Example sentences of "and [verb] them [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Harvest the seeds in July-August by cutting the seedheads just before the first seeds start to fall , and hanging them over a tray in a dry airy place .
2 Heads could make better use of their time by paying attention to those encouraging little friendly attributes , searching for the successes of others and praising them shamelessly .
3 Practitioners of such technically adept management , the new ‘ professional managers ’ of United States business schools , have recently been lambasted both for their failure to conceive strategies and to implement them as well as for their systematic choice of self-defeating strategies ( Hayes and Abernathy , 1980 ; see also Hayes and Wheelwright , 1984 ; Hayes et al. , 1988 ) .
4 Both philology and Catholicism are here presented as ‘ languages ’ which Julia is unable to master because she wants to question them and change them rather than accept their inherent systematicity .
5 we 're prepared to look at the the client reports and change them so that they become as good as we , we can get them .
6 Put him on so and so , and so and so on that , and change them about .
7 More sepoys poured forward over the bodies of their fellows and a number of the defenders who had lingered too long hammering nails into the vents of the cannons were cut down as they tried to make their way back to the shelter of the buildings ; many more would have perished had not a small rescuing party which included Rayne , Fleury , half a dozen Sikhs and a couple of Eurasian clerks , wielding sabres and bayonets , surged forward in a sudden counter-attack to surround their companions and drag them back .
8 They brought out large packs of cigarettes — then rationed — and shared them out among the men who were on the road watching .
9 ‘ People would expect me to come into a room and crack them up , ’ Rowan , 36 , told Cosmopolitan magazine .
10 It was a common thing to find people searching the garbage heaps for orange peel , old bones or other refuse , and eating them greedily when found .
11 Maybe we should drive round to Fahan and track them down . ’
12 Mrs Hollidaye took off her leather gloves and laid them neatly on top of her handbag on the pew beside her , straightened her hat and unhooked a cushion which hung from a brass hook beneath the shelf .
13 Very slowly she took the headphones off and laid them carefully on the table , her eyes never leaving Luke 's for a moment .
14 She rolled the two cloaks into a bundle and laid them down on the shore where the tide could come and take them .
15 One was the passage from the fifteenth chapter of Genesis in which Abraham cut up a heifer , a goat and a ram and laid them out at the Lord 's command , driving the vultures away , falling at last into a deep sleep with ‘ a horror of great darkness ’ .
16 But he put up no defence ; he simply raised his hands and laid them lightly on Gentle 's shoulders .
17 And she cut a dozen and a half splendid blooms and laid them reverently in Sally-Anne 's trug .
18 There are , for example , points of difference between the two men themselves in terms of background and , very probably , of character and disposition which , could one know them fully and evaluate them properly , might allow a closer and more subtle comparison .
19 Although in poor health in 1912 , he accepted an offer to be chairman of the delegates to the Congress of the Deaf in Paris 1912 on their visit to London and entertained them lavishly .
20 It is this anger , more or less contained , which speaks through the extraordinary images created by Heartfield in his life-long struggle against fascism and for Communism , and renders them so memorable .
21 He eventually managed to assemble about 170 of his foot , all that had survived , and some 450 horsemen , and led them southwards towards Coldstream , by what was long remembered as Johnny Cope 's road' , and thence next day to Berwick .
22 She crossed to the doorway and led them away from the shed .
23 The sentries had been primed to admit him without challenge , Alexei noted , and as soon as his escort had dismounted a trooper wearing the gorget of a provost came out of the gatehouse and led them away towards the stables .
24 ‘ Nice to meet you , Chief Inspector , ’ he said with automatic politeness , then considered what he had just said , decided it was beyond explanation and led them upstairs to his office .
25 Stephen accepted the compliment and led them out onto the terrace , asking as he did so , ‘ What would you like to drink ? ’
26 He pushed open the door at the top and led them out on to the roof , a broad expanse bounded by a high crenellated wall .
27 Snorting at the friar 's apparent stupidity , Cranston turned his horse and led them out of the main alleyways of Southwark .
28 Corbett just grinned over his shoulder and led them out on to the beaten track down to the village of Woodstock .
29 The porter threw one venomous look at Ranulf , slammed the jack of ale down on the bench , grumblingly unlocked the postern door and led them out on to the white , dusty forest track which snaked between the trees down to Godstowe village .
30 They must have walked for about another ten minutes and could glimpse the blue wood-smoke rising above the trees from Godstowe village when suddenly the porter stopped , turned left , and led them along a narrow beaten trackway into the forest .
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