 's acceptance of the importance of education as the key instrument in the liberation of human talent and as the principal agent of the country 's economic regeneration .
12 She knows that she ought to ring her mother , that there is still a faint possibility that she might ring her mother , but that possibility is already fading , and as the admonitory red glare of the clock clicks silently to 20.20 it gasps and dies within her .
13 She told her wrist computer to give the speeder the settings for the shuttle hangar , and as the automatic pilot cut in she turned , intending to climb up to what was left of the weapons deck .
14 This role is an important one in the county 's educational library provision , and as the administrative channel through which all ordering of materials passes , is pivotal to the project .
15 The great twelfth-century historian William of Malmesbury says that Æthelred deprived his people of their possessions without proper reason , and as the late Anglo-Saxon legal system is known to have confiscated property for a wide range of misdemeanours it would certainly have been open to abuse of this sort .
16 They heard no more from behind them and as the small amount of sky they could see between the tree-tops was clouded over there was nothing to give them direction .
17 But at the same time , it increased risks for national governments , both as helmsmen for the national economy and as the ultimate authority responsible for maintaining or improving the creditworthiness of the state as a debtor seeking finance from the system .
18 The Order of Things by contrast points to the emergence of historicity as a mode of understanding , and argues that ‘ History ’ , both as a form of knowledge and as the primary state of being of empirical phenomena — broadly speaking , the assumption of all Marxisms — is itself a historical phenomenon .
19 The changing face of Eastern Europe has already had a dramatic affect on the malt market and as the political and economic climate becomes more stable new opportunities will doubtless emerge .
20 The confusion of person in the first sentence is understandable as the contract was written out in Old George 's hand ; and as the sole contracting party on one side it was easier for him to write my than the more impersonal , if more accurate , the master 's or some other third person equivalent .
21 The classical spirit in which he was trained never lost its hold upon him ; the spirit of the pagan authors he revered in their original languages coexisted in his mind with an Anglicanism more committed in substance than fervent in style ; and as the new novel of the 1950s revived the techniques of eighteenth-century fiction , so did Lewis 's critical prose revive the world of hard-hitting supper-party debates that Boswell records .
22 The ice and snow would disappear from the mountains , and as the new plants from the more temperate regions of the south migrated northwards , replacing the arctic plants , these latter would crawl up the now uncovered mountains , and likewise be driven northward to the present arctic shores .
23 And the youngest was bathed first to the eldest and as the young one was bathed bed , upstairs to bed , upstairs to bed , you see and so it went on .
24 " Let's have him out , " I gasped , and as the young man pulled on the forelegs I supported the body , which slid and toppled on to the tarmac with a horrible limpness .
25 The father can only go on to know God more profoundly and as the young man men become stronger , they are more aware of the indwelling spirit of power to overcome the tempter .
26 The learner is seen as in one of two fixed states also : as the ignorant or uneducated recipient prior to the insertion of knowledge , and as the educated person or product of the school .
27 Here we might recall Derrida 's criticism of Levinas 's history ‘ as a blinding to the other , and as the laborious procession of the same ’ .
28 And as the Western media talks about a 3rd World War starting in the Gulf , millions of people all over the world know that the Third World War started long before the battle in the Gulf .
29 This is the ‘ region ’ for which extensive social and economic trend information is available and it has a practical reality as the area of responsibility of the Northern Regional Health Authority and as the regional level of organization of central state departments .
30 As the stern controller of cosmic justice , punishing the breakers of God 's cosmic rules and order and as the frenzied cataclysmic destroyer , the Goddess functions alone .
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