Example sentences of "and [verb] from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the houses stood out by dint of their brightly painted front doors but mostly the only sign of decoration was the washing on the lines and hanging from windows .
2 Statistics already show that black women , less susceptible to the street violence and drug problems that undermine their brothers , are now more likely than black men to matriculate and graduate from university .
3 Servants too ought to be diligent and refrain from gaming and other dissolute pursuits , although at the same time they were fully entitled to ‘ competent wages and clothing with trew payments of the same ’ .
4 The new figures , based on measurements from satellites and checked from ground stations , show that the rate of depletion doubled in the 1980s compared to the 1970s .
5 In the same way , it is possible to move forward in a free-wheeling way , making adjustments as required and recovering from mistakes .
6 I could n't look as I stood helplessly at the top of stairs listening to him bumping and thudding from step to step until he reached the bottom .
7 Among the most popular are fromage blanc and fromage frais from France , and quark from Germany .
8 In secret he extended the raids into Cambodia in an attempt to interrupt the flow of men and supplies from North Vietnam ( the Vietcong had long used the Ho Chi Minh trail through Cambodia for this purpose ) .
9 Tried soaking the matches in paint , he wrote , and firing from toy cannon .
10 Everywhere , cursors blinked and winked from monitor screens .
11 Tassi was jailed but by then the slander of Artemesia 's name was complete : she was branded a whore , later married off to a stranger and banished from Rome .
12 By November of that year Henry the Lion had been defeated and banished from Germany for three years .
13 Colour printing for exhibitions and displays from reversal originals ( from April 1991 ) .
14 By May 1984 , after America had invaded Grenada and withdrawn from Lebanon , this figure had declined to less than 20% .
15 An individual who is passive , utterly apathetic and withdrawn from community life is no true citizen .
16 That the Select Committee have power to sit notwithstanding any adjournment of the House , to adjourn from place to place within the United Kingdom and to report from day to day the Minutes of Evidence taken before it .
17 This fragmentary evidence could not , strictly speaking , be regarded as cumulative , being based on a variety of different criteria and deriving from children with varying degrees of residence in Britain , to mention just two complicating factors .
18 That summer she gained a place at London University , and parted from Walter Ash .
19 Four contemporary artists turn the tables and borrow from advertising
20 At first the sounds coming from Kensington had been merely confusing ; they heard the phone go down , heard Quinn shout ‘ Stay there ’ at someone , then a series of bangs , confused shouts and cries from McCrea and Somerville , then a series of regular bangs , as if someone was kicking a door .
21 There was a clear feeling on the part of some Councillors that , since the School was no longer under their sole control and since they now had their own Technical School to worry about ( they had been responsible for its organization and financing from March 1892 ) , they need no longer be too concerned about the Grammar School .
22 What 's yellow and white and goes from London to Birmingham at 125mph ?
23 I am able to examine concepts , she thought , to test values , for I have thought things out , I am not like my sister who bakes and cleans and shops and irons , and goes from day to day , never realising what her mind might discover , content to accept what has always been told her , without a doubt .
24 Rebecque , his eyes red and swollen from hay fever , reined his horse alongside Sharpe .
25 The heat was intense now , it was mid-morning , nearing the zenith , and the men steamed in their huddles , as the firepower battered them , their eyes red and swollen from smoke and weariness and the horror of the mutilations and deaths among their companions .
26 Even to open the letter was a burden and she waited until she was alone and hidden from view to do so .
27 They are easily accessible and hidden from view .
28 It 's here that the gravity-fed , pump-returned ‘ underground ’ filter comes into its own , as it can be boarded over and hidden from view .
29 It 's extremely difficult for me to think of women as people who do not work ; their work , moreover , is visible and comprehensible ; they can explain , or show to children what they do and how — unlike men , whose process of getting money is mysterious and hidden from view .
30 BELOW Stone walls were often used as field boundaries , but when they are no longer maintained and collapse , they can quickly become overgrown with vegetation and hidden from view .
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