Example sentences of "and [verb] on [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 We need to listen — and to go on listening — to the Bible and to later spiritual writers and preachers ; we need to give due weight to tradition and also to try to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit in our own time .
2 But her sister begged her so hard not to leave her and to go on sleeping with her that she gave way .
3 The report examined research from the United Kingdom , the United States and Australia , and concluded that cigarette advertising is getting through to children and encouraging them to smoke and to carry on smoking .
4 Families can be encouraged to take the relative out for the day for as long as that can be managed , and to carry on visiting at least weekly .
5 It 's a help , but not a complete solution to the problem because once chlorine has been released in the stratosphere , it persists for many years and goes on destroying ozone .
6 The beggar is plainly moved , and goes on looking curiously at Howard for some moments after he has walked on .
7 As soon as one person 's work has been built into the computer , it stays there and goes on working for as long as needed .
8 The process involves no more than threading a strip beneath another one that runs across it more or less at right angles , and keeping on doing so at intervals with dogged persistence , pulling the strip tight after each threading .
9 The largest slice of our cash comes from the ‘ Charity Shop ’ and so we wish to express our thanks to all those involved with it — those who give goods to sell — those who staff it — those why buy and keep on coming back for more .
10 Or he or she may call your bluff and see what happens , in which case you must fight and keep on fighting .
11 You do n't have to be rude , just pretend you did n't hear and keep on walking .
12 When a tap is turned on , the ignition immediately sparks at the burner and keeps on sparkling until the burner is lit .
13 Magritte like man who learns to somersault backwards from standing position and keeps on doing it .
14 In Vulcanian eruptions , such a plug may be blown away by repeated explosions , after which lavas may flow away quietly , or if the magma is very viscous , and keeps on coming , explosions will continue .
15 He simply puts his head down and keeps on scoring goals — lots of them .
16 It shows that they accept each other 's utterances ( even if they disagree with them ) and it indicates their willingness to interact and to keep on interacting .
17 If we have such a periodical the key question to ask , and to keep on asking , is , ‘ Who is it written for ? ’
18 The problem throughout is to identify what motivates financial participants to choose one option rather than another in pursuing the basic aims of any corporate system : to create wealth and to keep on doing so .
19 ‘ Only one thing is certain in this life — I shall love you , and want you , and keep on wanting you until I die . ’
20 That 's the question we all have to ask , and keep on asking .
21 However , the withering or die-back can run back beyond the node before the plant is able to form a self protective barrier of special cells , and keep on running , even into the main stem , and obviously cause serious trouble .
22 She wanted to turn tail and run and keep on running away from him , away from what she might discover , away from what could only break her heart , yet she knew that was impossible .
23 Where once he felt like giving up , he now has the zeal and determination to push further and harder and keep on going until there is real change in the way mankind behaves .
24 And she came to Whitfield , and she said Mr Whitfield , why is it that you keep on preaching on this , and you keep on using this text , and keep on saying you must be born again ?
25 But I 'd get off at the Meinhof , looking straight ahead and keep on walking and I 'd feel this presence move up beside me .
26 You have to be very strong , very offensive not very nice to people and keep on attacking the interviewee .
27 The telephone rang twenty , forty , a hundred times , and kept on ringing .
28 I just went up to him and kept on kissing him and begged : ‘ No kill , no kill . ’
29 Except , that is , on the day when he woke up roaring — and kept on roaring .
30 Pat and Chris were very fond of animals , and kept on throwing things for Sausage , whom they knew , of course , as Fido .
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